Twilight: The New Storm Chapter Seven Training

Chapter Seven

Day Seven


The next day in Dale’s room he was sound asleep when suddenly Emmett came into his room and woke him up but Dale was still half asleep Emmett said “Dale get up the Volturi are at the front door!” Dale was still half asleep replied “Ho, that’s nice tell them to come back later.” With that Dale turned on his side and started to go back to sleep, Emmett looked puzzled. Then Bella came into the room and saw that Dale was still in bed, she asked “Emmett I thought you were going to get him up.” Emmett replied “I tried but it didn’t work.” Bella said “I bet I can get him out of that bed in a hurry.” Emmett asked “how?” Bella replied “Watch.” With that she quietly walked over to where Dale was sleeping with his back side to her, she leaned over him and said “Dale you need to get up now.”  Dale did not move, Bella took her hand and stuck it under his covers. Bella looked at Emmett and said “You better back up because Dale is about to get out of this bed in a quick hurry.” With that Bella moved her hand to Dale’s shirt he had on and placed her hand under the shirt and of course with her hand being Ice cold touching Dale suddenly Zoom, the covers went into the air and Dale flew out of that bed fast. Emmett and Bella were both laughing at Dale, Dale looked at Bella shivering and said “You know better than to do that!” Emmett still laughing said “Boy you almost moved as fast as we can just now.” Dale replied “That was cold.” Still shivering from Bella’s cold hand, he asked “What is so important that you get me up at seven in the morning on a Saturday?” Bella said “Carlisle wants everyone down stairs in the kitchen right away.” And with that Bella and Emmett both left as Dale changed into his clothes.

Later Dale goes down stairs and walks into the kitchen when suddenly all of them yell surprise, Dale looked shocked at all of them a banner read Happy late , late birthday and on the table was a plate of French toast with candles on it. Dale just stood there and looked at then and said “It’s not my Birthday.”  Alice replied “I knew you were going to say that.” And with that she changed the late, late to unbirthday; Bella replied “Let’s just say this is for all the ones we all missed.” Suddenly there was a knock at the door and Carlisle went to answer it, in the mean time Dale looked on the table and there was a stack of presents and a pair of gloves that were made of rubber for protection. Then Carlisle walked back in and two people were with him Charlie and Jacob walked into the room, When Dale saw Jacob he went from happy to defensive. Both of them walked over to the table and put two presents on the table Dale did not take his eyes off Jacob for a second. He looked at Bella and asked “What is he doing here?” Bella replied “It is high time you two made up, you guys have known each other for years.” Charlie said “she is right its high time for you two burry the hatchet.” And Dale replied “And you know who as the hatchet?” Jacob remarked “My people call it a tomahawk.” Dale said “What ever!”   Dale was already getting angrier by the minute, until Charlie said “Enough of this you two could have been good friends instead all you do is fight , now on this occasion I want you two to shake hands and end this  right now!” Through the whole conversation all Dale had on his face was anger and ready to fight again, Jacob went from defensive to a smile and then stuck out a hand and said “Listen we have had our differences in the past but we were just kids, Let’s start a new slate, friends?” Dale didn’t know what to do, his anger suddenly went to shock that Jacob wanted to be friends; part of Dale didn’t trust him. Carlisle walked up beside Dale and said “Come on Dale you can’t live on anger forever let it go.” Suddenly Dale’s anger was gone and he looked at Jacob and said “I still don’t trust you.” Jacob replied “well that is a perfect way to start that is what friendship is all about.” With that Dale shook Jacob’s hand and suddenly Jacob did something that Dale never dreamed he would ever do, Jacob hugged Dale like a long lost brother at that point Dale did not know what to think, his enemy for so long is now hugging him. Later while Dale ate his breakfast Jacob was telling the Cullen’s all about what fights the two of them had and that Dale was the most stubbornness person he has ever known, that he would knock Dale down and he would always get right back on his feet to fight some more no matter how much he would hit him and that they would get so tired finally Charlie had to step in and split us up. Well after Dale finished eating, Alice said “It’s time, for Dale to open his presents.”  But Dale was not in the mood for that, they took the presents into the living room to open them and handed Dale the gloves just in case of paper cuts, Dale put the gloves on and Charlie handed him his present it was a small box and Dale put it to his ear and shook it to hear what is in side. But he could not hear anything, and then he opened it. It was an authentic baseball cap of the Seattle Mariners and inside the cap were two tickets to a real baseball game in Seattle. Charlie said “Well I figured since you never been to a baseball game nor played baseball I would like to give you the experience of how the professionals play and the taste of a real hot dog in a front row seat in the play offs of the last game of the session.” Dale put the baseball hat on, Charlie replied “Now that is the real hat that they use on the field.” Dale looked at Charlie and said “Thanks, Uncle Charlie.”  Charlie replied “your welcome the tickets are for this weekend, also I want you to do one more thing for me.” Dale said “anything.” Charlie asked “Could you keep those jokes a coming I told one to Billy and he nearly fell out of his wheel chair laughing.” Jacob replied “Wait a minute Billy has been telling me these jokes; Billy keeps playing them on me, Dale your dead!” Dale replied “I know.” And with that Dale ran out the door with Jacob right after him they ran around the house a couple of times when Charlie yelled “Alright you two get in here.”  With that Dale made a b line for the door and shortly after Jacob came in as well, Dale sat down and once again started opening presents. Then Jacob gave him his present Dale looked suspicious at Jacob and asked “What is it a bomb?” Jacob replied “Charlie helped me picked it out.” With that Dale opened it up it was a real hunting bow and arrow set, Dale looked at it for a minute and said “Thanks.” Later he was finished opening his presents and what he got was a computer and Ipod from Edward and Bella, a stereo from Emmett and from Alice and Jasper he got a player to watch movies and then from Esme and Carlisle he was given a TV that Emmett hung on the wall in his room, soon it was time for Charlie to get back to work and he asked Dale to walk him to his car. Once they were out side Charlie said “I have something in my trunk I thought you could use.” And when he got to the trunk he opened it up and in it was a punching bag with a stand in a box, Dale was shocked and said “WOW!” Charlie replied “I thought you might like it come on well set it up over here near the house , now this is to help you get back on the horse so make good use this and I need to go.” Dale hugged his uncle and said “Thanks for everything.” Charlie replied “You sure you want to stay here?” Dale said “I’m positive.” And with that Charlie left for work and Dale went back in side he saw that the Cullen’s were having a good time in the living room talking to Jacob with Renesmee, so Dale ran up stairs and into his room. Once there he looked at the posters on the wall and said “When the Volturi come here I need to be ready.” And with that he opened his closet and took out his uniform and put it on and then went down stairs and started his training one again. He went to where the bag was and put it together and then he found a rope lying around and started using it for a jump rope and when he was done jumping he started stretching his legs out the way the school taught him, next he started doing crescent kicks then he started hitting the bag with both punching and kicking. After about an hour he rested a minute and then did push ups and sit ups, next was back flips and forward flips. Then after all that he stretched some more and rested, by now he was hot and thirsty so he walked into the kitchen to get him something to drink out of the refrigerator and as he got something to drink Emmett saw Dale in his uniform and his eyes went wide Emmett said “Dale what is that you are wearing?” Dale replied “Ho, it’s my old school uniform.” Emmett watch as Dale finished his drink and then went up stairs to his room, got him a clean pair of clothes and took a shower.

Later he went back into his room and took out the nunchaku’s out of his closet and started twirling them slow at first but then he got faster and faster around himself, next he picked up his escrima sticks and started twirling them around slow at first then faster and faster.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, Dale went and answered the door and it was Alice, who asked “Hi I just wondering what you been up to, may I come in?” Dale replied “Sure.” And with that he let her in and then went back to practicing with his sticks doing his martial art and as he was practicing with the sticks Alice asked “What are you doing?” Dale replied “I am Practicing what does it look like.” Alice said “It looks like you are planning to hurt someone.” Dale replied “Well if I can’t run away to protected my only friends and family then what do I do? I am not just goanna be a sitting duck if they come after me I am at least goanna put up some sort of fight.” Alice said “You can’t fight them they are like us and you are not.” Dale stopped and looked at Alice and replied “It’s better to do this than just sit and wait and go nuts, it gives me something to do. Besides you never know they don’t know I know how to fight it might give me a slight edge or even an element of surprise.” Alice just smiled and said “Doubtful, but teach me to use these.” Alice went over to the nunchaku’s. Dale replied “I don’t think you want to mess with that.” Alice said “Come on teach me how this is used.”  Dale replied “Ok, First we will use just use the one nunchaku second what my teacher taught me about this tool is it can hurt you.” Alice said “Tool, this is a tool?” Dale replied “Yes, in the 17th century after the invading army of the Satsuma Daimyo in Okinawa it was forbidden for farmers and peasants to have weapons such as arrows and swords so they used what ever they had, this tool was a type of flail they used it to thresh rice and soybeans basically separating the grain from the husk.” Alice was amazed at what Dale had said she asked “How do you know this?” Dale replied “My teacher told me this before he taught me how to use a weapon he says every weapon you learn you should know the history of the weapon.” Alice looks at Dale and said “He sounds wise.” Then Dale started teaching Alice how to use the Nunchaku he told her to start off slowly then over time she would be able to build up her speed. Soon it was time for Dinner Dale and Alice went down stairs to the kitchen and Esme and Carlisle was cooking Dale a small meal at the same time Alice and Jasper went out hunting, as Dale sat in the stool he kept thinking about the Volturi and trying to figure out what they would do and who would they hurt and what he could do about it, Carlisle looked at Dale and to him he looked troubled and frustrated to the point where he was taping his finger on the table rapidly. Carlisle asked “Dale what’s wrong?”  Dale quickly replied “Nothing …. Well I am worried what’s going to happen what are the Volturi got up there sleeve, what are they going to do and who might get hurt because of me and what I could think of to stop them from hurting you guys and I can’t think of a dam thing I could do? I don’t know I feel on edge, nervous like before a fight in school.” Esme looked at Dale and said “You feel helpless you really never had anyone to fight for you, have you?”  Dale looked at Esme and replied “When I was a kid my mother would stand up for me but never something so direr as this , when I went to the school at night after school it taught me to be able to control a fight and to avoid a fight when ever possible.” Carlisle asked “Dale, what would you do if you were turned and they were coming after all of us?” Dale thought about it for a moment and said “First as I was taught I would confront them and tell them let’s make a deal I’ll take forks and you guys can have the rest of the world and then I would ask them nicely as possible to leave here.” Carlisle asked “And if they did not leave and wanted to kill you then what?” Dale replied “What my teacher taught me is that there are some people out there who will try to hurt me as they have done in the past and if one approached me to fight I would warn him that he can’t win. And right before the fight I would say this is you last chance and then I would fight to win.” Carlisle looked at Dale and said “But would you kill him, because he is a vampire he will certainly try to kill you the first chance he would get, that’s what a vampire does kill, Could you actually kill if you had too?” Dale thought about that long and hard and finally said “I have been trained to protect myself and part of my training is killing someone if it is the very last resort, but I have never went that far I mean it has never came to flat out killing some one.” Carlisle looked seriously at Dale and said “Dale, when you are one of us Blood will be everything to you, you will do anything to get it even kill humans Dale looked at both Esme and Carlisle and replied “I might be different because of my training on how to control my violent tendencies I mean before I went to school I didn’t know how to control anything but martial arts put me into a different mind set and through discipline and training I came out different than when I went in I am more calmer and focused.” Carlisle looked at Dale and smiled and said “You know what you might be right let’s just hope the Volturi will just want to talk I know Aro and he might change his mind about all this. Another thing we need to get you enrolled in school, when you ran away did you stay in school?” Dale replied “No, sir but everyday I would go to the library and read a book since I could not check one out because I would need a library card, so I would find a nice quiet spot and read a book in the Library.” Carlisle said “So that is what you did for an education?” Dale replied “Well I could no longer go to school because I would get caught, there I mean I knew what school books were math, science, history, English as well as other books but my favorite school books were Science and history because Science taught me how things worked and History was fun because I could pretend to go back in time and learn things of course I would read fun books every other day as well like Moby Dick, Dracula, Treasure island, ect.” Carlisle said “Well as soon as we can we have to get you back in school, do you remember what grade you were in before you left?” Dale thought about it and said “Eighth I think.” Soon it got late and the Cullen’s either watched TV or talked and waited for Alice to have another vision about where the Volturi will come and where they would meet .Later that night Dale went to bed once he got to his bed room he turned on his computer and put on some of the songs that he heard when he was younger that helped him in his training then when he was done he went to bed, Dale had a dream that he was being chased, What was chasing him he did not know but he was running through the woods until he ran into Jacob who said “What are you running for?” And Dale replied “Somebody is after me.” Jacob just smiled and looked to see what was chasing Dale and said “I thought I was the only one who wanted to kill you.” Dale replied “Ho yeah, take a number!” With that Dale started running again through the woods then he suddenly stopped when he herd Jacob scream in the distance, right now his heart was racing and he was really scared. He didn’t know where to run he was lost and alone, he kept running hoping to come out some where when he saw a shed on the lake and as he ran closer he saw Alice who was yelling “come on!” to him but he couldn’t hear her. Suddenly he looks behind him to see these four things in black robes, he said to himself “What ever these guys got to say I don’t want to here it.” And off he ran again he kept trying to get to Alice but it was like the woods kept going and he seem like he was not getting to the shed and he felt he was running out of breath but the four robes were getting closer, finally he got to Alice and they went into the shed and Dale shut the door and started piling things in front of the door to barricade himself in. Once that was done he had to breath a minute and then he looked around and Alice was gone he yelled “Alice where are you!” But he did see her anywhere; he thought where did she go? Suddenly the four robes things started trying to get into the shed Dale was trapped, he watched as some one was punching holes in the door. Dale started looking for some way to escape, as he backed up he fell onto a Jett ski that was being stored in this shed and was floating on the water, he looked back at the door and who ever it was, was moving things away from the door. Dale climbed onto the doc long enough to grab the key to the Jett ski and hoped back on the machine, he looked at the door once again and they were almost through the door. Dale put the key into the Jett ski and started it up Vroom! He removes both lines and the four robe things were in the shed, Dale panicked and gunned the Jett ski for as fast as it would go and zoomed out of the shed onto the lake. Dale was going super fast on that lake he turned to look behind him and the four robed things were gone he made is way along the lake until he was almost out of gas so he made for land and as he pulled the Jett ski onto land a cold hand reached for his arm and grabbed him. That’s when Dale jumped, he woke up in his bed sweating and breathing fast and the person who grabbed his arm was Edward. He asked “Are you alright?” Dale still was looking around and then said “Yeah, just a nightmare.” After a few minutes he slowed his breathing down and asked “What’s up?” Edward replied “Well I was down stairs and I could hear your heart going really fast so I came up here to see if anything is wrong.” Dale replied “Boy you don’t know how lucky you are not to have nightmares.” Edward said “No we don’t sleep at all, well down stairs we talked it over and there is goanna be a thunder storm so are you up to playing some baseball tomorrow.” Dale replied “I won’t be if I don’t get some sleep so I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” Edward said “Sure thing.” Dale said “Hey, Edward you know I have more fun being here with you guys than any place in the world so I guess it’s true.” Edward asked “What’s true?” Dale replied “There is no place like home.” Edward looked at Dale and smiled and he went back down stairs and Dale went to sleep.



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