When all that stuff that happened in my list blog happened I was terrified, now granted I am still terrified but I am getting better. I still do end up crying after someone yells at me and make quick movements, but I dont jump as much.

A lot of people have helped me through this, and im happy to have them because if they werent here I wouldnt be getting better. I would be going the other way. My family is not supportive in helping me so I have relied on my friends on here and in school. My councelor has talked to me, and made me feel better in school. At night it is harder. Like now Im watching out. I dont know why.. I just do now because the whole thing has me so creeped out. Carlisle is one of the major persons that has helped me through this.

After all this happened all my family thought I was nuts, gave up on me. I talked to friends a lot. My father was making things worse by yelling at me and sneaking up behind me and making me scream and cry. Once I even ran away. Carlisle helped me through all of that. I was having second thoughts that if my family doesnt care, my life isnt worth it, but he helped by telling me my life is presious and everyone has a reason to be here.

Sarah is another major friend that has helped me through everything. I dont know what I would have done without her. If I was alone she would make sure I was alright. And then Katie was also there when I needed her. It wasnt that often because I was a complete mess. I hadnt been sleeping so I didnt want to snap at her.. or even anyone..

That is how it is going so far. Still shaken up and still terrified, but getting better with each day.. and im getting happier with each day as well. There is one song by Casting Crowns that has also helped. The lyrics to Voice of Truth really helped. If you have the chance look it up on youtube and listen and see how and why it even helped me.


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Comment by Carlisle Cullen MD on December 28, 2010 at 8:08pm

Hang in there Erin. Some say your teen years are the hardest but also the most amazing.

I'm here if you need me


Comment by Lindsey "Littlebit" Sullivan on December 26, 2010 at 8:38pm
I love Casting Crown, that a good song too, Erin, your a strong girl, never foget that


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