All Blog Posts (1,306)

Daily Routines...

I never thought I'd say this, but I am getting bored of the same routines around the castle.  If the guard, including myself, are not busy with duties, we seem to be planning pranks on each other.  Ever since my brother returned from his absence in the castle, we've pranked each other and pranked our siblings.  Even our dear mother, Sulpicia by dying her horse.  However, the pranks are becoming abundant and repetitious.  I have grown older over the centuries.  I keep the childish act for the…


Added by Jane Volturi on June 19, 2012 at 7:21pm — No Comments

One Of Those Rare Afternoons.

You know those rare days when everything just seems to run along smoothly? Well I definitely had one of those days. The weather was perfect as I drove to work and who can ask for more than that! The twins Maddy & Tim were celebrating their 7th birthday and Julie (their Mom) was there waiting for me, mail in hand I might add... bless her. Jule's chatted while I…


Added by Sue Clearwater on June 16, 2012 at 2:57am — 2 Comments

A Vow in Red

Once up on a fairytale

When days were filled with love

I laid beneath an olive tree

And watched the stars above

My hand caressed her softly

Her curls spilled to the ground

My heart beat loudly in my chest

My true love I had found

The time came and I changed her

Eternal life was ours

Our lives we'd spend together

Beneath the moon and stars

But time went by too quickly

Our bliss…


Added by Stefan cel Rau on June 15, 2012 at 2:29pm — No Comments

All for one, one for all

All for one, and one for all… a quote from a famous book and movies that stick with me everywhere I go since my transformation. The musketeers back in royalty days were the king’s own personal guard and protected him and the royal family with their lives. In a way, we do the same thing here on the reservation. Ever since our transformation, our lives have been mostly for one thing: protecting our friends, family and other residents of our lands. It can keep our days quite busy at times,…


Added by Embry Call on June 15, 2012 at 10:35am — No Comments

La Vie En Rose

It is no secret that Paris holds a special place in my heart and as much as I love Denali and Forks, in my heart... I will always think of it as home. And as the afternoon grows late and the lights of the city begin to twinkle, I know of no other city where the light turns pink as it does in Paris.

It is the cobbled back streets that are my very favourite, the…


Added by Carmen Denali on June 15, 2012 at 7:00am — 1 Comment

"You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

To be part of a family like mine means that you get to live in a world that would ordinarily not be known to a normal person. My family though they appear to be very normal are Vampires and with that comes certain dangers and secrets, that most of the world population is not aware of.

As with every nation or country we as vampires have certain regime that keep the laws which have been created to keep our existence a secret in place and ensures that they are followed. They are known as…


Added by Renesmee Black-Cullen on June 15, 2012 at 12:05am — No Comments

No one is above or below the law



Thinking on the up coming elections and all that transpired this last year here in Egypt. So many changes and so many things have remained the…


Added by Benjamin Naifeh Atiyeh on June 14, 2012 at 9:23pm — No Comments

Just Surrender


Added by Erin ~Hockey Princess~ Gates on June 14, 2012 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Dark Shadows

The year is 1967. What a strange year that was but that is for another story. I was sitting in a little corner of a coffee shop, pretending to drink a cup of coffee and eating a slice of pie. When I over heard a group of kids talking about yesterday's episode of a popular television show.…


Added by Alistair DeCarnys on June 11, 2012 at 8:00pm — No Comments

With Every Breath I Take

I think of you with every breath I take,

And every breath becomes a sigh.

Not a sigh of despair

But a sigh that I care for you.

I hear your name with every breath I take,

On every breeze that wanders by.

And your name is a song

I'll remember the long years through.

Even though I walk alone you guide…


Added by Carlisle Cullen MD on June 10, 2012 at 7:33pm — No Comments

Diary Entry Friday June 8th

I sat at my desk and opened my journal. It had been a while since I had posted an entry and I felt with what had happened in the last day that it was needed. I tapped the pen against a blank page as I complied my thoughts. I put the pen to the page and started to write.

The castle had been quiet after Corn and I had brought Mistress Sulpicia and Mistress Athenodora back to the castle.…


Added by Heidi of the Volturi on June 10, 2012 at 11:26am — No Comments

Goodbye Letters

In the grand scheme of things, we are all only here for the blink of an eye... each and every one of us. (with the exception of certain company)

Unfortunately, as the years pass us by... we have to say goodbye to the ones who leave us behind. It doesn't matter whether you think you are ready or not, the hurt and pain of losing a beloved family member or friend will leave you feeling like your are gasping for air and turn your world upside down. And each time you experience a new loss,…


Added by Sue Clearwater on June 9, 2012 at 1:33pm — No Comments

The Kiss

Arriving home, a broad smile on my face, I hum as I enter the main house. Placing my keys in the key bowl and putting down my bag, closing my eyes for a moment as I relive the evening.  Making sure no one else is around, I give a small squeal and walk to the kitchen, pouring myself some juice.

Heading upstairs to the guest bedroom, that is actually more like my own bedroom in the Main house.  I close the door behind me and pull out my diary opening the lock with the little key that is…


Added by Renesmee Black-Cullen on June 5, 2012 at 7:50am — No Comments

Master Marcus

When I first arrived in Volterra and started to get to know everyone, I noticed everyone was very cheerful in their own way, everyone had a personality that would stand out, everyone except Master Marcus, that despite of being one of the Masters he was not as cheerful and not noticeable as everyone else, I noticed that every moment he was not in the throne room with Master Aro and Master Caius attending meetings with them he was mostly alone in his chambers hiding from all and everyone at…


Added by Corin Volturi on May 31, 2012 at 10:05pm — No Comments

All better

My life before was terrible. I have been reading though my old blog post and reading the replies. I realized i has very depressed. Well I'm making my come back to the cullens online. I wanted to say that yes i was gone for a very long time but I'm back now and I'm better than ever. Yes I still have my bad moments but doesn't everyone? I also wanted to thank everyone here on TCO that commented on my old blog posts that really helped me get though my hard times. So thank you all of you. Crystal… Continue

Added by Crystal Dawn on May 31, 2012 at 12:09pm — 2 Comments

I was asked a few questions anonymously...


"What is it like putting down the syringe,

and sitting at your patient's bedside, concluding that there is nothing

else to do? How do you feel when you have to quit, although you want to

continue on?"



After all is said and done and there is no more that I can do, defeat hits me and I have to accept what is.

I always think, "What if". I suppose a lot of that is quite humanistic, is it not? I…


Added by Carlisle Cullen MD on May 29, 2012 at 7:30am — No Comments


I sat in my chambers, turning on my stereo to enjoy some music. I collect rare records as a hobby of mine. However, I do enjoy a few modern artists.  One artist I enjoy listening to is Tori Amos.  Her piano playing and voice is so full of feeling.  Her music is very melodic.  I was pleased when the gentle keys were pressed, causing the beautiful song playing on the stereo: "Winter" by Tori Amos.

"Snow can wait, I forgot my…


Added by Jane Volturi on May 26, 2012 at 10:13am — No Comments

Death by guilt

Have you ever been so guilty that everyday it just eats more at you? But deep down in your heart and soul you know you can't fix it with a "sorry" because its like trying to cover a stab wound with a band-aid. The guilt feeling has followed me for a year or so even writing this blog wont change a thing but I hope the person I want to see this does. Yes I know that it wont change a thing but even now I'm more sorry then I…


Added by Tristan Ponting on May 25, 2012 at 1:58pm — No Comments

Never grow up

The other day while driving home from the store, the radio was on and this song came on  "Never grow up", as I was listening to it, I turned to look at Shay fast asleep in her car seat holding her doll,she looked so peaceful and so little and suddenly the song started to make sense to me, I did wish she would never grow up, that no one would hurt her and that all things remain  as they were now.…


Added by Emily Uley on May 22, 2012 at 11:16pm — 1 Comment

Princess Cricket : the unknown princess

Hello all! I have written a fairytale for young children! It is called Princess Cricket : the Unknown Princess . It is based on the ABC series Once Upon a Time! I do hope you enjoy and please give me reviews!

 I was once a young…


Added by Aly Evrett on May 22, 2012 at 12:59pm — 1 Comment

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