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My arrival

The same night Master Aro rescued me from my creator  we left for Volterra, to be honest I was scared because I did not know what to expect, even if during the whole trip down to Italy I was explained what I was going to do, what my role in the guard would be, I was still worried because I knew my life was spared because of my gift ,one I did not know how to control or use properly.

When we arrived, I immediately fell in love with my new home , it was gorgeous under the moonlight and…


Added by Corin Volturi on May 17, 2012 at 1:17am — No Comments

So crazy busy!

These past weeks have been quite stressful. It’s the first time I ever have to juggle between friends needing support, work at the store, being here for a brother in need and patrols in the woods. Having a friend losing someone they care about deeply isn’t easy. I always promised Caroline and Mark I’d be there if they needed me for anything and that’s what I did. When they called me to tell me their grand father passed away, I knew that Caroline would need both me and Mark around. She was…


Added by Embry Call on May 16, 2012 at 3:43pm — No Comments

A Mother's Last Words

Running, running as fast as I can to get back to the countryside to be back with my mother and sisters. Afraid that the ghost of my father will follow me, afraid that I would be caught… the words from Astaroth repeating in my ears… Power to stand against any man… even an army… stay out of the sun… don’t attract too much attention… the screams of the people I murdered and the limp body of my father on the floor in that room.

Reaching the country house, I search for my mother…


Added by Alistair DeCarnys on May 15, 2012 at 4:00am — 1 Comment

Welcome Home Mother!

Sitting at Amun's desk going over their accounts and paying bills as instructed by Amun before they left. Wishing every moment I was in their home they would come walking in and be home.

I hear a door open and close just thinking that it was the housekeeper I continue my work. Trying hard not to give in to the…


Added by Benjamin Naifeh Atiyeh on May 14, 2012 at 9:40pm — 1 Comment

Journal post entry 14 May, 2012

Vlad is selling wine like mad. We live a vey comfortable existence of late. I know it will be short lived but as of right now we're enjoying it and as the saying goes, "we're living high off the hog"

It's easy to get lazy with this sort of life style but trust me, we are doing nothing of the sort. We are well aware that the Volturi know of our whereabouts and we're laying as low as possible as to stay under the radar. Vlad and I have discussed rebuilding our coven but at this time we…


Added by Stefan cel Rau on May 14, 2012 at 9:56am — No Comments

Mothers day 2012

Just like the past 3 years, this mothers day was perfect, Sam spoils me the whole weekend, not that it's only time when he does but he says it's more special than any other occasion because he also celebrates our wonderful family, and he is right my family is wonderful and perfect.

This weekend started Saturday morning when he did not allow me to get up and make them breakfast he said he would do it, I got up with him though but he did not allow me to help not even with Shay, he took…


Added by Emily Uley on May 13, 2012 at 10:11pm — No Comments

A letter to Sam


Laying here in this hospital bed has only made me realize, I have fallen in love with you that I cannot be without you, right now it feels like if a part of me is missing and it is because you are not here with me. I know you blame yourself for what happen, Jared told me, but please know that it was not your fault, it was an accident, and one I don’t hold you…


Added by Emily Uley on May 13, 2012 at 11:27am — 1 Comment

The Spring Bouquet

As I walked along a dusty path

I saw a fleck of blue

And tucked beneath a Douglas Fir

These flowers grew for you

I only picked a handful

I left more than I took

A perfect little blue bouquet

To decorate a nook

I rushed right home to tie a bow

Of perfect green and blue

To fall into your loving arms

And hand them straight to you

Eternally Yours, Carlisle Cullen, MD 2012/5.12…


Added by Carlisle Cullen MD on May 12, 2012 at 7:41pm — No Comments

Visiting my Past

During the past few months, I have been wondering a little more about my past and what had happen to my father after my change, so I decided to talk to Master Aro and ask his permition, the first one after all this centuries, to go back to Reims, and to be honest I was surprised when he said yes under the condition to come back as soon as possible or if needed, and of course I agreed.

After a few days of planning and thinking of what I really wanted to find, I left Volterra in the…


Added by Corin Volturi on May 10, 2012 at 6:27pm — 3 Comments

A favourite of mine.

I have many favourite poems but this is my favourite above all others. I thought I would share it with you all. 


Home is the place your heart resides

Home is the place that you decide

Home is the womb that holds the soul

Home is the place where one is whole

Home is the glow you hold in your eye

Home is the emotion that makes you cry

Home is safe and a place of peace

Home is where all…


Added by Heidi of the Volturi on May 10, 2012 at 2:46pm — No Comments

Oh how I love that man !

Jacob Black is the keeper of my heart, the man of my dreams. He has always been there from the very first moments I entered this world. The first moment he looked at me, his eyes captivated my heart.

When I am near him, I feel like I hover around the earth. My feet unable to stay on the ground and yet he is the one that grounds me, my anchor.

When I am without him even just for a short while, my world is a shade of blue, everything tinted by the sadness I feel from missing…


Added by Renesmee Black-Cullen on May 10, 2012 at 2:36am — No Comments

All bymyself

I must admit at times it’s really hard to be as different as I am, I can’t even start to imagine how it must be for Mum and Dad, I mean I have only been with them for 5 years. But even though in actual years I might be 5, that’s where my similarity to a young child ends.  I can’t even say my appearance helps to make it easier because physically I look 16 and so I guess it’s understandable that I get treated more like a child than the mature young woman I know I am. Although when you start…


Added by Renesmee Black-Cullen on May 9, 2012 at 8:02am — No Comments

Young Love.

Does young love ever last?

Or will it fade as time goes on?


He makes me smile, he makes me giggle, he makes my heart flutter and my stomach turn and have butterflies. I can't help but squeal with love. My song is full of passion and happiness.


The 6th of May, 2012 will be a day I will always remember; the first day I actually met Josh.…


Added by Erin ~Hockey Princess~ Gates on May 6, 2012 at 6:17pm — No Comments


I am sure that everyone has a different view on what they think of that day every year when they add another year to their age.  I have faint memories of human birthdays. They were always pleasing. The years after my change and before I joined the Volturi family. I never celebrated my birthday. There was a burning hatred to the woman who turned me and I didn't want to think about being frozen at 20. I admit I was pleased when she Hilda was…


Added by Heidi of the Volturi on May 5, 2012 at 8:59am — 1 Comment

A Memorable Kill

I recall watching the ocean of people in the streets.  It was some sort of celebration and the bars were just closing.  There's one person in particular that caught my eyes.  A well-built, muscular man wearing a blue polo shirt.  Watching him stumble over himself causes me to laugh loudly.  His bright blue eyes catch my onyx pair.  There was no hiding anymore.  Instead, I hover by the tree I had been hiding behind, trying to lure him over.  Still stumbling, he approaches me slowly.  It…


Added by Jane Volturi on April 30, 2012 at 9:30pm — No Comments

So what I thought was a healthy relationship

So my dad and I had planned on another outting back to Seattle, was going out to eat again, and I was thinking about introducing him to Jared. The day came and went without incident. He never showed and he never called to let me know he wasn't coming. I went back out to my old tree house, blaming myself for thinking that he was finally going to step up and be a dad to me, when he hadn't in 22 years. I was thinking about calling him and demanding why he did this, when my mom came home from…


Added by Kylla Randolph on April 25, 2012 at 8:55am — 1 Comment

Meeting my dad

So I'm sitting alone up in my old treehouse from when I was a kid, when my cell rings. It was my dad, he wanted to meet somewhere for lunch and where was a nice place to sit down and talk to get to know each other. At this point, I still wasn't even sure about wanting to meet him, since he left us so many years ago, as well as pretty upset with my mom for giving him my cell number, when I wasn't yet ready to face him yet. I mean I hadn't even told Jared. Well I decided it was time to have a…


Added by Kylla Randolph on April 21, 2012 at 6:01pm — 2 Comments

letter to father

dear father,

I miss you by the minute your all the way in florida, i feel like crying for you have gone your separate way andI shall go mine.

love always,


Added by Tori Alexis Cremona on April 20, 2012 at 7:04am — 1 Comment

A letter to my daughter


My dear,sweet little girl, sitting here watching you play, seeing how big you are getting,…

Added by Emily Uley on April 16, 2012 at 3:42pm — 2 Comments

Alone time

Walking out of mine and my mom's house, I was headed to our back yard, not really caring at the moment that I was alone. I needed some alone time, from my mom talking to me about my dad, and seeing at how old I was, how he finally wanted to know who I was, and what I had become. I don't even know what to say or think about that. I mean I always wanted to know my dad, when I was younger, but now that I'm older, I don't know. I mean yeah, I would still like to know where I came from, but me…


Added by Kylla Randolph on April 14, 2012 at 7:18pm — 1 Comment

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