haleigh bolton
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  • Tuscaloosa, AL
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So, did you stab Edward Cullen with a pencil or what? I’ve never seen him act like that. - Mike

My Name is Haleigh. I love God with all my heart.<3 am a strong believer of love, karma and fate. everything in life happens for a reason. people are always going to try and bring you down, but you can't let that get in your way. I smile almost all the time. i constantly want to travel. I wear t-shirts and blue jeans.Not a big fan of dresses.im NOT a morning person. im sensitive. no one can compare to my brother, he is the world to me. my mom is one of the strongest people i know. my dad is a very driven,[lso stubborn ;) ]andi am thankful for that. im the most organized mess in town. i could dance for hours. If you dont like me then thats too bad cause i promise u im worth sticking around for. (: <3 The greatest thing in life is finding someone who knows all of ur weaknesses and still finds u completely amazing<3


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Haleigh bolton's Blog

A little about me..

Posted on June 25, 2009 at 5:03pm

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At 10:42am on May 18, 2010, Lisa Collins said…

Sorry I didn't comment back. Stupid hectic lifestyle has taken over..
Well my news so far, I've been kicked outta college (I'm not gonna get into why but it's their fault) And my boyfriend broke up with me 2 weeks ago. So I've been heartbroken.
I'm bearing up now, which is why I'm writing to you, I didn't want you to think I'd forgotten you.
Never could.
Anyway, enough about me. How are things with you?!!
I've missed toy my wacky pal.

At 8:14am on March 24, 2010, Lisa Collins said…
Hey Haleigh!!

I am so pleased to have heard from you, I thought you had disappeare dor something *Laughs* We must exchange e-mails or to keep in contact if you are unable to get online. :D

So your brother is back? How did the meeting with his "friend" go? Is she nice. Tell me everything!!

College has gotten better, less hectic so I am very pleased about that.
Things with a guy have started worrying me, I need some advice. He has kinda messed me around. Well I think he's messing me around. :'(

So how are things with you?
Tell tell tell!!

At 10:15am on February 22, 2010, Lisa Collins said…

How have you been darling? I have missed you so much, I haven't been online much I know, things have been hectic with college.

What have I missed? :D

At 7:42am on February 10, 2010, Lisa Collins said…
Hey Haleigh,

How is everything with you?
I am good thanks, my Birthday was last month, I had fun. What have you been up to?

At 8:11am on December 22, 2009, Lisa Collins said…
Wow sorry about that last comment, it was a little messed up!!

Anyway, it's nice you two can stull be friends, are you going to visit him AND his new girlfriend? When are you visiting him?
I can't believe Christmas is only 3 days away!! It really doesn't feel like it does it?

So how old are you? I see I left school when I was sixteen, it's different in America isn't it? 18? I know I am so happy I have finished college for a lovely two week break!! It's my birthday in two weeks too. 8th of January.

Love, your friend,
At 9:39am on December 15, 2009, Lisa Collins said…
Hey Lisa!!
Im soooo sorry i havent been able to get on much but my computer messed up for a while but its ok now :) but everything is alright here.. ive been writing my brother alot and he says he really loves the food in the airforce which really did surprise me .. but its my brother who can eat anything what else do u expect?? *WINKS*

im excited that Christmas is almost here!!! What are your plans?? im going to visit my cousin and he boyfriend the day after .. and im also going to see my friend Michael. You remember him dont you?? I did tell you about him once.. he was my ex but he says he still loves me but i can never tell goodness sometimes i just wish i could read minds like edward!!*laughs* that would be niceee once in a while..

Anyways what have you been up to?Miss you Lisa!! Love ya bunches! ;)
your friend,

Darling Haleigh,

Ah I have missed you sooooooo much!! :D
Glad everything is good with you.
Yes, siblings eh, Can't live WITH them, can't live WITHOUT them!! *Laughs*
I can really tell you love your brother. ;D

Christmas is nealry here OH YES!!! I cannot wait either, Well I live on my own (I have my own flat) But Christmas day I am going to my mothers for a BIG family Christmas. Then New years eve I am going to a party, I cannot wait itt'l be so awesome!!! Michael, Is he the one that hurt you that time? The one that lives pretty far from you? That sounds good though, I hope you have a real fun time!!!! *Smiles*

I've been really busy at college, getting essays done and what not. But it's calmed down a lot because of Christmas coming up they are letting us have a break. (Finally!!) How is high school going?

Tell me EVERYTHING, all your plans!

Lots of love,
Your friend,
Lisa :D
At 10:39am on December 2, 2009, Lisa Collins said…
Hello Haleigh,

How are you doing?
Is everything alright.
Love Lisa.
At 11:18am on November 22, 2009, Carlisle Cullen MD said…
At 10:12am on November 12, 2009, Lisa Collins said…
Hello Haleigh!,

I was wondering where you were, i have missed talking with you too! Not been up to much really, trying to meet deadlines at college, going out with friends, studying, etc etc. What have you been up to, apart from being at your dads, any more boy troubles?

Why were you grounded from the computer. Hope you haven't been being naughty. *Laughs*

It's getting closer the opening of New Moon! It's earlier for you guys, lucky thing. I am going to see it Saturday 21st. But hey, i'm counting the days!

I want to know EVERYTHING I have missed.

Love, Your friend,
At 7:58am on October 2, 2009, Lisa Collins said…
Ah finally she respnonds! *Laughs* I'm just kidding, it has been a while though missy :P And thanks, i am back in a relationship, his name is Jake, he is lovely sweet caring, understanding, funny etc. And awww i really hope you find someone, although you have years to think about romance and boys. *Laughs*

Ah, i am so happy you found Niagra Falls exciting!!! Did you have a good time, what did you do? Paris?! You lucky thing, i have been to Paris twice, it is lovely there, but you should take a dictionary with you, to translate *Laughs* England is lovely but i bet America is even better.

To be honest darling, if friends are being nasty then they are not friends, I had one like that, always telling me what to do, how to dress what to say etc, I got so sick of her i had to let her go, it was like she wanted to control. No thanks i am myself.

She has the page back up, but i get the feeling she has been replaced she doesn't type like she used to, which is a shame *Smiles sadly* :(

Hope you having fun, and looking forward to your weekend, got much planned?!

Your Friend,

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