All Blog Posts (1,306)


This is to all my roots, my true friends.

A Tree stands tall and proud,

but not on its own.

The Leaves of a tree,

come and go, as season change and weak wind blows.

The branchs by stay study,

but a hard enough wind, and down they go.

But deep in the earth,

the roots hide, but hold the tree up tall.

the wind may blow and blow but they never let…


Added by Lindsey "Littlebit" Sullivan on November 12, 2010 at 11:30am — 1 Comment

Small's Blog Challange

1. What is your real name? Lindsey Nicole Sullivan

2. What is your real age? 17

3. Post a picture of your real self.

(see my pic album homecoming)

4. Where do you really live?Elizabethtown, Pa, USA.

5. Do you have any real siblings, spouse, or children? Name them and their ages. I have my sister Grace, she's 15, a step brother Brett 25 and a step sister Debra 26

6. Do you really have your license? What kind of car do you really drive? no. but I will…


Added by Lindsey "Littlebit" Sullivan on November 11, 2010 at 9:27pm — No Comments

Veterans Day 2010

Today is a day of reflection and remembrance. Though missing loved ones can take many of our thoughts. Try to think of why we are here. Why we are sitting on a great website? Why we are able to live our lives the way we do. I myself have made choices that brought me here. I tried joining the military, physically it did not work out the way it was planned, that choice had an affect on my life that would forever change the way I viewed the… Continue

Added by Kat on November 11, 2010 at 7:30am — No Comments

Knott's Scary Farm.

Wow. Oh my god wow! :D It was the best time ever! The mazes were to die for. lol. no pun intended. We rode a couple of rides and that was cool. I am still traumatized by the corn maze. lol. The london maze was great! It was based on Jack the ripper and Frankenstein. My sister was giving me the gory history on the ripper. XP I took lot's of pics with the monsters. :D My hat was the bell of the ball. ;D It was a classic men's bell topper around which I tied a thick black satin ribbon with…


Added by Amanda Renee Francis on November 8, 2010 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Fear of Losing Familial Bonds

I have contemplated this topic for quite some time now and have finally rested on the one that I feel is my biggest hang-up.

Fear of Losing Familial Bonds

Simply put, life is relational. It is impossible to exist without relationships and close ones involve people we see and talk to almost every day. We work with and depend on these people. These close connections help us to learn, grow and move forward. Every of us move through many different relationships during the… Continue

Added by Carlisle Cullen MD on November 8, 2010 at 8:21am — 1 Comment

Zsuzsanna Deliné Szolanics Have you ever wondered how much love fit in a shoebox?

Have you ever wondered how much love fit in a shoebox?

Hungarian Baptist Charity announced "Ten thousand children's Christmas" campaign again in this…

Added by Zsuzsanna Deliné Szolanics on November 6, 2010 at 4:17pm — No Comments

Lady Grinning Soul

1. Copy and put on your blog, take my answers off and enter your own.
2. Put your , Media Player, Ipod, Mp3 etc. on shuffle.
3. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. YOU MUST WRITE THAT SONG NAME DOWN NO MATTER HOW SILLY IT SOUNDS._______________________________________________________________


Added by Lindsey "Littlebit" Sullivan on November 3, 2010 at 3:33pm — No Comments

Double Crossed

Give a girl a little light and a journal with blank pages still in it,

dating back to 1864 and wallah. I guess I have a lot of time on my

hands now. I'm trapped in the tomb. Looks like Pearl was keeping a

journal, hoping her daughter Anna would find her one day. I guess they

missed this when the other tomb vamps got out and here I am, alone.

Karma is the ultimate Bitch.

Damon is consumed by hatred for me not loving him back. He…

Added by Katherine Pierce on November 3, 2010 at 11:30am — No Comments

My Grandma, My Best Friend, My Angel

My Grandma, she was my best friend. I could tell her any thing and she wouldn't yell at me or tell me what I should do. She would just listen. In January of 2009 she was told she hand lung cancer, it was the second time, the first time she had cancer they removed the tumor it was in, I was about 6 when that happend.

She had one round of cemo therphy.

I went to go see her Wednesday Febuary 2, 2009. My cousin had a basketball game so we wne to…


Added by Lindsey "Littlebit" Sullivan on October 31, 2010 at 6:14pm — 1 Comment

Maybe Im Dreaming...

Why am I always so depressed? Oh yeah, my best friend in the entire world is dead. Gave me a reason to be goth, basically. I wear pink and other colors sometimes. But thats not the point. What did I do to deserve this much pain? It really didnt help being so depressed when ANOTHER close friend died 15 days exactly after Amy (my best friend in the world) died.

Amy: Skittle lover, Leukemia battler, Random, my friend. Amy, why did you die? My best best… Continue

Added by Gabrielle Romine on October 29, 2010 at 8:49pm — No Comments

Where have I been?

I realized today that it has been about a year (yes, a year) since I have really logged in here at TCO.


In the last year I have been to Forks, Washington... as well as La Push, Port Angeles, Seattle and a myriad of other beautiful places and sights in the Olympic Peninsula. If I had my way, I would pack up everything and move there today. It is JUST as amazing as I imagined it would be... I literally cried when I got off the plane, back home in Wisconsin.

I have begun…


Added by Wistful on October 27, 2010 at 9:30am — 1 Comment

If you had...

Alot of people ask me If i had to chose between my friends/family or someone else, I would of chose the friends and family cause they show me the respect i deserve and they are there for me if i have any problems. Now my question to you is who would you chose and why?

Added by Ryu Hayabusa on October 24, 2010 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment

The search Part 1

This first of many entries are to tell you about the one no one wants to really know about. It is the one that has been pushed to the side over the centries and has just now came into light. Yes this one has been around for over two hundred years. Some thought it to be dead and others thoght to hide it, but it will now come out into the open. As you can see this halfbreed has never been talked about before. Her name is Tamila Culton. She has been talked about in some books, but the people… Continue

Added by Angel Cullen on October 24, 2010 at 8:43am — No Comments

My worris, my way of life, everything that makes me who I am

I wake every morning to a side of the bed that is cold.

I wake to silence at least till the two year old comes in.

Then it is my humdrum boring life I must attend to. Taking care of the child, myself, and errands. When it start to get too much I sit to gather myself.

As I sit, I remember why he is not home with me and our son. He is out there doing something in his life that would allow his…


Added by Kat on October 22, 2010 at 9:30pm — 5 Comments

I came to Ireland to see my family and thy put me to work

I was at work all day not my job but my Family's i came hear just to hang out with them and thy put me to work and are not paying me LOL I think This will be the last time i come to see them between the blind date and working for them.... I've had no time off .... I still love them

Added by Yvonne Cullen on October 18, 2010 at 6:29pm — No Comments

"My patience is eternal and my will is absolute"

"My patience is eternal and my will is absolute"

It stands out to me because it's the best way to describe myself in one sentence.

W/A. It's about the last few moments I resided with the Volturi.

"My patience is eternal and my will is absolute." I said facing Aro as he, once again asked me to join the Volturi

"Come now, Carlisle why do you repeatedly resist that which you know you want?" Aro said, walking slowly around the chair on which I was seated.

I… Continue

Added by Carlisle Cullen MD on October 15, 2010 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment

SHRINE MONT!!!;) you know ( or don't know and is about to find out) I went to Shrine MOnt last weekend.IT WAS THE FREAKING BOMMMMMMBBBBB!!!!!! they made a video of the RANDOM times on the mountain. Here's the link so check it out!!!!!!!!!

My twin's in 1:40 - 1:46 secs.

Me and Kymbra are in 2:23 -…


Added by Angel O' Connor on October 13, 2010 at 2:00pm — No Comments


I remember my First Ballet recital, I was 7 years old takeing Ballet and Tap. When your that age you don't get nerves about a recital. When I was 7 I my main concern was making my dad proud of me, so on top of ballet i took t-ball(that was a stupid idea but hey i was 7) so after he showed up late I quit dancing till I 16.

Okay, this was my first big Ballet recital, (I'm the really tall one in the middle)anyone that knows the Sound of Music knows that the song…


Added by Lindsey "Littlebit" Sullivan on October 12, 2010 at 3:30pm — No Comments

My Thoughts

There are sayings or quotes that, when we eventually hear them, we come to live by some of them. Whether we do it conciously or without knowing. Here are some I've taken to heart.


If one door opens while another closes, God gives second chances. But if both close at te same time, things happen…


Added by Angel O' Connor on October 12, 2010 at 3:30pm — 2 Comments


I recently had to read this for school, its about this guy who has never had a chance to know who he is, only what the world leaders tell him he should be, and its got me thinking a lot about who I am, and how far am I welling to go to be me, how far will I go to find love and at what cost.

So I'm going to write who I am, but I've had poety stuck in my head so i thought I would take a creak at


small, dark hair, and bright eyed…


Added by Lindsey "Littlebit" Sullivan on October 12, 2010 at 3:06pm — No Comments

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