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A Dream To Be With You

    "A few years ago I saw you and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Ever since that moment you've been on my mind and I cant focus on anything. I can't believe that it's taken me this long to admit but I REALLY like you. When I see you at school my heart leaps and i'm afraid you might hear it. When you say hello I get transproted into another world with just you and me. When we pass eachother in the hall I get as close as I can but it never feels close enough. If you like me can you…


Added by Robin Johnston on August 14, 2012 at 6:16pm — 6 Comments

My Nephew Tyler's first day of school. Kindergarten.

Tyler is growing up fast.  He's five and 1/2 and today was his first day of Kindergarten.  I miss the baby, but I love that he's a smart little man.  He said he wanted to be Batman when he grew up.  I don't know about that but I know he'll be super.  I love my little man and am such a proud…


Added by Angelia on August 14, 2012 at 1:57pm — No Comments

loosing my voice from laughing

Ok so I was surfing youtube and found a bunch of funny videos of cats. They’re hilarious! You have to watch them! They’re awesome. Trust me you’ll laugh till you loose your voice, I did :) i was laughing so hard that my family could hear me from the other room. then i lost my voice for a while :(



Added by Kelsey best on August 11, 2012 at 12:28pm — 1 Comment

Sign language is a beautiful language

What some people don't know is that sign language is a very beautiful language, but what I don't get is that they took it out of school, and substituted it for Japanese for half a year, which i doubt you can learn in half a year. its too complicated.  but if they still had it i would've used it as an alternative choice of language, its so beautiful but people don't respect it as much as most people do. so to hopefully learn everyone's respect for it, I’m going to show you some videos for it.…


Added by Kelsey best on August 10, 2012 at 1:30pm — 1 Comment



We are halfway through Summer and I can honestly say that for the first time in a long time that I am happy. Not just content but truly happy, that is not always an easy thing to say... but there you have it, I am.

Maybe it's the fact that Seth has transferred to the local college and is home once again, I am sure that is a large factor. Also, for some unknown and mystical reason, he and Leah seem to be actually getting on a lot better these days. I no longer constantly…


Added by Sue Clearwater on August 5, 2012 at 2:57am — No Comments


We have all heard the old saying of, "One man's trash is another man's treasure". But.. when you find that treasure, the one that makes you catch your breath or your heart skip a beat, (albeit, mine does not do that anymore, but you know what I mean) you cannot help but wonder why on earth someone would discard such a thing of beauty. Holding that particular piece in your hands, turning it around, over or both, inspecting it with a critical eye.. you cannot help but already imagine exactly…


Added by Carmen Denali on August 5, 2012 at 2:08am — No Comments

Life, Past, Present, Whenever Whatever

Everyone makes HUGE mistakes! We are not labeled PERFECT by any means. But why in life must we all think that? HUMAN NATURE! Why hold a grudge against…


Added by Tristan Ponting on August 2, 2012 at 3:19am — 2 Comments

Cedar point (after)

                        Hey there! I just now got back from Ohio. It was amazing! I finally got over my Corkscrew fear. About two years ago, I went to Michigan’s Adventures with my friend Ame and her mother. Since her father or another adult didn’t come with us, Ame was in front of me with her mom and poor me was behind them all by myself :( . So when I got off I was so scared I started to cry.

So I had made up my mind to go on the corkscrew again, and I had my eyes wide opened and I…


Added by Kelsey best on July 30, 2012 at 6:00pm — 1 Comment

Irritating Summers

Humans are so easily amused and excited.  It perturbs me greatly.  I can't help but wonder if I was as naive as the human children I see today, chasing each other with weapons that shoot water.  Doesn't it only further engrain the violent nature that humans seem to have for killing one another?  Summers bother me because it seems I am always surrounded by unintelligent humans.  A good meal is always tainted with the bitter taste of alcohol.  Can't humans of age have a summer without…


Added by Jane Volturi on July 28, 2012 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Cedar point(before)

Tomorrow is the Cedar point trip! YAY! Its about time! We’ve rescheduled this trip 4 times because Mother Nature didn’t wanna corporate with our trip plans. So My best friend who I consider my sister, Angel, is coming, My cousin Marie, and My cousin’s friend. I won’t be on sadly tomorrow,or Monday because after cedar point we’re going to stay the night at a hotel about a mile away from cedar point then, we’re going on an African safari, before we start heading home. I’m so excited! My friend…


Added by Kelsey best on July 28, 2012 at 8:00am — 1 Comment

Garrett - Our latest victim.

Removing cartridges from pens, black tape stuck to the underside of the mouse, switching around the keys on the desktop computer, hiding the laptop, hiding Katie's shoes, switching Katie's make up... Taking Eleazar's car keys, these are just the tip of the iceberg. Tanya and I have done all of these pranks and so much more over the years. We did however draw the line at our families cars..... until now that is.

I don't know why I had never thought of it before but there it was.... a…


Added by Carmen Denali on July 21, 2012 at 7:19pm — 1 Comment

The story of Night and Day

When I was young I remember crawling into bed listening closely as my Mother told me many different stories and legends of our tribe and other tribes as well. Now that I am older, there is one story that seems to stand out in my mind. It's a short story of how night and day came to be.

One day a rabbit was traveling through the forest and came to a clearing on the bank of a river. He saw an owl perched on a twig, but it was almost dark and the rabbit could not see very well. He said…


Added by Sam Uley on July 19, 2012 at 9:00pm — 1 Comment

Save the DIA

DIA stands for Detroit Institute of Arts.  In August they are going to have a voting session on wether or not they are gonna close the DIA. Vote yes to save it please! The DIA is an oppertunity to kids all ages to experience real art in person! The DIA holds only original pieces,none that were copied,by Diego Rivera,and many other famous artists.

I've been there and it is very educational, there's this huge table that is based on the 1800s and it shows the sleeves of the clothes of…


Added by Kelsey best on July 19, 2012 at 10:03am — 1 Comment


Okie im so sorry i havent been on in a while! I feel bad and I want to talk to you all again.

I did make a new twitter so please follow it so I can be with the family again!

I missed you all and im soooo glad i found out my e-mail and password! Thanks so much

Love you guys! xoxo

Added by ♥Pauline♥ on July 18, 2012 at 7:19pm — 2 Comments

Cliff Jumping

One of my favorite summer activities around the reservation would be without a doubt going cliff jumping with my brothers. I know our moms always cringe at the sound of us mentioning going there but there’s nothing we can do about it. Before all the changes in my life, we used to jump only from the smaller cliff, and never by ourselves but since then, that cliff isn’t much of a challenge anymore. I remember when Jared, Paul and Sam took me to the high cliff four years ago after I joined…


Added by Embry Call on July 15, 2012 at 1:31pm — No Comments

My dear Elizabeth

My dear Elizabeth,

So many years have passed since we last saw each other and I want you to know that I truly miss you. Your smile, your teasing, your laughter, your companionship.

I still steal into your room and read the books on your shelf and borrow your bow and arrow from time to time.

I think of you often and wish that you had lived the life you so wanted.

Your loving brother,


Added by Alistair DeCarnys on July 15, 2012 at 12:33pm — No Comments

My Dearest Jake,

I find myself speechless around you even though there is so much I want to tell you. So now while I am sitting here, supposing to be doing my research on my next project.  But once again all I am thinking about is you.

So I decided to write you a letter, to tell you of just how amazing you make me feel. How much I love you and how much I look forward to our future together.

You are the one person that makes me feel normal and special at the same time. With you I feel like I fit…


Added by Renesmee Black-Cullen on July 15, 2012 at 8:26am — 1 Comment

The opening of a new Gallery

I have been traveling quite a bit of late. Rome, Scandinavia, India and other ancient cultural places. Thought in my travels each place I've visited has been an alright area for me to open an art galIery but I found a piece of property in Greece that is very appealing. I've decided to open an art gallery. I have decided to display some pieces as well as offer some for sale. I think this area will prove to be a good target market area due to  wide spread the tourist traffic. Greece is already…


Added by Stefan cel Rau on July 14, 2012 at 8:08pm — No Comments

Summer Tradition - Pisa, Luminar di Saint Ranieri:

In Italy we have many summer traditions. One that I have seen occur every year since I have been immortal. It is quite a celebration to witness.

Pisa, Luminar di Saint Ranieri:

Every year on June 16th the city of Pisa celebrates the Luminara di Saint Ranieri, the Patron Saint of Italy, who died as a Saint in 1161, and who has been celebrated since the late 17th century. Along…


Added by Heidi of the Volturi on July 14, 2012 at 9:11am — No Comments

Journal Entry: December 5, 1809

My Dearest Tia,

I miss you there is not a day that goes by that I am not thinking of you. The memory of your smile is what keeps me going day after day. The memories of our laughing and running through the streets of Cairo.

As I have told you in previous entries... Amun is trying to teach me or rather mentor me. For what I am not sure, He will only tell me bits and pieces and even then they do not make sense.

Amun will not let me out of…


Added by Benjamin Naifeh Atiyeh on July 13, 2012 at 10:29pm — No Comments

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