All Blog Posts (1,306)

Once Upon A Time

Ok so there’s a show that I’ve grown attach to, which is Called Once Upon A Time. Its basically about fairytales but their not your ordinary fairytale, there’s a twist to all of them. And what happened is that snow whites step mother the evil queen, casted a dark spell on the fairytale land, and made all the fairytale characters trapped in a small town called storybroke but they don’t know who each other are or who they originally were.

A lot of people call me crazy for this but for…


Added by Kelsey best on October 12, 2012 at 7:00pm — 1 Comment


I still remember the day Mina arrived , the guard found her while they were patrolling the outskirts of Volterra back when the Masters traveled back and forth to America, due to the  Vampire wars in the Southern part of that country. 

She was definitely scared of our family even as she was one of our kind herself, upon her arrival seeing how scared she was, Lady Sulpicia and Lady Athenodora asked me to use my gift on her to make her happy to be among us and that way see if she would…


Added by Corin Volturi on October 4, 2012 at 9:27pm — 1 Comment

My Birthday

This year my birthday started with my favorite breakfast in bed made by the two most important people in my life, my husband and my daughter, and of course with Shay jumping on the bed to wake me up yelling “Happy Birthday mommy”  and giving me a huge hug and kiss, followed by Sam. We sat on the bed and had breakfast together as we watched Shay’s cartoons, after we finished breakfast we got ready to go out where, well I did not know at this point all they kept saying was it’s a surprise, and…


Added by Emily Uley on October 3, 2012 at 9:35pm — No Comments


I can still remember the first time at school where we had to study art.  Most of the guys were making fun of the classical pieces that our teacher was showing us and talking about them. Some of the kids were annoyed because we were having to study euopean art. I even remember one of the older kids asking why we weren't taking this time to learn more about our own tribal arts.

Our teacher simply stated that to truly understand art, you needed to study as many forms as you could. That…


Added by Jared Cameron on October 3, 2012 at 5:00am — No Comments

I can't believe this happened to me.....

    "So I really like you and......"

    "You do? Since  when?"

    "Since that first day I saw you walk into the classroom with your hair pulled up in a ponytail and you were wearing that bright blue 'Why care?!' t-shirt. I just couldn't help but notice that you were beautiful and I can't stop thinking about you. That i love you and i don't wanna live one more day without bein able to call you mine."

    "Really?! I feel the same way about you! I've wanted to tell you…


Added by Robin Johnston on October 1, 2012 at 7:00pm — 2 Comments

About me

My name is Madeline McGuire but  you can call me maddy 

Im 14 years old.

i live in england. 

i love reading, writing and going out with friends 

i am funny, kind and loving 

you can find my Facebook here 

my twitter is @maddy1998xx…


Added by Maddy McGuire on October 1, 2012 at 11:46am — 2 Comments

Sailing Adventures

I leave my home on Thursday last week for a trip that would either make, or break me. It was late, and the trip rather long. So we stayed at a Motel that night. Then left early Friday morning for the last leg of the journey. I really wasn't sure what to expect. We stopped in Baltimore for a bit to explore the Chesepeak Bay harbor area there. Quite the fast paced lifestyle. And all the HUUUGE cargo ships. I'd never seen anything like that before in my life. Ships, yachts, sailboats of verying… Continue

Added by Paula Arvin on October 1, 2012 at 8:16am — No Comments

Wishful Thinking

As of recently, I was plagued by a bout of "wishful thinking," as many people call it.  I had been wandering the castle grounds by myself.  Alec was preoccupied with whatever it was he was doing in his chambers.  All I know is when I came by and knocked, all I heard was whooshing noises.  He must have been playing.  I didn't want to disturb anyone else in the castle to ask if they'd like to accompany me as I patrolled the castle. 

Everything was very quiet.  The tourists, also…


Added by Jane Volturi on September 30, 2012 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Camping with the Egyptians

After deciding to purchase that exquisite vehicle, I picked up Tia and we decided to camp across the US.

We wanted to look like normal people out camping so we stopped at the local camping store. There we got some great camping tips:

Pack light and pack smart

Make a list of items you will need and cross about 50% of it off your…


Added by Benjamin Naifeh Atiyeh on September 30, 2012 at 11:22am — No Comments

What is a triathlon?

Resting in the oak trees at a beautiful lake in California. I look at my watch and see the time. “No normal humans are up at this hour”, I murmur to myself.

I hear the testing of the PA system and become curious as to what these mortals are doing on this day.

Banners and fences are being erected. Still more testing of the PA…


Added by Alistair DeCarnys on September 30, 2012 at 10:33am — No Comments

An Ordinary Life

My human memories seem to be disappearing the longer I am what I am.  Most of the memories that still remain are those of my brother, Alec, and myself.  Most other things that occurred in my human life are a blur.  I blame most of it because I don't often think about anything else besides the betrayal of my mother and father against Alec and I.  Therefore, the only memories I…


Added by Jane Volturi on September 27, 2012 at 1:16pm — No Comments

Just a silhouette

I remember several times that my father took me with him when he went out to do his clergy duties. I remember one particular time a little clearer than most of the others because I wrote it down in a journal. I was 17 and he had told me that I am now old enough to learn about death. My father was an intense man, his famous line was, "Life is too short for pleasantries and nonsense" His work was serious and he didn't take kindly to any messing around. My memories of him are sketchy at best…


Added by Carlisle Cullen MD on September 27, 2012 at 9:30am — No Comments

If only this day could last forever

Siting on one of the big couches in the lounge, I snuggle in with my cup of hot Chocolate. These quite times in the house are always the best. Mom and Dad are back and home feels home again. I can tell they feel guilty for being away for such a long time and no matter how many times I say its fine, I can see in their eyes the fear that somehow I feel abandoned. As if that can ever happen, with Jake and the rest of the Family around.


So when they do decide to go to the main…


Added by Renesmee Black-Cullen on September 26, 2012 at 6:24am — No Comments

web publishing

Ok, so I don’t know if this will work on the blog or not with all these tabs, but I’ll try, just so you know the text that is in-between < > are tabs, and aren’t supposed to be showing. :)

Since I did say in my other blog that I would tell you about Web publishing, since that blog was getting too long, and I try to keep my blogs to a certain length.

So there’s this thing I downloaded on my computer called Notepad ++ its free and easy to download. Here’s the link in case…


Added by Kelsey best on September 12, 2012 at 2:00pm — 1 Comment

Freshman year of Highschool

So last week I had started highschool. It's a bit tough, not the classes yet,but just trying to get around without getting trampled by other freshmen and older students. I'm shocked that I havent gotten trampled yet. The hallways are the worst. especially when you have to turn corners, or in the center where 2 hallways connect. >./span>

people are soooo sloooow. I guess they don't care about getting to class on time,…


Added by Kelsey best on September 12, 2012 at 1:30pm — 1 Comment

A Week Full of Sorrow: A Week of Remembrance

Every year, for the last 3 years I've taken this week for my vacation.  I don't go anywhere.  I call it a mental health break.  I volunteer at the United States Air Force Marathon during the weekend, but for the rest of the week its just to relax, heal, and let this week pass. 


This is the week my beloved brother died of Melanoma.  He was 30.  He left behind a son, then 2 and a much loved wife of only 4 years.  He was a Tech Sergeant in the Air Force, stationed in Las Vegas…


Added by Angelia on September 10, 2012 at 7:21pm — 1 Comment

my life of twilight

i love twight saga so much that i have the books n movies but breaking dawn part2 n i love the cullen family.

Added by CaRessa Hinkle on September 9, 2012 at 2:29pm — No Comments

The Day I Returned to School

 Memories can be a strange thing. Sometime the things you remember can seem like they happened just yesterday, and other times they seem like something that happend months or years ago. Longer than when the event actually happened. There's one memory that always seems to feel like yesterday for me. It was the day I had things under control enough to return to school. Sam was very insistant that finishing school was…


Added by Jared Cameron on September 4, 2012 at 1:58pm — 2 Comments

my life

Im CaRessa Hinkle im a country girl by heart i was raie on the farm so i know bout framing life

Added by CaRessa Hinkle on September 2, 2012 at 8:13am — 1 Comment


So those who don’t know what Quotev/quizazz is, it’s a story sharing site, and another roleplay place in the groups. So I’ve been running out of ideas on what to write in blogs, and as I was reading my past blogs, I noticed that I never mentioned that I love to write stories. So on Quizazz/quotev, I have 2 accounts, I usually only use one but every once in a while I’ll go on my other.most of them are Twilight based, and some are based on The Vampire Diaries. Don’t worry you don’t need an…


Added by Kelsey best on September 1, 2012 at 8:00am — No Comments

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