I had been feeling unusually tired and unable to focus for a few months. Sarah finally broke through my wall of stubbornness and made me call the doctor. I went for routine blood work. "Yadda, yadda, we'll let you know in a few days blah blah blah..." all the medical speak went in one ear and out the other. I went home kept plugging along, finding it more and more difficult to get my self motivated. Something was off. I had known it for months but I was stubborn and just didn't want to deal with it.
Few days later the call came and I let the machine pick up.
"Mr. Black, your blood work is in. Please call us back as soon as possible so that we can review the results"

There it was.. "please call us back as soon as possible." I knew it wasn't some easy fix. I dialed, got the receptionist who knew absolutely nothing about the results and scheduled an appointment. I tried to get her to tell me something, anything... just some small amount of information but she wouldn't budge.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Black, I'm not at liberty to discuss your chart with you, your physician will go over it with you at your appointment. You need to fast before the appointment, no food/water after midnight."

Damnit. I knew it. I scheduled the appointment for September 15. The three days between that phone call and my appointment were hell. I didn't sleep, I could not concentrate, I could not eat. Sarah knew something was wrong but I didn't want to upset her. I kept dismissing it as me just being tired.

I went to my appointment while Sarah was at work. I needed to this alone. I did not know what to expect and I wanted time to process whatever they were going to tell me so that it didn't upset her. The girls were toddlers and I she didn't need the added stress.

Never had 3 days taken SO long to pass. Finally the morning of the 15th arrived, Sarah made breakfast as usual and I had to quick think of a reason NOT to eat. I've never been one to miss breakfast. I had the idea to tell her I was supposed to be in early and just had to run. It worked, I think. At least she let me think it did.
I got to the appointment 15 minutes early and in my favor, they took me in, on time. I had to drink a really disgusting sweet liquid and wait an hour. I got an incredible head ache from the liquid to the point where I had to lie down.

They took blood and here's where the regret comes in.....

"Mr. Black we regret to inform you that we believe you have diabetes."
Sure I've heard of diabetes before but no one in my family has ever had it that I know of. Surely there was a glitch in the test. It couldn't be diabetes. I just sat there bewildered, wondering what this meant. How could it have happened?
They were certain of the diagnosis and I was sent home with a prescription to be admitted to the hospital that day.
That same day
We all know how the events panned out after that. I'm a full blown diabetic. What's the regret part, you ask?
My only regret was being stubborn and ignoring something that I KNEW was wrong with hopes that it would just go away.
Don't be stubborn about your health.

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