This Little girl... her name is Cassidy. She has Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Right after her mother died, her father found out she had A.L.L. She went into remission and it came back as A.M.L. She is only seven years old. Go back and think, what was I doing when I was seven years old? I know I was playing with friends, going to the lake, boating, going to the park, having fun. But back then I wasnt as persistant to help people. Now, I am trying to make a change. Children with a disease such as Leukemia more then likely wont seen their 18th birthday. All they know is treatment, pain, and hospitals. St. Jude is making a diffence in this. Cassidy goes to St. Jude and has been living with Leukemia for years now. I am proud of her... This other little girl, Anna, is seven with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. She loves to dance by the Juke Box. I am trying to plan a trip to visit St. Jude as a research project. All these children are STRONG. They are sometimes stronger then they think.I hope to someday soon meet Anna and Cassidy and say how strong they are and how proud I am of them. Please help me in helping them find a cure for these horrible diseases.

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Comment by Erin ~Hockey Princess~ Gates on June 6, 2011 at 11:59am
Alright Emmett!! I can't wait to hear what you have in mind! DM or @ me whenever you do if Im not back on the site.
Comment by Erin ~Hockey Princess~ Gates on June 5, 2011 at 9:19pm
Thank you, Sio! I will as soon as I even know.. I havent heard anything from Emmett, But thank you so much! Im hoping to help little Cassidy with her fight to win against her deadly disease so all the support & help I can get will be PERFECT!
Comment by Erin ~Hockey Princess~ Gates on May 29, 2011 at 11:58am
Sounds great, Emmett! *smiles brightly* Thank you for helping!! Just shoot mean @ and Ill be there... Hopefully my DMs will be working.. DM me! This means a lot to me! Thanks for helping. So much Emmett!! SHoot me an @ or DM. (If there is typos, sorry... via phone and its harder, but THANK YOU!)


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