Days creep closer & closer.Yet I want it all to just Freeze for a minute. Catch my breath, Look around, & see it could all be much so worse.
I don't get this. The days we want to just pass by so fast go by the slowest, and then the ones we are loving go by so fast that we want it all to just Hault so we can enjoy it.
Yet, my expirence, I enjoy and giggle and smile through my perfect days, but when I have drama or fear creep up behind me just wanting to tear me apart, I don't let it win. I just want it all to stop so I can catch my breath, analyze what all is happening around me and see what I can do to prevent or help the ones around me. Also to realize it all could be so much worse.
As human beings we never see it until something horrible does happen, but even sometimes something 'horrible' by your standard is nothing to another peer. I mean really. Take a second before each action and think. Don't act, think, then realize what you did was completely wrong because that is not the way we were made to be. We were made to really be kind, nature-loving beings. To look at everything from a different perspective before you judge anyone.
Your version of horrible could be different than anyones. Take your situation to let's say a child sitting in a hospital bed, stuck. They can't be a normal child and play like they want. You may be over loaded with drama and problems, but look at it from someone elses perspective.
~Switching over a bit~
I am a Spiritual person. I can admit to it. I do not, however go to church every Sunday. But that doesn't mean I don't follow the Lord. I believe. If you have ever heard of Rachel Joy Scott, she was the first young teenager killed in the Coulembine shooting. She was asked if she believed in God and she said to the young man that she did. She was shot and killed for believing in the Lord and honestly.. if I were in that situation, I would do the same exact thing. Because I know that He will greet me, or save me. Whichever is what He thinks is right.
Now, He chooses what you deal with. He doesn't give you any more than you can handle, but it's up to you to ask for help if you're in a fix.
"And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hears and minds through Christ Jesus." ~ Philippians 4:7
Your troubles are still troubles, but stop and think if you are making it worse or better by your actions towards it. Think before you act and you will be a large step ahead of your peers.
A very wise man has told me, "You handle things much more mature than most of your peers and you think deeply about things. This will set you above your peers."
So think then act. No matter how horrible the situation can be. It could help more than you think. Also, Ask Him for help when you are in a fix.

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