Does young love ever last?

Or will it fade as time goes on?


He makes me smile, he makes me giggle, he makes my heart flutter and my stomach turn and have butterflies. I can't help but squeal with love. My song is full of passion and happiness.


The 6th of May, 2012 will be a day I will always remember; the first day I actually met Josh. I loved him since Febuary when we first got together then things happened and we drifted apart.

But today... that day.. I can't help but say 'I want you as mine' about him. I've shot him down twice and he is still wanting me as his too. Is that even possible?


I can't help but scream to the world "I love him!" But I'm not sure if I could end up getting hurt.


Young love most of the time doesn't work, but what if this is that rare one that lasts.

I love him, but is that wrong?

I want to have my first kiss be him. And only him.

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