All Blog Posts (1,306)


Well, how are things? I have not had the pleasure to be on in quite sometime. .... I miss it very much. I miss my escape here. :D I love what has been done to the place. ;D the colors are outstanding. :D

It's so funny. I feel like I'm waking from a bad dream. I was talking with Megan yesterday and I said somthing about feeling bad and that I didn't like it. So, you know what Roma(age 8) says "well, if you don't want to feel bad, don't" she said tihs with a smile and a matter…


Added by Amanda Renee Francis on June 16, 2010 at 11:33pm — No Comments


Bending down to break off a piece of mountain grass, I close my eyes as I let the feathery top run along my hand and immediately I think of home, sighing and opening my eyes, I take in my surroundings, the vast forest stretching out as far as the eye could see, the stunnig fir trees surrounding the cabin was definately what you would call picture pertfect, the sun was just beginning to dip behind the trees and despite the season the air has turned cool. This mountain which I have made my… Continue

Added by Sue Clearwater on June 16, 2010 at 8:20am — No Comments


There is a first time for everything isn't there, but how do you prepare for your first hunt, I had been a vampire for some hours now, but I had to wait till darkness fell and in the meantime my throat burned like a funace, I had never known a craving like it, it was a thirst that no water could quench. Everywhere around me I could smell what I wanted, what I needed, we lived in the middle of a city and I was surrounded by humans, but as hungry as I was, as painful as the fire was I still… Continue

Added by Carmen Denali on June 16, 2010 at 7:32am — No Comments

Esme's Song!


OMZ it's Esme!

She's sparkletastic

She's just so nice it makes my day

Just absolutely friggin fantastic!

She super smart

And good at heart

So super nice,

Gives good advice!…


Added by Destiny Julip on June 15, 2010 at 8:49pm — No Comments

Carlisle's Song!


My fantabulous friend Carlisle!

He plays the Kazoo and fixes people!

He is far more epic than all you other business people!

His Kazoo is awesomesauce!

And when he plays it,

Man, it's boss!



Added by Destiny Julip on June 15, 2010 at 8:48pm — No Comments

Innocence Lost - Part 1

Innocence Lost - part 1

I was 13 years old the first time I saw it. I followed them into the woods, keeping a safe distance when I heard the cries and saw them tear off his limbs and behead him, tossing his writhing body into the flames. I didn't dare move for fear that I would be next if they knew what I saw. I stood motionless for what felt like decades but really was merely seconds.

I backed up slowly, turned and ran barefoot back into the house. My father was a…


Added by Carlisle Cullen MD on June 15, 2010 at 10:00am — 1 Comment

My life changing experience

I’ll tell y’all a bit more about the time when my whole life changed forever. It all happened four years ago, around the time where things started to get a little crazy in our quiet side of the mountains. At that time I usually spent most of my days if not at school with my friends, hanging around the reservation with my best friends Quil and Jacob. Jake, Quil and I were always spending most, if not all of our time out of school together.

Someday, things started to change. I was… Continue

Added by Embry Call on June 14, 2010 at 11:02am — No Comments

Freaky Fred

I just read "The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner"... So so sad but I truly loved this novella. Stephanie Meyer captivated me once again!
Bree, The poor girl didn't even partake in the Riley gang. =(

As the only survivor Freaky Fred would be a great addition to the nomads on TCO. Great analyzer without knowing he should be one, has a gift, and just oozes potential. would love to c him on here

Added by Nurse Nani on June 12, 2010 at 10:31pm — No Comments

Im To Sexy- Its a game I got from Charles "Nomad" Alexandre


1. Copy and put on your blog, take my answers off and enter your own.

2. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, Ipod, Mp3 etc. on shuffle.

3. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.





Added by Felicia Salinas on June 12, 2010 at 9:23pm — No Comments

Cairo Carnival.

wow, so you are going to brave another one eh? cool! :D So, you more then likely are wondering what the heck Cairo is. Not a place in Egypt. It is an anual belly dance convention held every year in sothern Ca. Dancers from all over the country and sometimes the world come here for the con. It has been on the beautiful Queen Mary, for the last two years. Omg I love that ship. I have had some.....interesting experiances there. I got to go into the boiler room and wander around, caught a ghost on… Continue

Added by Amanda Renee Francis on June 12, 2010 at 12:28am — No Comments

Adventures in wonderland.

wow, my ear itches. XD and on that note..... I'm sorry I have been away. Been busy with a show that nobody thanked me for helping with. Jerks. I did the make up for our ballet that we just put on and you know I wasn't mentioned in the program. I have to admit that hurt. My creations walked out there on that stage and no one even knew. *shrugs. sighs*oh well. not much that can be done right. lol. It was a stressful show. Never wanted to hit someone in the face so bad, so I cried instead.…


Added by Amanda Renee Francis on June 11, 2010 at 11:56pm — No Comments

Just Me! Ha <3

Just figured I would put a lil something on here so I stole Fee's thingy and changed it to my own answers. But alas it's time for me to hop off here. Hit me up sometime peoples! <3


Name: Ashley

Nickname(s): Amo, Cuteness, Ash, Ocon


Birthday: July 2…


Added by Ashley on June 10, 2010 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment


I've been searchin for you since I was unborn. The reason, I always wondered how you look like. I kept on pushing my feet in my mother's womb nor even know what she would feel. What I only want is to get out. In the world of amusements & fears! From the darkness where I can't see any light. But I was still eager to see your face.

But suddenly, I heard some sounds, and ache of pains. Like shouts & moans. I was amazed, I saw some lights. I… Continue

Added by pr3tty4Nj on June 9, 2010 at 8:00am — No Comments

More about me then you will prolly ever know


Name: Felicia

Nickname(s): Reina, Baby, Mija, Hoochie, Miss Fee Fee


Birthday: January 7 1987

Birthplace: P-burg WV

Current Location: Defiance, OH

Eye Color: Ranges from Hazel to Green depending on my mood

Hair Color: Currently Light Brown

Lefty or Righty: Kinda both

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

What Do You Drive: That I own: 99 Chevy Venture and 96 Olds Bravada

That My in Laws Let me drive: Explorer, Jeep, Cutlass,… Continue

Added by Felicia Salinas on June 7, 2010 at 2:15pm — 1 Comment

Jane and I face to face!

Sarah W, Elizabeth Swan, and I went horseback riding in the woods. Sarah and I raced 2 the first we tied then the second she won by beating me to a bridge ahead of us. we went past the bridge then we all saw a man vampire drinking the blood of a deer. He looked at Sarah while she was coming closer and closer to him. He told her 'I am tring to change but you have given me the scent of blood'

We paniced and heard a nosie then he was gone. We rode back to the Cullen's house…


Added by Erin ~Hockey Princess~ Gates on June 5, 2010 at 10:37pm — 3 Comments

Princess Lilly and the Dance Show

This is a story I wrote for a friend and she said she'd like it on a blog. I helped her write a story for small children.

Once upon a time....There was a little princess names Princess Lilly.Princess Lilly was 6 years old and she loved to dance. "I'm going to enter the dance show today!" said Princess Lilly.
Later that day, Princess Lilly got ready for the dance show. She put on her pink leotard, her pink tutu,her pink ballet…

Added by Gabrielle Romine on June 1, 2010 at 9:09pm — No Comments

Leave starting June 7th

It has come time that things have surfaced that I will not be on as often. I hate to do this to everyone. With issues with my husband going to be away for months, I will be visiting family and traveling and not sure how much time I will be able to be on. Did not want all my friends thinking I had just up and left. You will be able to leave messages of course and I will be able to reply when I am able to get onto the internet.

Love all of…


Added by Kat on June 1, 2010 at 7:30pm — 5 Comments

Memorial Day

Today, May 31 Memorial Day. A day for remembering those past, present and future servicemembers, and their families, who serve to protect the way we live. They have put thier lives on hold and in danger. Some have returned safely home and some have paid the ultimate sacrifice. So, please remember to Thank a Soildier and/or take a moment of silience today to remember those who have paid that price.…

Added by Kat on May 31, 2010 at 8:43am — No Comments

The Mad Hatters Tea Party; AKA Happy 1st Birthday TCO

My thoughts on the events on Friday May 28, 2010:

The morning went by too fast. The day I actually had to run around like a crazy person. I was hoping to return in time. In fact I was doing a lil of praying if that's what you would call it. I did all my errands and returned home to find my dress...had fallen off it's hangar in…

Added by Kat on May 30, 2010 at 11:18am — 2 Comments

This Amazing Cake

Guys look at this Amazing cake made by Margie Williams. it was inspired by New Moon! This woman is extremely talented! I want this for my 25th birthday in July!!

Added by Cassandra G Morris on May 29, 2010 at 8:00am — No Comments

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