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ackward.(<--yes did mean this)

well, good job. batting a thousand today. village idiot strikes one more out of the park. XD and the crowd goes wild! *blushes.*sorry. still getting my sea legs. Will do better next time promise. Still learning it's ok to relax here. heh.... well...tomorrow is a new day, so hopefully it will be better? *smirk* it's ok to post this, b/c no one reads them. *laughs*type type typety type. board now.

Added by Amanda Renee Francis on April 23, 2010 at 11:44pm — 1 Comment

*Running From the Past*

I've always wanted to feel like I belonged somewhere. Like anywhere I went in a town that I could wlak with my head held high and lookng straight ahead.

I thought I had that in my hometown of Waynesville, NC. I was one of the star students in my high school, was on the tennis team, sang in show choir, and had a job at the local tractor supply. Now, one thing you have to…


Added by Candace Clark on April 23, 2010 at 9:32pm — No Comments

on with the show.

My heart is heavy today. I relived events that shattered me, but it is alright. I have the unfortunate curse of love. But is it really a curse? I burn with intense passion for everything, and sometimes even fire gets burned. I feel myself cracking again, and it's everything I can do to hold it together. I love the smiling faces of my studio kids, and the loveing kisses of my own four legged children. I love to see the happy faces of the people that enjoy me here. It is welcoming here. I've…


Added by Amanda Renee Francis on April 23, 2010 at 9:09pm — No Comments

Edward - about his love to Bella and how it effects me..

I think it's very hard for me to look at - to hear.. the way he always talks so intense about her - so deeply - so much in love - so full of love and admire about her.. you can feel the intense love in his voice - she is his life now - nothing can make him walk away from her - he lives to protect her - her life to him is more value rebel then his own - you would think it would make me happy - that it would make me feel hope for the future - hope for my future - that it would make me hoping -… Continue

Added by Pia Hjorth Johansson on April 23, 2010 at 7:14am — 2 Comments

My work.

I'm so happy. I figured out how to put pictures up. :D *bounces* So the album marked my work, is a sample of what I do for a living. well, one of two. lol. I hope everyone likes it. I am extremly proud of the plate. I cried out of frustration and pain for that thing. It was hard to construct, but the best part was the look on the director's face, and the actor wearing it. It was worth the lack of sleep and messed up fingers, lol, just to see that. I fell asleep on that thing a couple of…


Added by Amanda Renee Francis on April 23, 2010 at 1:03am — No Comments


I am getting grief from family for allowing my 5 1/2 year old twin boys to watch twilight... They beg to watch so, I sit down and watch with them... They don't think its scary they just like watching the characters...

Added by Tiffaney Cooper on April 21, 2010 at 6:36am — 2 Comments

1727 - 1851

After 124 years, I'm saddened to admit that I remained very un-educated in the ways of my world, of the ancient laws that existed. I had heard whispers of The Cloaked ones but nothing more. I had all but forgotten my dreams of painting as they lurked in the far corners of my murky human memories, though I did not recall these very often, as they left me nothing but the pain of what might have been. My days were consumed with thoughts of my death. I knew of pain and suffering, I was there…


Added by Carmen Denali on April 21, 2010 at 12:30am — 2 Comments


*laughs*Well, that was fun. Here I was having a rough day and I come here, and there's my friend. *smiles* and I made some more friends out of it. Very glad I stayed now. :D And I am learning. ;D

Added by Amanda Renee Francis on April 20, 2010 at 1:58pm — No Comments


Heh. XD I guess I kind of screwed up the application. *totally embarassed.*I sent it and just found out yesterday what exactly it was for. XD I just wanted to play, but I am really making a mess of things. Kind of super embarassed right now. Chat was really quiet. I am feeling like the kid with the third eye that everyone is afraid to comment on, but you know it's there. XD

Added by Amanda Renee Francis on April 20, 2010 at 1:26am — 1 Comment


Life is not like a box Forrest Gump said *laughs*........its more like a box of cherries cause you never know when you are gonna get the pits! *laughs*....Life is simply to short to hold grudges againest others. When you have figured out what you want in life most of the time you are to old to do that! So just remember to never ever hold anything againest people if you can help it!

Added by Brandy K on April 19, 2010 at 5:35pm — No Comments


Interesting day today. lol. *anime falls*I uploaded a pic. only the second photo in cyberspace of just me. XP I look really icky. oh well, lol. Take me as I am, b/c I take you as you are. ;D There is no such thing as surface beauty, at least not with my eyes. lol. at any rate. I'm off to sleep so I will be somewhat able to do my job tomorrow. XD I hope everyone's day went well. ;D

Added by Amanda Renee Francis on April 19, 2010 at 1:33am — No Comments

not so fun.

ok. sorry i didn't meant to cause a fight. I should just learn to not say anything. I was just trying to have some fun that's what it said to do. So big huge enormous appologies! I promise to not say anything anymore. I didn't know it would be such a big deal. I didn't think I did anything wrong. sorry to all offended.

Added by Amanda Renee Francis on April 18, 2010 at 5:06pm — No Comments


I am having fun at the main house with my new friends. lol. I just blanked on what I was going to say. lol. I think I lost my playmate. XD She might've gotten distracted. No worries. :D I wonder too. Common joke: "Hey, look shiney!" Me:"where?!" It's the raven totem in me. lol. So maybe she's corvous too and has found a shiney.

Added by Amanda Renee Francis on April 18, 2010 at 4:06pm — No Comments

I think I can. XD

It's akward being the new kid on the block. The good news is everyone is very friendly. ;D I am getting the hang of this one step at a time. lol. XD

Added by Amanda Renee Francis on April 18, 2010 at 4:08am — 1 Comment


Just moved here to Forks and since I really don't know alot of people here yet Esme and Carlisle have been kind enough to let me stay with them for a few days while I get to know other people and look for a place of my own. I really love it here in Forks its so beautiful. Don't even mind the rain. Have met some really nice people hope to meet more. As I get to used to being here.

Added by Kathy Cullen on April 17, 2010 at 10:00pm — 3 Comments

a little about me

im still sorta new in Forks.
im single and looking. but nothing too serious yet
im Taylor
i have a sister named kelsea
i love to swim and go to the movies and go to bonfires
i like to write poems sometimes.
but lots of people never read them
i have this journal i call today, i might start posting it.
idk yet
uhm i like new people so chat with me asap. :)
i like staying the night at friends…

Added by TaylorLynn<3 on April 17, 2010 at 10:28am — No Comments

curious. ;D

Hmmm.....bear with me. I am trying to get a feel of the site without being a bother. XD I really don't like that. Soooooo lol let's see what this button does. ;D

Added by Amanda Renee Francis on April 16, 2010 at 8:35pm — 3 Comments

Enjoying My time with the Cullens!

I am thrilled that I get to talk to you all! This is make being here by myself a lil more bearable....I live up here in Kennewick by myself in my parents home...Not sure if they are gonna divorce or not!

Added by Brandy K on April 16, 2010 at 1:48am — No Comments

It's Impossible

It's impossible somedays to even hear myself think at work. We've been extremely busy lately what with budget cuts, the economy and the hiring freeze. I can see a point to a hiring freeze at some places of employment but at places that provide health care services, that's not exactly the smartest idea. When staff is cut, we all suffer. We suffer as the remaining, over-worked, stressed out employees and the patients suffer from lack of proper response time, fewer appointments and very…

Added by Carlisle Cullen MD on April 15, 2010 at 10:30am — 4 Comments

Darling Esme

*Copyrighted Material*
June 6,… Continue

Added by Carlisle Cullen MD on April 15, 2010 at 12:00am — No Comments

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