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Sometimes, stuff just happens...

Yesterday was my "Friday the 13th."  Not that I believe in superstition, but with all the apprehension built around this day, I figured I would recount my bit of bad luck.  Of course, like all stories like this start, it was a day like any other day.  I got to work at 7 am and went immediately to the task of opening the Garden Center, putting away returns, getting supplies, and watering plants outside.  By 9:45 it was time for break.  I got breakfast, did some incidentals, and went back to…


Added by Angelia on July 13, 2012 at 11:48am — 1 Comment

Friday the 13th!

Most people don't know what Friday the 13th is about. its supposed to be a bad luck day,but lucky for us, there's only 3 of them, but the freaky thing is,that they're all 13 weeks apart and in the 2nd week of the month that it lands in. I tested it out to see what months they land in, and they all land in January in the 2nd week, then 13 weeks later in  April it lands on the 2nd week, then 13 weeks later it lands in July on the 2nd week too! The fact that they all land exactly 13 weeks apart…


Added by Kelsey best on July 13, 2012 at 6:55am — No Comments

The accident

 I didn't have a chance to walk away after she shoved my shoulder and yelled at me, accusing me of running from responsibilites like my father. The second the words rolled off her tongue I lost control, and the next thing I knew she was on the ground with blood covering her face and arm, her body seemingly lifeless.  It was like a scene from a horror movie playing out right in front of me. With one quick swipe of my paw I caused harm to the one I loved. Panic set in and I took off deep into…


Added by Sam Uley on July 11, 2012 at 7:48pm — 2 Comments

Sam is taking me out for dinner. He told me to wear something fancy,even though he refuses to tell me where we're going. I know he is taking me out tonight because he wants us to have a break firm ch…

Sam is taking me out for dinner. He told me to wear something fancy,even though he refuses to tell me where we're going. I know he is taking me out tonight because he wants us to have a break firm chasing 6 kids around the house. And I kinda agree, but now me and Sam and to just drop our kids off with some family, and we don't know if they have plans. Any ideas in what we should do?

And if anyone has seen Rosalie or Emmett, can u ask them if they can watch my kids for me? Thanks!… Continue

Added by Raven McCarthy on July 11, 2012 at 12:58pm — No Comments

horror movies

i have quiet a passion for watching horror movies, even though they scare the crap out of me i'll still watch it over and over again,i'm not sure why but i just do.when ever i jump or let out a little scream, i get this rush, but i just don't know what it is,everytime i get frightened i my heart starts to beat fast.  So far today, on Netflix i've seen Don't Be Afraid of the dark,Amytiville haunting, Quarantine 2:the Terminal.

If you don't have netflix you can sign up for it.…


Added by Kelsey best on July 9, 2012 at 12:08pm — No Comments


Just now i had got done watching a movie Called Cyberbully,and I had learned about a new perpective about how it effects people in life. In the movie this girl gets her own laptop without any protective stuff on it so her mom can see everything she does on it. she joins this site that everyone in school has. Then Soon her own brother hacks her account and puts as a status that she's a slutty whore. Then Her best Friend creates a new account claiming to be a boy and acts all nice at first…


Added by Kelsey best on July 8, 2012 at 8:00pm — 1 Comment

Q & A 2

Ok so here is where i'll answer the questions.i hadn't got many questions but i kinda came up with a few of my own

Favorite holiday: St.Patricks day. Because i have irish in me,and i'm proud of my heritages

Favorite Color: RED!

Favorite month: umm don't have one, by my favorite season is spring…


Added by Kelsey best on July 8, 2012 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment

Becoming an early riser

  Since lately i've been babysitting Rylee, and I have to get up early is causing me to do it every day.  Today I don't have to babysit but I got up at 6:30 am anyways, because I was hungry. So this morning I got something to eat, watched tv for a while then walked the dogs. Why not walk them now while its nice and cool instead of later in the day when its blistering hot? I can't walk them in that heat, because of a fear of them having a heatstroke, or getting blisters on their feet from the…


Added by Kelsey best on July 8, 2012 at 5:00am — 1 Comment

A story of a vampire-werewolf hybrid.

My full name is Ella Aeriale Amethyst Alexus Aquamarine Catalaya Diamond Emerald Pearl Ruby Periodt Sapphire Opal Topaz Turquoise Garnet Black. I have a twin brother names Jacob Black. We were adopted by Rosalie and Emmett Cullen. Me and my brother are a rare hybrid, the first of our kind. We are a cross of a vampire and a werewolf. I am 17 years old, and m birthday is on October 15.

I've been married since I was 13(I know it's crazy). So far, me and my husband, Sam, have had 6 kids.… Continue

Added by Raven McCarthy on July 7, 2012 at 7:34am — No Comments

A Canine Awakening

I woke up this morning to my 8 year old dog leaning over me. She shouldn't have this much energy! she is such a handful!

Added by Kristina Burnham on July 6, 2012 at 8:41pm — No Comments

Weird dream last night

Last night was weird, it actually wasn't really a dream it was more of a nightmare.The reason why its so weird is because Twilight was involved and it usually isn't.

In my dream i moved to forks into a house on my own that was haunted by a demon.On my first day of school i immediately became friends with the cullens, not caring if they were vampires or about the law that human's can't know about he existence of vampires or  the fact that i could get killed by the volturi(yes i know…


Added by Kelsey best on July 6, 2012 at 7:46am — 1 Comment


ok so i'm gonna be baby sitting all day today, and Rylee's a little tough sometimes. She's 8 months old i think. She was born October 25th, so i think thats 8 months, but  if i'm wrong please tell me and correct me. but i need something to keep her busy with, what should i do, i lay out a lot of toys for her but she just doesn't have the patience for many of them,she perfers the box its self or the plastic water bottle with pens and pencils in it to play with. what should i do? any one have…


Added by Kelsey best on July 6, 2012 at 6:42am — No Comments

well this is me.

I have been thinking about how my life is,way to much,I have divorce parents,and 5 young mom Kara is going to have a baby in a month,i just had a little sister be born last year,with my step mom.I'm vary close to my step mom,I love her.I have a lot on my mind this Year I get to go to real school and not be home-school,I'm vary scared to start high school vary much.

I have a lot of twilight things that i can't name all *laughs* Team Volturi is what team I'm on…


Added by Kayla Metcalf on July 5, 2012 at 5:00pm — No Comments


ok So for my next blog, i'm gonna be answering questions that you guys ask me about myself. So ask away,every question is welcomed, i don't care if its personal,just don't go to personal please.Ask Me Anything like favorite holiday, color, lucky number, favorite month, favorite school subject(i love school), What are my goals in life, Etc. Just ask away! I don't mind if you ask multiple questions at the same time,but please don't ask the same question someone already asked.

i won't be…


Added by Kelsey best on July 5, 2012 at 2:00pm — No Comments


I know i'm a little late at posting this since it was yesterday,but i couldn't my friends laptop wouldn't let me log in. So Happy Belated fourth of July! I'm uber tired since I didn't get much sleep last night because of the dang fireworks.they were too loud and kept going off till 3 am. Well i hope everyone enjoyed the fireworks, i did, i know some people got a little out of control with the fireworks. My Best friend who i also consider my sister because i've…


Added by Kelsey best on July 5, 2012 at 2:00pm — 2 Comments

4th of July Tradition

Within each family there are usually heirlooms and traditions which are passed from generation to generation. Our family is no exception. Sure, we have a little different dynamics than usual but the love and respect we have for each other is as normal as any other. 

Esme and I have a special tradition that we never want to let go of. Each year we make the short trip to Forks for the…


Added by Carlisle Cullen MD on July 5, 2012 at 10:29am — No Comments


Added by Angelia on July 4, 2012 at 11:00am — No Comments

this is me

     Since I was a little late at figuring out that I was accepted, and I was getting a little upset that I wasn't getting accepted, I'm a little new at this, so I'm just too lazy to edit it on my profile, I think that's where you put it.Well I don't know and I don't feel like getting mad at my computer, which is quiet funny, I'll admit it, my friends will literally fall off the couch laughing their butts off because of how I act when my computer freezes,or a pain in the you know what.If you…


Added by Kelsey best on July 2, 2012 at 5:13am — 2 Comments

Our love

Sitting in our bedroom I started thinking what love is and well love is the most wonderful feeling you have for the people you care most for in this world, in my case, my friends, family and most importantly my amazing husband and my beautiful daughter, and that is why today I write this letter to him.

June 13th,2012


I know that the words I am about to tell you, you already know them, but I…


Added by Emily Uley on July 1, 2012 at 1:40pm — 1 Comment

A Long and Tiring Weekend.

I am so exhausted and sore from this weekend. First of all on Saturday I had to get up at 6:30 to get ready for this biking event. There was over 10 thousand people there. I rode 8 miles to raise money for cancer research.  Riding the 8 miles was way to easy in my opinion but I had to do it because my little sister Neve was ridng 8 miles and I had to watch her. After I finised the 8 miles, I apparently had to run a certain distance :\ This distance was 16 miles. Who can run 16 miles anyways?…


Added by Erin on June 25, 2012 at 12:12pm — No Comments

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