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As I sit here writing this letter to you, Esme, my mind wanders to you and Edward.Being what I am, even though I haven't seen you for months, my memories of you both are crisp and new as if they had only occurred moments ago. Carried by the wind, the smell of smoke, death and burning potatoes wafts into my tent.Desperate to calm my over sensitive senses, I consciously stop inhaling. Ever since I joined the Army, I have tried desperately to fit in as best as I can and have trained myself to subconsciously breathe to appear as a human.
Frank Demici, a fellow Captain and one of my 'tent mates' is snoring at present, making me chuckle. Gary Holden is across the room smirking as he reads a letter from home. Home. I dream of home with every passing moment. Just to inhale your scent, to touch you to hear your voice again is all I crave. Keeping your letters in my pocket soothes my heartache just enough to keep me from going crazy.
Letters from home are all that we need, darling. Most of us gather around the mess tent on Wednesday, waiting for our names to be called. No one says a word as the names are called off in random order. Occasionally a name won't be called and the GI will walk off slowly pulling out an old letter from his pocket to read.Please don't worry as this hasn't happened to me, I have received each and every one of yours and Edward's letters.
Quartermaster has just payed a visit. Ripped my coat in the field and had to have it repaired. Sorry for the bad writing, I hope you can read it, I'm rushing through this so I can send it out in today's post!
Tell me about you and Edward. Understandably you realize how much I crave any news from home. Valentine's day will have come and gone by the time this reaches you. With this letter I am including a small Edelweiss flower, found only at the snowline here.
X-Ray films are ready and I want to post this straight away. You and Edward are always in the forefront of my mind. Zone alarm is going off, I have to go!

~I love you-
Eternally Yours
Copyrighted material

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