An Interactive Twilight Experience.
Sam Uley has not received any gifts yet
I'm Sam Uley,
I was born and raised on the quileute reservation by my mother Allison Uley. My father left us when I was young, so I don't remember much about him . A lot of people tell me that is why I'm mature for my age, taking on the responsibilities of my Father. I was also the first of my generation to phase. Of course I was told the legends of my great-grand father Levi Uley, but I didn't believe them until it was actually happening to me. At that time I was in my senior year of highschool, and I was dating Leah Clearwater. I hid for weeks in the forest, unable to phase back to my human form. Not until I fell asleep and calmed myself down was I able to phase back. I snuck home and told no one what had happened. I was afraid I'd phase again so I avoided my Mom and Leah as much as I could. That of course put alot of stress on our relationship. It wasn't until Old quil stopped by one day to visit my mother, he shook my hand and felt the increased tempertaure of my skin. He knew then that I was going to phase, or I had already phased. That night I went to a tribal counsel meeting and was told the secret. The reason for my phasing was the arrival of the Cullen family to Forks. I knew what I had to do, my responsibilties of protecting the tribe. Still I was struggling to control myself, to keep myself from phasing. When Jared and Paul phased I taught them all I could and in doing so we bonded. During this time my relationship with Leah got even worse, she demanded to know what was going on, and I couldn't tell her.
One day Leah invited me to come hang out at her place. Leah's cousin Emily was over visiting and that moment our eyes met something happened. I didn't realize until later on, but I had imprinted on her. I left without saying a word to Leah or Emily. I waited until Emily went back home before I went to the Clearwater's and I broke up with Leah. I felt guilty for breaking Leah's heart, but I felt the longer I waited it would only make things worse. Emily had refused to accept my feelings for her, and even demanded I go back to Leah to try and make things work. I told her everything and even phased to prove to her all that I was telling her was true. Imprinting is real, and even though she wasn't willing to accept my feelings for her I'd still love her and be there for her. Eventually Leah found out about us spending time together and Leah became angry with Emily, so Emily ordered me yet again to go back with Leah and to stay away. I couldn't agree to go back to Leah. Emily shoved me and I lost control and hurt Emily, the scars on her face...I took off thinking I killed the woman I loved, I was unable to phase back. Luckily Jared and Paul was able to hear me in wolf form and raced Emily to Sue Clearwater, who knew of the tribe secrets. The pain I felt was astronomical, I couldn't even go to the hospital at first to see how Emily was at first. Once I was able to I went to visit her, from that day even after what I had done and the regret I felt. We both knew we couldn't be without each other. We've been married 5 years, and 4 and a half years ago had our first child, Ayasha, and our Son Sammy who is almost a year old.We are both blessed to have such a wonderful family. Life is good
Hey Sam i have been having a good week i wanted to day i hope you have a great week too see you around *smiles*
you re a cool person sam I hope to see u around too she said and smiles at you I am a nice person to talk to
Have a Happy Birthday!!!
Alice xoxo
After months and months of waiting the time had finally arrived, Emily had been pacing and cleaning all day. I kept trying to get her to rest and relax as her back and her body was hurting. But she couldn't help it, it was driving her kinda crazy, she just needed to move around and be doing something. It wasn't until she started getting the first few contractions that we realized that it was finally time. To say I was excited would be an understatement, but the labor and delivery was kind of…
ContinuePosted on September 2, 2013 at 7:00pm — 4 Comments
About a week ago I went with Emily up to the hospital for her check up and another ultrasound. We have still been quite worried and concerned for the baby since the accident. I'm afraid that if we get our hopes up, something will happen and the baby will be gone. It's been scary for both us, but much more so for Emily. She tries so hard not to let it bother her, but I can tell it does. Anyway, as we looked at the baby in the ulatrasound, saw the heartbeat, and saw for ouselves that the baby…
ContinuePosted on March 26, 2013 at 1:01pm — 1 Comment
Posted on March 5, 2013 at 6:01pm — 1 Comment
The constant scuurying of creatures on the forest floor was the only thing that was keeping me from falling asleep...or was it the nagging feeling in my gut, like I shouldn't be here, and as much as I wanted it to, it just wouldn't go away. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I shook the light mist that had settled on my fur and headed off towards home. No sooner had I dressed, my cell phone began to ring. Frowning I answered it "Hello.?" Hearing Charlie's voice on the other end…
ContinuePosted on January 29, 2013 at 6:30pm — 1 Comment
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