An Interactive Twilight Experience.
Chapter Five
Day five
Fixing the room
Dale woke up unusually early this morning he hadn’t gotten up this early since he was 10 years old. He started stretching his legs like he used to when he was doing martial arts, but before he started stretching he did a little exercise to warm up his muscles and started stretching, after stretching his legs he start practicing his kicks that he learned from forward kicks to side kicks and round kicks to work his legs. Then he got a change of clothes and walked into the bathroom and took a shower, then changed into his clean clothes and went downstairs to the kitchen. And once again everyone was in the kitchen Esme saw Dale and said “Boy, you're up early this morning.” With that she handed him a plate with his breakfast on it, she said “Eat up.” Suddenly Rosalie walked by leaving the room and as she left the room she said “Yes, time to feed the human.” Dale replied “Eat my shorts.” Esme said “Dale, just ignore her.” With that Dale began eating his breakfast, he looked over at Carlisle and he was on the phone talking to whom he did not know Alice and Jasper were both sitting at the table just talking, and Alice kept looking at him. In the meantime Carlisle said is goodbyes and hung up the phone then he looked at Esme and said “Well I just got finished talking to Charlie and he said if it's all right with Dale he can stay here with us while he is here.” Carlisle looked at Dale and asked “Would like to stay here instead of Charlie's place?” Dale replied “Sure, Okay.” Suddenly Emmett came downstairs and into the kitchen and sat next to Dale, said to Dale “I have something for you.” And with that he handed Dale a wristband just like the one Emmet had on with the same crest on it. Emmett said “I thought about what Carlisle said on the baseball field and I figured this would make you my honorary Bro just like Edward and Jasper are.” Then he started teaching Dale how to put it on his wrist, when they both were finished Emmett said “There you go an honorary Cullen.” Dale replied “Thanks.” Esme looked at Emmett and said “That was nice.” with that Dale finished eating, he went back upstairs to his room and shut the door walked slowly to his closet and picked up his weapons from all the martial arts and laid them gently on the bed he stared at them on the bed laid escrima sticks, two sets of Nunchaku’s then looked back in his closet and saw his uniform. Part of him did not want to do this to start training again to hurt people he has tried to avoid this day ever since his parents' death, he threw his uniform down on the bed from the closet. He picked up a pair nunchaku ' s and held them in his hands, suddenly there was a knock at the door and Alice peeked through the door and ask “Is everything OK?” She saw what he had in his hands and what was on the bed and she asked “What are those?” Dale look down and at what he had in his hands and looked at Alice and said “Its martial arts stuff these are called nunchaku's they're the most dangerous weapons that I've been trained with, originally these were used as a tool similar to hammer in the Eastern culture, unlike a regular stick which is not as powerful, these things can damage someone internally as well as externally, I was not train to use them until I was a high rank because not only can you hurt others but if you're not careful you can hurt yourself as well.” Alice looked at the nunchakus and looked at Dale and asked “How do they work?” He walked over and sat the nunchaku's down on the bed and replied “I don't feel like using them right now.” Suddenly Jasper came in as well and he looked at the Arsenal on the bed he replied “So you're into that kind of fighting.” Alice said to Dale, “The reason I am here is to ask if you like to go and maybe get few things for the room, you know to make the room more …… you , maybe some posters to hang up I don't know this room looks kind of bland with just plain white walls, let's get you some things to make it looked more like your room Jasper and I going to the Port Angeles today would you like to come along?”; “Okay” Dale replied Alice said as she was leaving, “Get your shoes on and your jacket and we will meet you downstairs.” With that she left, Dale grabbed his shoes and then put his jacket on and as he was about to leave, he did not know why he did this he grabbed a pair nunchaku's and put them in his back pocket then ran out door and down stairs to where Jasper and Alice were. Then they were off to Port Angeles once they got there they started looking at pictures and posters Alice said “Dale, what do you like?” Dale replied “I don't know?” Alice said “Well I a have seen the future and I know what your room is going to look like so I'll get this and this and this.” Then she picked out a bunch of posters and then frames to put the posters in, then they looked at bed sheets and comforters but Dale would just be happy sleeping in a sleeping bag, soon it was lunchtime but Alice and Jasper didn't eat lunch so they didn't even think about it. Walking down the street from shopping Dale had a strange sense that he was being followed as they were walking toward the car; Alice got into the driver's seat and Jasper open the front seat door. Dale froze where he was and turned to see who was following him, suddenly he was shoved to the ground by the same two guys that were bothering Alice that one day. Dale Quickly got on his feet, the two guys were looking for another fight one of them said “Looky what we got here.” Dale looks at the two and then glanced behind him and saw five others he was surrounded, the other guy that they met before said “Not so cocky now are you?” Dale look behind him and as there were five Then he counted the other two and said “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, seven against one well looks like the sides are a little uneven.” And the guy that was bugging Alice that time before replied “Yes brought some friends this time.” Dale said “Yep, looks like the sides are a little uneven so you guys are going to have to go back and get more guys.” Suddenly Alice and Jasper noticed that Dale was surrounded by the same creeps that were bugging Alice that one day, Jasper started to get out of the car to help Dale when Alice stopped him, when Dale got out of the crowd to the point where all seven were facing him and these guys were bigger than him when suddenly Dale jumped in the air and kicked both of the two guys that are closest to him in the face with both feet and then landed on his feet and as the two guys fell to the ground Dale replied “Did I mention I studied martial arts.” Then the five guys started toward Dale and that's when Dale whipped out the nunchaku's and started twirling them ,he spun them over and under his arms and froze with one of the side of the chuck in his armpit and froze at the same time the guys that are coming at him stopped as well fearing of getting hit by them, Dale said “This your last chance to run, After that somebody is goanna get hurt.” all of them ran off and in a quick hurry except one, dale's was worried maybe this one knows how to fight Dale took his nunchaku's and tossed them on the ground They circle each and trying to get a good position when the guy grabs the nunchaku's and put one chuck under his armpit trying to do like he's goanna strike with them, but Dale knew better Dale stop fighting and started walking slowly towards him. Then at the last second the guy attempted to strike with them and ending up hitting himself in the head instead hitting Dale, and the guy fell to the ground. Dale walked over and picked up his nunchaku's then walked back to where Alice and Jasper were, they both had the same expression on their face Dale walk by Jasper to get into the car saying “That guy was dumb, that guy was so dumb.” Jasper was in the front and closed the door and then Alice was in the driver's seat and started the car; she said to Jasper “Did you see what he did?” Alice was impressed again she said to Dale “You gotta teach me that.” With that she drove off back to the House Jasper turned around to face Dale and asked “Where did you learn to do that.” Dale's simply replied “I went to school.” Later on they arrive back at that house; little did they know that somebody in the shadows had been taking pictures of Dale, Alice, and Jasper. When they walked through the front door they each had a bag in their hands Carlisle yelled “Dale, will you please come in here?” Dale told Alice and Jasper that he would be up to the room shortly. He walked into the kitchen where Esme and Carlisle were, he walked over to the bar and sat down on a stool then replied “What's up?” Carlisle said “I have been talking it over with Esme also I have been talking to Charlie, Esme and I have come to an agreement and I am sure the rest of the family will agree, we would--” then he looked at Esme, and Esme said “What Carlisle is trying to say is that were very fond of you and groaned really quite attached to you over these days that we've been with you.” Dale look at as Esme and Carlisle rather puzzled he did not know what was coming, Esme walked over to Dale and put her arm around his shoulder and said “We would like to adopt you, I love you very much your great person to be around, your mother and father left someone behind that is very special. We were going to talk it over with the rest of the family but we figured we should talk to you first, since it involves you. What do you think?” Dale was shocked he never dreamed that this would happen, to him that he would ever be happy in another family and now he's getting the opportunity to stay to live with a bunch of vampires, he thought to himself this never happened me before, then thought seriously would he rather live with the Cullen’s or go back to Seattle. He looked at Carlisle and Esme Suddenly a wicked grin went on dale's face and said to them “You’re sure you want this responsibility?” They both replied “Yes we do.” Esme said “This is your home now, and I know we cannot replace your parents but maybe we can exceed them.” Carlisle said “Another thing I have talked to Alice and we need to make arrangements about and know there is no rush, and its up to you this at least needs to be discussed we need to decide if you want to be like us to turn you or not, that is if you want to be turned I mean don't get me wrong we could conceal it from Volturi but it is the law. Well, first do you want to be a vampire?” Dale had to think about that one that option has never came up before him a vampire, he never in his wildest dreams thought that this discussion would never come up because his mother made it plain that vampires don't exist and that all movie-making scary stories and all that, Here he is discussing with a Vampire about him becoming a vampire. Dale looks at Carlisle and said “I don't know, maybe one day but this day is not that day. And I remember one thing that my instructor told me once martial art is power over an opponent, with that power comes great responsibility for that power I just don’t know if I’m ready for that responsibility.” Then looked back toward the hall and said “I got to go Alice and Jasper are upstairs in my room decorating my room so I got to get up there I'll see you guys later.” With that Dale ran upstairs, Esme looked at Carlisle and said “He's different than Bella; Bella would have jumped at the chance.” Carlisle looked at her and said “He's a good boy and wise among his years which is very odd for a child of his age, well let's go hunting.” With that Carlisle and Esme ran off into the woods, meanwhile upstairs in dale's room the three of them were putting posters up three of the posters were martial artists movie stars Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and Jet Li all three These pictures were put in frames and hung on Dale's Walls among other pollsters of certain movies that Dale liked, Dale said to Alice, “Alice Bruce Lee was one of my biggest inspiration in getting in into martial arts, in my opinion he was the best. He was the fastest and the most agile and he was one of my heroes. After his death I started watching Jackie Chan and Jet Li and I'm most impressed with both of there works.” Then Jasper asked Dale, “Where were you born?” Dale replied “Chicago, Illinois.” Then Alice looked at him and said “When is your birthday?” Dale thought about that for a little bit it's been so long since he had a birthday that he practically forgot what day he born on, he replied “I was born in the wintertime somewhere around Christmas and New Year’s I think?” Alice said “You mean to tell me you've never had a birthday party since you were ten?” Dale replied “Wow, it's been that long.” Then Alice said “Well I think it's long overdue at least give me one or two days to come up with something for your birthday.” Dale said “There is no need for that you guys have given me more than anyone else anyway I mean clothes and food a place to live.” Alice replied “It's no bother you are technically my new brother and its time we celebrate your day of your birth now if you'd excuse me have some preparations to make.” With that Alice walked out the door Dale looked at Jasper and said “Is she always like that?” Jasper replied “You have no idea.”
Soon it was dinnertime once again Dale came down the stairs to the kitchen area and Esme and Carlisle were busy cooking, everyone else was there in the kitchen talk amongst themselves Dale guess it was probably Alice plotting is late late late late late birthday party with Edward and Bella who was holding Remsee Jasper of course was sitting next alice and Dale was sitting on a stool next to the bar. Suddenly Emmet and Rosalie walk in again Rosalie said as she walked by “Time to feed the human, again.” Dale looks at her insulted and replied “Ooh drop dead!” Her remark was “too late!” Emmet just laughed about the remark and they went over and sat down with the rest. Esme asked Dale “Dale how come nobody sitting next to you?” He looked back at the table then looked at Esme and replied “I am being anti-social.” Suddenly Esme handed him a plate full of food, as Dale started eat he could over here some of the conversation going on over there. Emmet replied “That would be awesome!” Then Bella said “That would be a great idea, we just have to make sure it's not sun shining that day so we all could go.” Carlisle looked over at table and looks at Dale and said “What is Alice planning over there?” Dale replied “It probably has something to do with my late late late birthday, she found out that I hadn’t had a birthday since I was ten and I think she's trying to make up for it, I told her not to I'm just happy I that got a place to stay.” Esme sort of chuckled and said “Alice does like to throw parties” Carlisle agreed saying “yes and it seems like it's long overdue for you, Dale.” Later after dinner Bell walked into the living room and it looked like Dale had the whole living room to himself, he just walked in there and sat on the couch everyone else was obviously planning his party. He thought about it for a moment it was still light outside and it wasn't quite dark yet, so he thought maybe I should start my training with that he got up and went upstairs to his room. When he got there he opened his closet and took out his uniform and changed into it, once he was dressed he went back downstairs and outside he wasn't going to go too far away from the House he would just a around the house, first he thought of doing some exercises to warming him up. Next he started stretching his legs out like he used to do when he was in martial arts, once that was accomplished he started doing Cresson kicks and when he thought no one around he started practicing his forward flips and back flips. The first time he did a forward flip he landed on his butt, but he tried it again and perfectly landed on his feet by now he was starting to sweat and breathing heavy he realized he was definitely out of shape. So started doing sit ups and pushups after that he walked to a tree limb and start doing chin ups, then he pulled himself on to the limb and wrapped his feet around the limb using his legs he started doing sit ups upside-down and when was done he let his legs free flipped and landed on his feet by now He was plenty tired and had to rest. By now it was getting dark so Dale went inside the house and back up to his room and changed out of his uniform and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Once he was done he got into a new outfit and went to his room and hung his uniform into the closet, then went back downstairs to the living-room and everybody was there watching TV series set down on the couch and watch TV until was time for bed and went upstairs to go to sleep.
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