An Interactive Twilight Experience.
Chapter Six
Day six
Dale’s party
when Dale awoke in his room the next morning he looked out his window and saw that it was overcast cloudy basically a gloomy day, he walked over to his closet open his closet up and looked in his box once again and saw some small bombs that ninja's use to hide with. He picked one up and put it in his pocket as he got dressed, then went downstairs for breakfast. Once he got into the kitchen he saw that everyone was there including Edward and Bella with Remsee, Alice looked and saw him standing in the doorway and said “Hi Dale I have good news today's the day.” Emmett stood up and slowly walked toward Dale as Alice continued to say today were and celebrate the delay birthday, Dale replied “Ho no.” and started to back up as Emmett walked slowly toward him and Dale notice that Jasper was behind him, with that he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small sphere. He glanced around the room at his surroundings, Alice started walking toward him as she did she said “It's ok where going to have fun, and what is that you got in your hand?” With that Dale raise it up with two fingers his thumb and first finger and said “Did you know than ninjas work in concealment, Ninja vanish!” and with that he threw it onto the ground and smoke went all around him, at that time Jasper and Emmett ran fast to grab him and ended up running into each other. As a smoke subsided Dale was nowhere to be seen Emmet and Jasper looked each other dumb struck, Jasper said “Where did he go?” Emmet replied “That was cool.” Jasper said “I know he is around here somewhere I smell his sent.” Emmett replied “He basically lives here now Jasper his sense is all over the House.” Jasper said “Good point I'll head up stairs to see if he went up there.” With that Jasper ran up stairs to the third floor, Emmett just turn around looked at Alice and said as he walked back into the kitchen, “He just disappeared, but that was so cool.” Alice replied “He's around here somewhere I can hear his heart beating.” With that Emmett decided to check the living room to see if he was there, what they did not know was that Dale all he did was jump and wedged himself in part of the ceiling as Emmet walked right under him toward the living room and it was taking all his strength to hold himself there using his hands and feet, and when Emmet walked by and into the living room Dale Drop to the floor in a crouched like landing. Everyone in the kitchen had the same expression on their face seeing Dale Drop from above the doorway, all except Edward was chuckling. Suddenly Emmet and Jasper ran into the kitchen and saw Dale standing there, Emmet replied “That some trick.” Jasper just looked at him very suspicious, Carlisle said “We all are going I've taken time off from work to do this and I have checked the weather and is a perfect time for all of us to go to Seattle. Also I feel it's time we had a little diversion so anyone who does not wish to leave raise their hands.” Dale immediately raised his and so did Rosalie, Emmet looked at Rosalie and said “Oh come on rose let's go.” Rosalie replied “Very well maybe I can do stuff with Renesmsee while Bella and Edward enjoy themselves.” Carlisle looked at Dale who still had his hand raised and replied “Your votes don’t count.” Esme said “another thing Dale needs a haircut, and maybe we should pack for overnight and come home tomorrow.” Carlisle replied “That a good idea I will check the weather to make sure it's all right.” Then Alice said “I’ll take Dale to get a haircut.” Carlisle said “The rest of you get packed were leaving the in a couple of hours.” With that Alice drugged Dale out the door, and went into town to get him a haircut. An hour goes by and Alice brings Dale back to the house after getting a haircut, when they get into the house nobody was around. Alice looked at Dale and said “Come on there in the garage.” So Alice and Dale walked to the garage were all the cars were and that's where they were just then getting into the cars they had to take three of them because of the fact there was too many people to be in one car, Edward and Bella with Remsee in the back seat in a car seat along with Rosalie in the back. Carlisle and Esme took the second car along with Emmet and the third car with Alice and Jasper with Dale in the back, then with everybody loaded all three cars drove for a long five hour ride to Seattle, for Dale was like going back home he knew every inch of that city. On the way there Alice turned on the radio and started listening to music, as soon as they arrived they drove to a hotel and checked in luckily for the Cullen’s it was supposed to be cloudy and a 50 percent chance of sprinkled showers, so when they arrived at the hotel it was sort of misting the rain. In the hotel they had two adjoining rooms that way if Dale needed to sleep he could sleep in the room next to the Cullen’s without being bothered, as soon as all of them got settled in in. Dale kept staring all around the hotel room, the hotel that they stood then was really fantasy the kind of business executive would stay in. both hotel rooms had a refrigerator in them a fancy bathroom, and outside of the hotel rooms and had a racket ball court on the inside of the hotel as well as an indoor swimming pool sadly though Dale did not have any swimming trunks nor did he know how to swim. Luckily Carlisle thought of everything he had a pair of Edwards' old swimming trunks that he didn't need any more since Edward bought him a new pair last summer, Emmett was eager to go swimming so he went into one bathroom and Edward went into the other change in the swimming trunks and come out. Edward looked at dale and said “Now it's your turn.” Dale looked at him and replied “Ho, no I can't swim.” Esme looked at him and said “You don't know how to swim?” Dale replied “Nope, I never was taught how to swim.” Carlisle said “Well I guess you do not need to go down to the pool. Jasper went into the bathroom in the mean time Bella said “I can teach Dale how to swim.” Carlisle said “That will be fine; Rosalie will you watch Renesmee, Esme and I are going to do some shopping.” Rosalie said “All right.” So Bella went to the pool area to see if anyone was there and there was no one because it was the off session and when she got back Alice had already got into hers, they all looked at Dale and then Bella said “Your next.” And Bella handed him the trunks. Dale replied “I have a bad feeling about this.” With that Dale went into the Bathroom and put the trunks on and came out and they looked at the trunks on Dale Alice also saw a scar on his left leg like a cut at an angle and another on his right kneecap, Bella said “What happened there?” Dale replied “Occupational hazard.” With that they each grabbed a towel and walked to the swimming pool, when they got there they each claimed a lawn chair with there towel and they all got into the pool except Dale who didn't even take his shirt off he just sat on the chair as Emmett and Jasper were betting who could make the biggest cannonball. And Alice was laying in the lawn chair talking to Bella, then Bella went over to Dale who was sitting there being nervous, Bella said “Ok Dale, take your shirt off its time for your first swimming lesson.” Edward started getting in the water slowly; Dale looked at Bella and Alice and said “I don't want to swim.” Bella replied “Ok then just take your shirt off.” Dale asked “why?” Alice said “We both will help you swim soon you'll be swimming in no time, just take your shirt off, please.” So Dale took his shirt off and Alice saw another scar on his rib cage part of his body and faded wounds from when he was a boy and all the beatings he endured on his pale white skin, Dale never spent much time in the sun. Alice’s response was, “Ho my.” Dale looked at her puzzled and said “What?” Alice looked at all the scars and said “What happened to you?” Dale replied “I guess the other humans didn’t like me so they beat me up and tried to kill me but I talked them out of it.” Suddenly all three of them got wet from Emmett who jumped really high and touched the ceiling and did a big cannonball. Bella said to Dale “Ok get in the water.” Edward saw Dale get up and walked to the edge of the pool and watched as he just stood there afraid to get in. Edward said “Dale jump in you’ll be ok I won’t let you drown.” Emmett walked up to Dale and said “What’s wrong jump in, go!” but Dale did not move from the edge he just stood there froze like a scared rabbit, Emmett looked at Dale and said “look you have got to get over this fear and I am about to help you by doing this.” With that Emmett pushed Dale into the water, But Dale wasn’t really ready and when he went into the water he didn’t fully held his breath and when he was in the water he went straight to the bottom. Bella looked at Alice and said “Ho, shit.” She dove in the water and Edward was already pulling Dale up to the surface. They quickly got Dale back on land and he was coughing like he swallowed half the pool water. He said to Alice “I think I flooded my motor.” As soon as he coughed out the water Bella and Alice got Dale back into the water on the shallow end of the pool where he could stand in the water, Edward said to Dale “Watch this.“ He got up and walked over where Emmett was and got behind Emmett and then with out warning pushes Emmett into the water. After an hour or two Dale wasn’t afraid of the water anymore Bella taught him how to hold his breath when going under water and Alice taught him how to swim. And soon Emmett, Jasper and Dale were doing cannonballs and when it was over and they headed back to the room Emmett said to Dale “I am sorry I pushed you in that way I just got into the moment, brothers?” Dale replied “Ok, brothers.”
Once they all got back to the room, Esme and Carlisle were still not back from shopping. They all changed back into there clothes and talked about who did the best cannonballs, Emmett said “I did the best because I was the highest.” Jasper replied “So what, I was the best because I made a bigger splash.” Then Edward said “I think Dale did the best because it was his first time swimming.” Dale replied “Yeah after almost drinking half the pool.” Alice said “You won’t have to worry about that once your one of us, because we don’t need to breathe.” Dale looked at Alice and asked “You mean being a vampire, you can’t drown because you are already dead you don’t breathe but I can see you breathing right now.” Alice said “Right, but we don’t have to breathe its just something our body still does but it is no longer necessary, When you are turned it feels like your on fire and that you are burning but that’s just the venom going through your body and you feel like you are going to burn up but you don’t once it gets to your heart you are turned into a vampire.” Dale said “Wow that sounds bad to have to go through that.” Alice replied “And you will go through that because I have seen into your into your future and your are going to be vampire like us.” Bella heard Alice and said “But Dale she is right about one thing it hurts really bad, and you will not eat Pizza anymore you won’t get sick, you won’t get tired, you can’t go out into the sun.” Dale replied “I know because I would turn into a vampire crispy critter, right.” Bella said “No you won’t turn into a vampire torch you will sparkle in the sun and the humans would know about it.” Dale replied “So let me get this straight, Vampires don’t go out in the sun because they are trying to keep a low profile.” Bella replied “Right, but there will be one thing that you cannot live with out …..Blood.” But you will be faster than you are right now and stronger and you can jump really high.
Dale said “That means that I would be able to use my martial arts better.” Bella replied “Right but when you are turned your human memory is gone sort of, it is hard to remember some things.”
Then they started watching TV and Dale swimming for hours fell asleep and he started dreaming, in his dream he was awaked by Carlisle who had a syringe that had stuff in it. He said “now this is going to hurt a lot.” And with that he poked Dale in the arm and the stuff went into his arm after a few minutes he felt his arm going numb and the spot where he injected him started going from normal skin tone to pale white, and it started to spread down his arm into his hand. And after the numbing was done it became burning right down his arm. and after his hole arm was white and the burning was getting to the pain that was unbearable in his dream he was screaming that he was on fire and to put him out but none of the people around him did nothing, Dale’s heart started racing his arm he could not move anymore and by now it was spreading through most his body. He was thinking by now he was done for. Then Carlisle kept saying “You are going to be ok, Dale … Dale.” Suddenly he woke up from his dream and Carlisle was saying “Dale, Dale wake up.” Dale looked around and every thing was back to normal except his arm was numb he had been sleeping on it, he looked at his hand and it was not a pale white anymore it was back to normal. He stared to wake his hand up and Carlisle asked “I am sorry to wake you but the room service is about to close and I was thinking if you would like something to eat.” Dale said “Well I guess I could use a little something.” And with that Carlisle ordered him a chicken dinner and it was brought to the room and Dale ate dinner and after that they did not have anything to do until Bella said “I have an idea, Esme could you give Dale one of the packages I asked to get him.” With that Esme went to the closet and gave Dale a board game called Monopoly. Dale looked at it and said “Esme come on you shouldn’t have.” Bella replied “I remember how much fun you had with this game.” With that Dale opened the box and started setting up the game and then Edward, Jasper and Emmett started to play the game with Dale and after an hour went by Dale had the orange and the green deeds all three of each which meant that he could build houses at any time, Emmett had the yellow and the sky blue deeds and Edward had the red and the railroads, while Jasper had boardwalk and park place and the purple. Carlisle watch as the four of them went around the board over and over again and asked “What is the purpose of the game I mean how do you win?” Dale replied “Who ever has all the money wins.” Emmett looked at Edward and said “I hope you land on my place real soon, ha, ha.” Dale looked at Emmett and said “I wouldn’t talk Jailbird you have spent more time in jail than any one on the board, and it looks like it’s my turn.” And with that Dale started putting up houses and then hotels on his orange deeds and spent most of his money doing it. Edward looked at Dale and said “You sure that is a good idea, I mean you still have to get to go and you are almost broke?” Dale replied “Don’t worry about it.” and after that he rolled and moved to chance and drew a card and it said advance to go and he moved his peace to go. Next it was Emmett’s turn and he rolled and landed right on Dale’s orange deeds, Dale said “ha, gotcha. You owe me nine hundred and fifty dollars. “ And at the same time playing like he had a register going pretending to push buttons and pulling a leaver and saying “ chuching.“ Emmett went through his pile of money trying to come up with the cash. Jasper was the banker and he was getting a kick out of the dilemma chuckling. Soon Dale had his money and it was Edward’s turn and he rolled and landed right on boardwalk with hotels which put him out of the game. After another hour it was left to Jasper and Dale until finally Jasper landed on Dale’s green with hotels and Dale had won and it was about two in the morning. So Dale was tired and went to bed at the same time Edward and Carlisle Esme and Alice started to play. Bella went to be with Renesmee and Dale went to sleep in the next room.
The next day it was about seven thirty in the morning and Dale was sound asleep while the rest of them was still playing Monopoly, Esme went to where Dale was sleeping and was just watching him sleep. A short time later Carlisle walked into the room and stood beside Esme and very quietly asked “Should we get him up?” Esme replied “No, he looks so cute laying there it makes me wonder what he looked like as a child. “ Carlisle said “He still is a child.” Esme smiled and said “You know what I mean, I look at him and I think of my-” She paused and started thinking of her child that she lost along time ago right before she met Carlisle. Then she said “He makes me think of what my son would have been like if he grew up with us, if he would have had Dale’s personality his parents must have really loved him.” Suddenly Dale moved a little bit and then rolled over and fell off the bed and landed on the floor and kept sleeping. Carlisle said “Wow, he didn’t even stop his breathing for a second. That must have been what happened in the bedroom that one day.” Esme jokingly said “Were going to have to turn him before he hurts himself.” and started to chuckle. Carlisle said “Boy he has brought you more to life; I haven’t seen you this happy in a long time.” Esme replied “He has ever since the first day I spent with him, I never had so much fun since I was a little girl. No matter what he is doing he some how makes it fun, I mean any job we did in the house he made a game of it and with the music on I tried to dance with him and he did not know how to dance so I taught him and then we worked some more.” Carlisle smiled at Esme and said “Sounds like you two had fun that day.” Esme smiled back at Carlisle and said “I haven’t had so much fun in along time.” Suddenly Dale got up half asleep and with a cow lick in his hair got up from the floor and sort of staggered into the bathroom and didn’t noticed that they were watching him.
Later that day after Dale got some breakfast into him, and then they went into the city and walked around. Dale of course knew the place like the back of his hand living there for so long, even some people said “Hi to him.” and then there it was a arcade game that he played all the time, it was a stock car racing game that was able to play three players at the same time, once Dale saw it he walked to it and said “This is what I played for a little fun.” As the Cullen’s looked at the game, Dale climbed into the center car and then Emmett climbed into the car on Dale’s left and then Jasper climbed into the car on Dale’s right. Dale reached into his pocket and put a quarter then put it into the machine and it said “Player one!” Then Emmett and Jasper both put a quarter into the machine and the machine said “Player two and player three!” Then the three screens showed three cars ready to race, Dale held onto the steering wheel and revving his car as on the screen the three lights showed red, yellow and green, and when the green light went on the three of them pushed the accelerator down and started to race as Esme , Carlisle, Alice, Edward and Bella watched as the game went on Dale was in the lead but Emmett and Jasper were hot on he tail and soon it was the final lap as Jasper and Emmett were fighting for second place, soon they both caught up with Dale and they were both along side Dale, Emmett on Dale’s left and Jasper on his right and Dale stuck in the middle at the last minute Emmett looked over at Jasper and said “Ready?” And Jasper replied “Ready.” Dale looked at Emmett and then at Jasper, suddenly Emmett’s car veered into Dale’s car but Dale was head of them on what they were doing he hit the breaks and instead of Emmett hitting Dale’s Car he hit Jaspers car sending it into the wall causing Jasper to crash, at the last second Dale swerved the Car onto the right side of Emmett’s car and when Dale got close to Emmett’s back tire he veered into Emmett’s car causing him to spin all over the track. As Dale zoomed over the finish line Carlisle said “Good one, Dale.” Dale replied “My mom didn’t raise a dummy.” As they started walking away Alice’s face went blank she stayed that way for a few seconds then her blank face turn to worry, she looked at Carlisle and said “The Volturi know about Dale staying with us and they are coming here!” Carlisle replied “We need to go home at once.” With that all of them headed right for the hotel to check out and go home after five hours of driving they finally reach the house, they all go into the living room to discuss this problem.
Dale sat on the couch along with Bella holding Renesmee and Edward, while Carlisle and Esme stood together and Emmett stood next to Rosalie while Rosalie passed back and forth angry at Bella and Edward. Then she stopped and said “You see Bella you doomed us all!” Edward started to get up when Carlisle said “This is not helping anything.” Edward and Rosalie started arguing and over the arguing Dale said “That’s exactly what they want, to turn us on one another to make us weak easy prey.” Emmett replied “Dale’s right.” Carlisle looked at Dale, Dale stared tearing up and took a deep breath and stood up and said to all of them “I’ll leave if I am not here they will leave you guys alone. I am the real problem because I am what I am…. A human.” Esme started tearing up also and she said “No, I don’t want you to leave.” Dale started to almost cry and replied “I already lost my mom and dad who was my family that I loved; I cannot stay and go through that again with this family.”
Carlisle looked at Dale and said “No, Dale we will find another way, please sit down.” And Dale returned to his seat, Edward who was sitting next to Dale put his arm around Dale like a buddy would and said “Dale I am proud to be your brother that you would give us up to save us.” Rosalie looked at Dale and said “Why not let him leave as long as this human is here he is a danger to us all.” Carlisle replied “I think you are missing the point, the point isn’t if he is here or not, it is that he knows about us being vampires and the law that we are not enforcing by letting him remain human, that is why the Volturi are coming here.” Then all was quiet for a few minutes, Bella looked at Alice and smiled and then said “I think I have a solution to this, Alice has seen his future just as she saw mine.” Just then Carlisle looked at Alice and then at Dale and then said “Of course.” Then Bella looked at Esme and said “You for along time a son was missing from you and for Dale most of his childhood was destroyed by the loss of his mother and father. You two are the perfect fit for each other so the only real way to do this is vote on turning Dale into one of us.” Dale looked at Bella in shock and said “What are you nuts?” And Edward said “Bella you are going to destroy his soul as you did your own.” Bella replied “Shut up that is another way.” Carlisle agreed he said “Very well we will vote.” He looked at Esme and asked “Esme?” She replied “Yes.” Then Carlisle looked at Alice and asked “Alice?” She looked at Dale and replied “Of course for my little brother, yes.” Then Carlisle looked at Emmett and Asked “Emmett?” Emmett looked at Dale and replied “Anyone who can drive a car the way he did today and beat me I say hell yeah.” Rosalie looked at Emmett like he was a traitor, then Carlisle looked at Rosalie and asked Rosalie? She looked at Dale hatful and said “No.” Then Carlisle looked at Jasper who was very quiet standing in the corner and asked “Jasper?” Jasper looked at Dale for a second and then said “After what I heard two or three days ago with Alice and what he did before we went to Seattle I would love to see what he can do as one of us, yes.” Then Carlisle looked at Bella and asked “Bella?” Bella looked at Dale and said to Carlisle “He is my cousin and he has helped me when ever kids bullied me, I vote yes.” Next Carlisle asked Edward, “Edward?” And he replied “No, I cannot vote to have what happened to Bella happen to him.” Carlisle said “Well I am the last vote and for Esme’s happiness I vote yes, so that means the yeses win. So now Dale it is your choice what’s it going to be?” Dale looked at Bella and she nodded and then at Esme who smiled and then said “To Carlisle well you only live once……I think?” With that Emmett went up to Dale and said “High five, Cullen’s forever!” And Dale high five him and looked at Bella and said “I hope I don’t let any of you guys down about this.” Rosalie was still angry about what had just happened she stomped off saying “Well great another stupid human throwing his life away!” And Dale replied “I guess so it must run in the family!” Bella laughed and said to “Dale that’s what I like about you; you always know how to fight back verbally.” Edward looked at Dale and said “You know once you are turned, you are dammed like the rest of us.” Dale replied “How do you know that I am not dammed already? I must fallow my own path no one can choose it for me. And I can never believe that we all are dammed for this. Did you ever think the reason for you guys being vampires is to prove that you are not all monsters that Hollywood has made you to be?” Edward said “We are monsters.” Dale replied “You are not, a monster is a person who does not have regretted what he has done, and you do.” Carlisle looked at Dale and said “Now we just need to figure out when and where we are going to do it.” Soon it was late and Dale went up to his room for some sleep.
sad but
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