There is never anything quite so wonderful, as catching up with old friends. If the friendship is true, then no amount of time apart will diminish it's value, or the excitement one feels when faced with the prospect of a reunion.

Like everyone I have friends, however... unlike everyone else, some of my friends are paintings. How do I explain that to you so that it makes sense? Let me try this.. Like a book, a painting once finished almost takes on a life of it's own. It no longer belongs to just the author or the artist, not really. Once you have set free your creation upon the rest of the world, it belongs to everyone. The good news is though, after a time they feel like old friends that you haven't seen in a while and if you are really fortunate, you may be presented with the opportunity of a reunion.

Since I have been painting for... well lets just say it's been a long time shall we, *winks* I have a "few" of these "old friends" floating around the world and Eleazar, being the wonderful husband that he is... heard that three of them were coming to Seattle for an exhibition. To say I was excited would be an understatement and knowing that one of them in particular was a favorite of Tanya's, I knew I had to take her with me. So with the guise of going to see "old friends" we boarded a plane to Seattle and started our journey.

All great adventures have their twists and turns though, which is why they are called "great adventures" and ours was no different as we were soon to discover. I won't bore you with all of the tedious details, but the Seattle exhibition was cancelled and for a few horrible hours, I felt such a loss within me. My husband to the rescue again, reassured me that all would be well and after a few short days at home, we bid Eleazar farewell once again as we flew out to Vienna.

Once my beloved sister saw the entrance to the quaint gallery, her eyes sparkled with laughter as she guessed my ruse. The moment I saw them, the interior of the three century year old gallery faded and I was transported back to the small studio from where they were created. Sitting beside my sister on the beautiful ornate bench as we reminisced, was such a magical experience that will stay with me always. We spent every day of the exhibition returning to view those "old friends" and it truly was a wonderful reunion.

We have once again returned home, our bags unpacked and everything back in its place, but... it was such a wonderful adventure and it would have been shameful of me not to have shared it.

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Comment by Carmen Denali on May 31, 2013 at 7:18am

I hope so cousin and thank you... You are both so very kind.

Comment by Maddy McGuire on May 25, 2013 at 12:22pm

thats a lovely post Carmen xx


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