All Blog Posts (1,306)

A story for my dearest mom, Esme

Dear mom,

It been a while since I see you... I know you're in somekind of business out from the town. I really miss you mom... We all miss you, especially dad... He always asks me to accompany him to go hunt or something to distract himself, but the outcome is always the same, he always calls me Esme. He said it's because I'm so alike you, caramel wavy hair, golden eyes (of course), the laugh, the smile, and you know I also like to wear purple clothes... If he starting to call me… Continue

Added by Hannah Elizabeth Cullen on November 18, 2012 at 1:45am — No Comments

Go for a terrible shopping with my sister Alice...

Today is a very beautiful day, the birds singing outside my window. But, for me this is the most terrible day in this month until next week. My week for paying my deal to Alice! I hide inside mom's closet because I can't hide in my own closet. But, damn for her visions, she always finds me where ever I hide. The closet's doors been open, "FOUND YOU!!!" Alice yells in victory. 'Urgh... Damn you Al's visions...' I thought, "Uhh... Hi Ally, what brings you here?" I ask innoncence, "Don't act like… Continue

Added by Hannah Elizabeth Cullen on November 18, 2012 at 1:00am — No Comments

Carmen... (part two of 'A deadly deal I make')

I step out from my car and inhale deeply. I walk to the big house and push the door open. Gentle footsteps can be heard from upstairs. Carmen and Eleazar shows up on the top of the stair, Carmen gasp and close her mouth with her hands but from her eyes I could see she's shock and happy. "Hannah? Is that you? Is that really you or I just imaginating?" she ask, I smile and walk closer, "Do I look real for you?" I ask back, she nodded and hugs me tighly. "Oh Hannah! I'm so miss you... What are you… Continue

Added by Hannah Elizabeth Cullen on November 14, 2012 at 9:52pm — 2 Comments

My Other Friend Jacob...

I know vampires and shape-shifters are natural enemy but, Jake is the most closest friend from Lapush... He always nice to me and my family... Now he's been imprinted to my dearest sister (Okay I call her my sister actually she's my niece) Renesmee or Nessie... Our bond to the shape-shifter became more tigh since then... But now, I'm going to tell you about Jake from my point of view...

Jacob Black, he's not really like the Cullens (like the other wolves) but he doesn't really act… Continue

Added by Hannah Elizabeth Cullen on November 13, 2012 at 8:06pm — No Comments


Everybody said that the most clearest memory of your human life is when you transform from human to vampire... Well, they're right because I could still remember when you just like been burn alive and the fire stays in your throat, this fire will burn your throat badly, the only thing that can cooling it off is not water but blood. Be a 'vegetarian' vampire is harder than be a normal vampire. Normal vampires drank human blood. When this warm, fresh blood flows through your throat, it will…


Added by Hannah Elizabeth Cullen on November 13, 2012 at 5:57pm — No Comments

The Weird Little Boy In The Plane

I was sat beside the window in first class flight... My earphone attached to my Ipod, I play the game in my Ipad while I wait the plane to take off and bring me to Alaska... Then, a mother and her son pass me and sat on the same row as me, the little boy sat besides me and look curious to my Ipad but I ignore him and keep playing. Just then, he pulls my earphone from my dear ear harshy, "HEY!!!" I yell in respond, the mother turn around and look at the both of us, "Oh Peter! You bothering the… Continue

Added by Hannah Elizabeth Cullen on November 13, 2012 at 3:34am — No Comments

My Brother Edward...

I'm Hannah Cullen, which means I got 8 siblings if you count Nessie and Jake as my siblings as well and not as niece and nephew... I love my parents and all of them... I got one brother that very close to me, yeah he's my most longest virgin sibling, Edward... Now I want to tell you about him from my point of view...

He's born in 1901; Chicago, Illinois and been change in 1918 when he's 17 and make him the second oldest in my family after dad of course but physically mom is the… Continue

Added by Hannah Elizabeth Cullen on November 13, 2012 at 2:10am — No Comments

A Super Fun Home Alone Ever!!!

Dad has super busy time in the hospital. Mom has this motherly groupie this afternoon. Rose and Alice are in Paris to go shopping. Em and Jazz go to the cinema to watch some kind of war movie. Ed, Bells, Nessie, and Jake are go hiking and go around the town until night. And there is me, alone in the house. Mom has try to convince me to come with her but I know better that she would ignore me when she meet her friends so I refuse to come. I don't want to been drag to stores by Rose and Alice so… Continue

Added by Hannah Elizabeth Cullen on November 13, 2012 at 12:44am — No Comments

About myself

Hi, I'm Hannah Cullen... I'm gonna share what I remember from my human life...

My name is Hannah Elizabeth Everson. I born in Colombus, Ohio in 1966. I have one big brother name Edmund and one little sister name Rachel. My parents are Mr. George Everson and Mrs. Selene Everson. My parents always spoiled me and my siblings, especially me. Mom likes to buy lot of dresses,

clothes, and girlie shoes for me, but I usually more preferred a shirt, jeans, and sneakers. I love my family… Continue

Added by Hannah Elizabeth Cullen on November 12, 2012 at 12:42am — No Comments

A deadly deal I make

"Alice! Please help me... Could you please see if she will shock or not!" I plea to my sister, "And what for the exchange?" she asks with her wide smiles, she must be already know my offer. "I would go shopping with you and allow you to pick anything for me..." I said while pleading for good to my fate, "For a full one week?" she asks hopefully, "Uh..." I bit my lip, "I won't help you if you don't want to..." she threatening me, "Okay okay... It's a deal... But, after I visit her... Deal?" I… Continue

Added by Hannah Elizabeth Cullen on November 11, 2012 at 2:00am — 3 Comments

A same day as i live in

I was sitting on my chair beside the window in my room and reading a book. Then, a loud BAM from downstairs shock me. I put my book away and run down, i found Emmet besides a table that now been cut a half. "EMMET! What are you doing??!!" i scream, "Uhh... I just had an experiment..." he said, "What the hell is this experiment??!! If Esme back and find this... You're so dead Em!!!" i yell at him, he rub the back of his head, "Uhh... Just wonderring if this table strong enough to hold my left… Continue

Added by Hannah Elizabeth Cullen on November 7, 2012 at 2:16am — 1 Comment

braces and highschool

On october 29th, monday, i had gotten my braces off i was so excited, its been 2-3 rough years of having my braces since they were always

adjusting to my small mouth.


 I had my braces since the 7th grade. On December 2nd 2010 i had gotten my top jaw braced. then on may 18th 2011 i got braces

 on my bottom jaw.


I'll have to admit though, getting braces off is less painful then getting them on, well it was until i had to do the teeth models.

i hated…


Added by Kelsey best on November 2, 2012 at 2:00pm — No Comments

happy Halloween!


I know i'll enjoy it! its my bestfriend's birthday today!  School was cancelled so i don't have to worry about going to school!

School was cancelled because a few days ago we were hit with Hurricane Sandy :( 

even though it was supposed to only effect the east side of the U.S  it had hit the shores of Michigan People all over town had no power.  winds were up to 80 miles per hour that first night, the day after it…


Added by Kelsey best on October 31, 2012 at 7:12am — 1 Comment

The Things One Does!

Closing my eyes briefly, my hand still clutching the door handle, "C'mon Ma, that won't save you", Seth chuckles as he pries my fingers from the door, and leads us straight to the front counter. "You never know", I mutter but further discussion is temporarily thwarted by the ever smiling young Stacey and Seth moving across to the ticket window.

"Hi Mrs Clearwater, what can I get you?" Several suggestions including "Please hide me", flit across my mind but I smile and order a large…


Added by Sue Clearwater on October 31, 2012 at 1:27am — No Comments

Our First Halloween in Forks!

Adding the finishing touches to my makeup I cannot hide my smile or excitement. "Are you ready Eleazar?" "I vant to suck your blood", replies my husband as he sweeps into the bathroom and theatrically drapes his cape clad arm across the lower half of his face. "Oh my", I giggle in response. "You look deliciously evil my dear husband.... and your fangs?", I raise a questioning eyebrow. "But of course my sweet", Eleazar drawls in his perfect Dracula impersonation, instantly flashing them…


Added by Carmen Denali on October 31, 2012 at 1:20am — 2 Comments

The Best Halloween Ever !!

I love the excitement that October brings to the town. All the shop window in town get decorated and there is an abundance of sweet treats all over.  I love sitting at the coffee shop next to the fancy dress hire and listening to all the kids and how excited they get about getting dressed up.

Since being at the satellite campus of Peninsula College a few days a week, I have started to have a bigger friend circle. This has been interesting and I am learning so much of other…


Added by Renesmee Black-Cullen on October 31, 2012 at 12:49am — 1 Comment

Special times

Everyone has a favorite time of year. For me it's more of the change of seasons I like. The change between each season. As winter fades and the temperatures warm. Plants start to grow, flowers start to bloom. It's a time that shows change and possibility. My mom was always telling me it was a good time to start new things. Even when I was younger we'd go for walks in the spring to see the world waking up once more. It's something I still do. And then there's the fall. It's a beautiful time…


Added by Jared Cameron on October 29, 2012 at 7:38pm — No Comments

A human tradition

Over the years I have collected and been gifted several items of jewelry. But there is one piece that brings back happy thoughts and I thought I would share a story of one of my most unique pieces. I remember when I was human that my family had a special tradition. When I turned 18 I was presented with a piece of jewelry, a ring that to this day still sits on a finger of my left…


Added by Heidi of the Volturi on October 29, 2012 at 8:30am — No Comments

Shay's First Halloween


Shay was just little, about 10 months old. Emily had made Shay a little Red riding hood costume. She fixed her hair  into little pig tails on each side of her head, a little red and white dress with a red cape and hood. Holding tightly to her stuffed wolf as we walked from house to house, she giggled and smiled from ear to ear with excitement. Though I doubt she actually had any understanding of what was going on but, she sure looked adorable

Added by Sam Uley on October 28, 2012 at 7:48pm — No Comments

my first published web page

So in Web publishing, we have published our very first webpage for everyone to see. Of course it was a large assignment  of our choice. I chose to do the vampire diaries. So here’s the link. Feel free to leave a comment on the page if you’d like even if you’re a guest I do believe you can leave a comment. there are 2 pages to it but the link to the second page is at the bottom of the first page.

 it'll say "page 2 "…


Added by Kelsey best on October 19, 2012 at 1:51pm — 3 Comments

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