I am starting to wonder if this whole school thing is worth it.. Yes I'm fully aware that to get anywhere in life I need my grade 12 diploma. How much can one person take. ? I for one can't take it anymore. First bullies than teaches?! How about NO! I'm in grade 10 for corn sakes and first semester is almost done and I've been in my grade VP (vice principal) Crying and telling her "I'm dropping out!" And some other choice words in which I'm not proud of. But when I have teachers telling me im stupid I draw the line. Ive triedso hard to please everyone but myself! I refuse to step foot in that school after break is over! And if I do I'm taking my stuff my locker. I sincerely dislike the school system. I've lost myself because of school and other crap. It's not funny anymore. I don't know who I am. But am I confused or just plain stupid for wanting to drop out. There's always outreach school right?
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