I was nothing special just a girl who loved her father and would do anything for him. My father worked hard to give me every opportunity in life maybe because I only knew my mum for a short time but I'd like to think it was because he wanted me to be anything I wanted to be. It was my last year of university in Australia he got very ill. Somehow I knew he was ready to die. He's only wish was to travel to America and meet some native Americans. (He had worked with aboriginals and wanted to see if there were any diffrences in the Native American culture.) I was studying medicine and made him promise to go to the town I chose. There was only one doctor in America I'd want to treat my father and he worked in Forks. Before he got too weak we traveled to seatle by plane then I hired a car and drove us to Forks. We stayed at a bed and breakfast. I finished my Medical degree and looked after my father. I inlisted carlisle's help to monitor my father with the help of my university teachers. (Luckily I graduated top of my class.)
One such day Carlisle was replacing my fathers morphine drip and I started hissing at him much like a cat.
"Are you alright?" He asked me.
"Yes sorry." I replied.
"Kellianne please see if an Reservation elder will come and see me." Dad asked.
I started to argue with him but stopped when Carlisle turned and looked at me. His eyes said everything I knew but didn't want to be true. I drove onto the Reservation and did as he asked then drove to the beach and cried. The last member of my family was not going to last the night. I watched the local boys jump off the cliff into the ocean below. That was something I was going to try one day. I wiped my eyes and headed back to my father. The elder that I learnt was Mr Black glared at me as we passed other. Our eyes met and I felt a chill go down my spine. I took no notice of how he made me feel and rushed to my fathers bed.
"Dad are you Ok?" I asked
"I don't have long take this it'll tell you everything you need to know." He said as he shoved a white leather bound book into my hands.
"Dad don't......."
It was too later he was gone. I took the book from him and rested my head on his chest.
"Kellianne he told me what he wanted I'll take care if everything." Carlisle said as he placed his hand on my shoulder.
I turned and faced him and asked, "What do I do now? I am all alone everyone I loved is dead."
"I don't know but I would start by reading that book there." He replied pointing to the book I tightly held in my arms.
"I guess I have to start somewhere but......." I said not knowing where I could go to be alone.
"I go out into the woods and read all the time. I'll take care of him." Carlisle replied as if he could read my mind.
I headed into the woods and found a nice rock to sit on and started reading the book.
The first page was written by my father, 'If you are reading this I must be no longer with you. I'm sorry I never got to tell you about our family secrets but this book should tell you everything you need to know and if not go to Forks the Quileute tribe should be able to help you. My only daughter I was recently contacted by a lawyer and it seems you have been left a fortune by your great aunt. But now to the biggest secret our family has, you may be able to change into a big cat.'
I feel someone staring at me..........
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