Why am I always so depressed? Oh yeah, my best friend in the entire world is dead. Gave me a reason to be goth, basically. I wear pink and other colors sometimes. But thats not the point. What did I do to deserve this much pain? It really didnt help being so depressed when ANOTHER close friend died 15 days exactly after Amy (my best friend in the world) died.
Amy: Skittle lover, Leukemia battler, Random, my friend. Amy, why did you die? My best best friend? It happens to the best people. I swear it does.
Me: That person who sits in the back of the room, Goes unnoticed because nobody cares to talk, Cries in bed, doesn't talk
Im waiting for the day that i wake up from this nightmare- when i find out maybe im dreaming.
To sum it all up, im sad a LOT. Depressed. Im obsessed with finding a cure for cancer now. I've dedicated my entire life to Amy, because she took the time to be my friend when no one else would, because she fought cancer with a smile, because she put a smile on my face when i was depressed.

Her last words to me were "They gave up. So did I" That wasn't setting me in a good mood already.

Maybe...Just maybe...Im dreaming.

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