All Blog Posts (1,306)

My Past

I had a rough past growing up. i was always like an outcast. i was always picked on for various reasons. and those reasons i will not explain cause they make me cry a lot.i felt like i didn't belong. 10 yrs ago my mom had passed away and i was devastated. Forgive me but for certain ppl i will hold grudges for a very long time.I was never the same since then. I did go into NJROTC to get self dicipline and it worked. if i had the chance to do it again i really would. sometimes i desire revenge so… Continue

Added by Danielle Diaz on July 11, 2011 at 11:30am — 1 Comment

My Best Birthday Ever!

From start to finish the happiness spilled from my soul was non-stop! I stayed up until midnight when I was talking to Carmen Denali, Liam and Sio Donnelly. I heard my email go off from facebook and saw my sissy, Cassi said happy birthday right at midnight! I was so happy when she called me after that! I talked to her, Carmen, Liam, and Sio for a while. I said goodnight to Carmen later at night then when to sleep.


When I woke up it was 10am. I woke up to tons of birthday…


Added by Erin ~Hockey Princess~ Gates on July 10, 2011 at 12:15am — 1 Comment

Quiet Time to Reflect...

The castle has been rather quiet as of late.  Demetri and Santiago are off in Switzerland trying to find the truth about what is causing the deaths of humans out there.  There was a hunch that it could be vampires, but they are not certain yet.  I've been in constant contact with Santiago the most over the progress of their mission.  So far, nothing looks promising.  Not much is being found.  With these two guys gone, the castle has been considerably a lot calmer.  Although I am admitting…


Added by Jane Volturi on July 9, 2011 at 12:12am — No Comments

Our Family....What we had, and How we came to be.

I can't remember a time when I didn't know Harry, we grew up together, but we certainly didn't always like each other, a typical boy he would throw rocks at me, then turn around pretending it wasn't him, I remember he even pulled my hair once in the 3rd grade, I shook my little fist at him and I told him if he ever touched my hair again, I'd break his nose, and with a firm nod of my head I walked away, it must of worked to a degree, he sort of left me alone after that.

Of course all… Continue

Added by Sue Clearwater on July 8, 2011 at 4:10am — No Comments

The trouble with love & Boys

The trouble with love & boys for me is, in my last relationship, I was always getting accused of upsetting my boyfriend. Also, he would try to tell me that I like to make him mad. This is NOT true. If a boy/man really loves you, wouldn't he bemore sensitive to how you feel when he says things like this? I know it bothered me a lot. I don't understand. But don't get me wrong, all boys/men are not like this. Some are very…


Added by Macy gurzynski on July 7, 2011 at 7:52pm — No Comments

Rosalie Hale


At first glance you see the well groomed beauty before you. You think that she is self centered and extremely self confident. If you take a moment and look a little deeper you see a woman that was hurt by persons or things of her past. These things have molded her fiery personality.


Her regrets and choices have created a fierce companion for Emmett. Who…


Added by Benjamin Naifeh Atiyeh on July 6, 2011 at 11:14pm — No Comments

Today's Excursion...

This morning, I was graced with having the company of Lady Sulpicia on a horse ride out of the city so I could feed.  However, it wasn't a routine feeding excursion that we'd usually take.  I stumbled upon an e-mail a mortal had sent my way and some of the accusations enraged me.  So, I felt like taking my anger out on a handful of mortals, feeling that if I could torture them and drain them completely while satiating my hunger, I would feel better and at ease.  Wouldn't you know, it did…


Added by Jane Volturi on July 6, 2011 at 1:30am — 2 Comments

What real family is---(a rebuttal of Jane Volturi's Blog post)

Ok, first I have to get my childish feelings out.  I never read such idiotic drivel about what a family is according to Jane Volturi.  She has absolutely no idea what family is. 


Here is the dictionary definition of what a family is: 

fam·i·ly  (f m… Continue

Added by Angelia on July 5, 2011 at 4:00pm — 1 Comment


Added by Angelia on July 4, 2011 at 8:00pm — No Comments

What Real Family Is

The Cullens call themselves a real family.  I laugh at that.  It amuses me because, if you look at their "family," it's quite dysfunctional and weird.  How is it that you can all have your mates under one roof and not one of them even has any kind of blood relation?  How can you call that a family?  It's a coven and that's it.

Real family is related by blood. Born of the same mother (not "reborn" from the same maker). I do not call Aro my father. He is my maker. I had a mother…


Added by Jane Volturi on July 2, 2011 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Accepting and Embracing

I never thought that one day I’d end up really liking being what I am. When I first phased, I was in shock… not only because of what I became but also because no one thought I could ever become a shape shifter among the tribe, not even me. It took me a while before accepting who I am and really start enjoying it to the fullest. The acceptance became real when I found out about my father. The time I spent away from the reservation after that made me realise how much it’s become a part of me now… Continue

Added by Embry Call on June 25, 2011 at 8:08am — No Comments

Welcome to my life..

My name is Jessica Lynn, most ppl call me Jess or on here, J-WOW *thanks emmett* lol. I am 23 soon to be 24 yr old living in Brooklyn, Ny. Born and raised here, not that special if you have been here your whole life. But I am sure I take it for granted, I will probly be reminded of that when I go on vacation and everything is closed by midnight lol. I am Irish, Polish and french. I speak english and some spanish. I love shopping, shoes and dresses are my fav. I hate heels though, flats work…


Added by Jessica Ward on June 23, 2011 at 2:30am — No Comments

My Angel

I had never been so happy, I was engaged to be married and I could not stop smiling. We were living a very happy and quiet life in Vienna, we had just celebrated our first christmas alone together. And as I walked back through the quiet streets to our home I found myself humming as I admired my engagement ring. "You sound like a young woman in love" chimed the voice of my audience. Smiling to her I paused in my travels and responded, "Am I really that transparent?" Returning my smile the older… Continue

Added by Carmen Denali on June 22, 2011 at 5:39am — No Comments

Your Destiny

watch your thoughts, they become words. watch your words, they become actions. watch your actions, they become habits. watch your habits, they become your character. watch your character, it becomes your destiny. your destiny is what moves you in life. whatever you decide depends on your own destiny. you control it. no one can control your destiny but yourself.

Added by Danielle Diaz on June 20, 2011 at 1:52pm — No Comments

Happy Fathers day?

IHappy Fathers day right? No. I don't want to be happy today, or tomorrow, or anyday, I just want my grandpa my papa. I just want to curl up on his lap smiling when he laughs and he's beer gut jiggles like jello, or have him show me how to shoot a gun, one of the lucky grandkids that he tought himself. Then at night fall alseep to him snoring(loudly). So i guess to other people, Happy Fathers day.

Added by Lindsey "Littlebit" Sullivan on June 19, 2011 at 9:25am — 1 Comment

camping trip

for those who don't know the date for my camping trip has been set for the 1st-3rd of July those to know of u interested inbox me for more details on da trip and what to bring. evry trip i plan is once a month, depending on ur schedule, for a weekend. so if u want to come, i'll be happy to give you the details. hope you enjoy, and for those who want to join my 'venturing crew' group go right ahead. i deny none and i accept all

Added by Danielle Diaz on June 17, 2011 at 8:00am — 1 Comment


as ya'll noe i am the host of the venturing crew group here on the site. i will like to plan a trip for one weekend and i'll do it once a month for whoever is interested. if you are not sure what to bring just inbox me and i'll tell you to the best that i remember. some of the stuff you need to bring include: a bag (to put your clothes and personal things in), a sleeping bag, a flashlight with extra batteries and a bulb, bug spray (if needed but required), boots (wear them. no sneakers aloud),… Continue

Added by Danielle Diaz on June 16, 2011 at 11:32am — No Comments


as ya'll noe i am the host of the venturing crew group here on the site. i will like to plan a trip for one weekend and i'll do it once a month for whoever is interested. if you are not sure what to bring just inbox me and i'll tell you to the best that i remember. some of the stuff you need to bring include: a bag (to put your clothes and personal things in), a sleeping bag, a flashlight with extra batteries and a bulb, bug spray (if needed but required), boots (wear them. no sneakers aloud),… Continue

Added by Danielle Diaz on June 16, 2011 at 10:30am — No Comments

You can't be everything to everyone else. I've failed Everyone!

I'm tired of the drama, the anxiety attacks and everything that goes with it: the nausea, vomiting, headaches, panic attacks, and tears. 


I got thrown out of the graduate program today.  SO essentially, I got kicked out of school.  Why?  Because I screwed up trying to meet everyone's expectations than my own.  Last week, I was writing a final paper.  Actually, I had been writing it for some time.  I was ready to send it and mysteriously, could not find the files I needed to…


Added by Angelia on June 15, 2011 at 12:50pm — No Comments

Above all else.... I will miss my friend.

Over the years I have witnessed the miracle of life and the sadness of death. Never once though did I stop and imagine myself in that situation. The thought of anything happening to Harry or the children was inconceivable and therefore never thought of. Call it what you will denial, avoidance but the simple truth of the matter is I just couldn't see my life without them, whether your talking of three years away or three days away... when I thought of my life it was always centred around my… Continue

Added by Sue Clearwater on June 15, 2011 at 4:05am — No Comments

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