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In Time...

I awoke with a gasp, my heart beating one hundred miles a minute and that horrific sense of knowing that everything is not alright... You always assume that when you wake from a nightmare that everything will be ok. Right? What if waking up to the reality is far worse?

I felt like a stranger in my home, hell I felt like an intruder in my own life. Apologies, for I would normally not use such language but at this moment... I am beyond caring.

We tip toe through this house and…


Added by Sue Clearwater on March 4, 2012 at 2:10am — 1 Comment

Our first camping trip.

"Sue....... Have you seen my new fly?" Rolling my eyes as I continued to pack Seth's clothes, "Take a look in that third drawer Harry, the one in my grandmother's dresser". The rattling continued from downstairs until I heard a triumphant FOUND IT! And then, "Why do we have a hockey puck in here?" followed by..."Now if I can just find my favourite hook to go with it", he went back to muttering as the telephone rang in the background. "Daddy's funny", Seth laughed as he wandered around the…


Added by Sue Clearwater on March 2, 2012 at 4:23pm — 1 Comment

An insight into the Volturi Lure.

-waves my hand in greeting- Welcome. I thought I would share an insight into how I became to be the fisher for the Volturi and also a slight insight into my brief human life.


I was born into a large German family in Germany in 1530. I was given the name Heidi upon my birth and I was the youngest of seven children. I was spoilt by my parents and siblings as I was the youngest. You could say that I took great pleasure in being spoiled by my family.…


Added by Heidi of the Volturi on March 1, 2012 at 7:00am — No Comments

A night of memories

A few nights ago, while I was watching Ayasha sleep, I started remembering the day she was born, I remembered being scared and in pain and I even remembered yelling at Sam that it was all his fault. I remembered all the support I had that day from Becs ,Dr. Cullen and specially from Sam, he did not let go of my hand even when I was digging my nails into his flesh, he never let me go,it was only until the last moment when Dr. Cullen called him over to his side so he could be the first one to…


Added by Emily Uley on February 28, 2012 at 8:49pm — 2 Comments

A Letter to Mother and Father...

My mother and father,

I am aware that you are no longer alive.  You are, I hope, exactly where you both should be: in the inferno.  That's right!  I hope you both are eternally burning!  How dare the both of you not fight to keep Alec and I from being tied up like witches on a stick, suspended over a burning fire!  How could any parent subject their children to that torture and not do everything they could to keep them from a fate such as the one Alec and I were thrown into?!?  I'll…


Added by Jane Volturi on February 20, 2012 at 3:36pm — 1 Comment

A Dream come true Valentine's Day

I am a hopeless romantic. Then again I am sure that all girls are. Nothing can compare to the feeling of having your favourite person in the whole wide world, treat you like a Queen. The flower, which somehow finds its way to your pillow. The little box of chocolates hidden away in your school bag with the note that says *I love you, Babes*

These are some of the things I have become accustomed with since Jake and I became more serious. When Grandma said we all going to the Island, I…


Added by Renesmee Black-Cullen on February 17, 2012 at 1:57pm — No Comments

My Father's Signet Ring

I have one thing that has never left my possession and that is my father's iron signet ring.

The history of the signet ring is fascinating. To put it short, a signet ring was used as a person's signature.

Many powerful people, even Lords, could not read or write so they created a symbol that was uniquely their own. When a scribe completed a document for them…


Added by Stefan cel Rau on February 15, 2012 at 9:16am — No Comments

Happy Valentine's Day

To all of you:  I hope you have a great Valentine's week.  I've missed quite a few events and I'll probably miss more due to work.  But I'm still around and I miss you all. 

Added by Angelia on February 11, 2012 at 9:22pm — No Comments

Bright Days in Egypt

I am often asked how an Egyptian vampire survives without a trace in the Egyptian sun.

There are many ways to do this in Egypt.

One of the oldest ways would be to dress as a Bedouin would. The term 'Bedu'in' in Arabic refers to one who lives out in the open in the desert. The Arabic word 'Badawiyin' is a generic name for a desert dweller and the English word 'Bedouin' is derived from this.

The most recognized person would be Peter…


Added by Benjamin Naifeh Atiyeh on February 6, 2012 at 9:45pm — 1 Comment

An Escape...

As I type this blog entry, I am in a cabin that I assume is rather warm, but I wouldn’t know.  Freezing cold, blistering hot, it all seems the same to me.  It all seems the same to all of our kind unless we are thrown into a fire, but hope to your deity that you have dismembered us or you will be put to death upon contact.  So, why am I at my laptop typing while I’m on a lovely vacation with my brother, you ask?  I honestly cannot answer that for you without having to dig…


Added by Jane Volturi on February 3, 2012 at 11:54am — No Comments

George, Nicholas and Joseph

*Copyright CullensOnline  2/2/2012 - No part may be used without written consent of the author*

The winter of my sixth year changed my life forever. It's the year we went from a family of two to a family of five. 

It was a particularly rough winter, fever had run rampant through father's congregation taking lives in an alarming rate. My father spent many a night away sitting bedside with dying congregants. I learned to fend for myself a lot that…


Added by Carlisle Cullen MD on February 2, 2012 at 9:30am — No Comments

Just a Dream

The day was not so long ago, it was just before the holidays, Sam had left for his afternoon patrol and I had just put Ayasha down for her nap, since I knew it would be about an hour before she woke up and it was still early to get dinner started , I decided to read a little so I went into the living room and picked up my book sitting down on the couch curling my legs underneath…


Added by Emily Uley on January 24, 2012 at 10:12pm — 2 Comments

What precautions?

Things around the castle have been unsettling and different.  I've been keeping my mind occupied after the events that have occurred.  This is what has been keeping me from going on an unnecessary bloodbath.  I will not admit the emotions I may (or may not) be feeling after losing Demetri and Heidi overnight.  Those emotions (if they exist) are for only me to know and for me to deal with in my own way.

Now that I don't have Demetri and Heidi to poke fun of about their obvious love for…


Added by Jane Volturi on January 21, 2012 at 11:33am — No Comments


Emily's eyes flickered as I knelt down beside her... her eyes were searching my face as though she needed to pour out her heart to me. "Shh Emmy, everything is going to be alright, no talking ok". I smiled reassuringly to her and nodded to Jarod to keep her still as he cradled her gently in his arms. As an experienced nurse I was used to seeing trauma, but this was different... this was Emily! It wasn't just that I had known Emily since the day she was born, she and Leah had grown up like…


Added by Sue Clearwater on January 17, 2012 at 3:39am — 1 Comment

Chelsea... A Friend!

The heat from the afternoon sun hung like a heavy blanket, that was both intense and suffocating. None of this affected myself or the other inhabitants of the castle, but the town of Volterra itself had grown quiet with most of the humans enjoying their afternoon siesta.

The towns longest established cobbler had not gone home for lunch this day, but instead was snoring quietly as he reclined in his rocker. Protected from the sun's glare by the immense stone wall of his small store,…


Added by Carmen Denali on January 17, 2012 at 3:35am — No Comments

My new baby

My new baby is my pink Ferrari! My stepfather bought it for me for Christmas. She runs like a beauty. It has a zebra print leather interior inside. Yes it was custom made for my likings. Lucas knows me too well *  grins * I am actually liking it more than my…


Added by Aly Evrett on January 16, 2012 at 6:18am — No Comments

Albuquerque Comic Con

I went to Albuquerque Comic Con today. It wasn't what I expected. First of all, I was excited because of the guest list. Attending the con were Kristen Bauer (Pam in True Blood) , Gil Birmingham and Sam Trammell among other guests but they were the ones I was most excited for. Unfortunately Sam Trammell cancelled at the last minute and the con didn't know until like an hour before he was supposed to show up. I was bummed. But Kristen Bauer was awesome. She was soooo nice. Gil was cool too. I…


Added by Pamela Marie on January 14, 2012 at 9:06pm — No Comments

In my mind.

In my mind, I'm like Bella. Beautiful, Flawless, Funny, Amazing. Almost everything i'll never be. She's everything I personally wish to be. Then there's that one thing that clings in my mind. Dont get me wrong I love my life and the people in it) a  Vampire. If only I could be more like her. She's everyting that everyone likes. I'm just plain old boring...well, me.  The thought is…


Added by Rose Santos on December 31, 2011 at 4:30pm — 2 Comments

Ringing in the New Year, Romanian Style

The bear is a symbol of strength and courage in Romania, and through out the country, Bears are at the heart of an unusual New Year festival designed to chase away evil spirits. Children and adolescents are dressed from head to foot in bear-skin pelts. It's an old tradition for people to wear brightly colored costumes or bear pelts & travel to different houses dancing to ward off evil. The children sing children sing …


Added by Stefan cel Rau on December 26, 2011 at 7:51am — 1 Comment

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Added by Kat on December 25, 2011 at 1:40am — No Comments

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