About Annabella
Hi! Im Annabella Whitlocker! I have light brown hair and I have bright brown eyes that look like gold. I am 19 years old, my parents said I could leave so I did. I walked a long way until I got a job and bought myself a car! Its a gold volvo. I drive it almost everywhere.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~About Anna Whitlock~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hi! I'm Anna Whitlock! In real life I have blond hair and blue eyes. Im really in my 30's but I'm active and love the Twilight Series. I read all the books and watched New Moon and Twilight. I also have both movies. I have two best friends named Annie Carmens and Miki Andies. Annie has dark brown hair and bright brown eyes. Miki has black hair with blue eyes. We hang out a lot. I really love this place and I am so sorry for not reading the rules, I didnt know how to get there at first and I thought I would be okay if I skipped it for a day or two and I was wronge. Im sorry about that, anyway Bye!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~About The Photos~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
As I said I dont look like Annabella at all. I have gotton these photos from the internet, from google images, and yahoo images. Some photos may be different because of course thats not the real me.
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