You have, no doubt, heard the term, 'Expectant Father' am I right?
I don't recall feeling like this with the twins or Jacob though I am certain that I did. 

I wake every morning expecting to be alone. Everything is so perfect I feel as if I'm dreaming but Tiffany is right beside me. Snuggling up against her and holding her close as she sleeps is the bliss that I have been waiting for for years.

Oh, so back to the expectant father thing... yeah, it's kinda surreal. I don't know really how else to say it. It's weird, man. Me in my 50s now expecting a baby. I know things will be ok but I have all these "what if" scenarios playing around inside my head. What if I can't remember how to change a diaper? What if he/she doesn't like me? What if I forget something?

I'm scared to death. I think I need to take a class... Expectant Fathers 101 or something. There's gotta be something like that out there because I'm freaking out. I don't let on to Tiff about my fears and self-doubting fears. She has enough to worry about at this point and I don't want to stress her out. I'm going to look into a class or something. Maybe I'll hang out with Paul or Sam one day when they have the little ones alone. My head is a jumbled mess of excitement, pride, worry, fear and sheer terror!

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