Emmett Cullen
  • Forks, WA
  • United States
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  • Chelsea Volturi
  • Rayanna BIshop
  • Renata Volturi
  • Kim Cameron
  • Jennifer Windsor
  • Kiyiya Howling Wolf
  • Bryahna Aliya Christy
  • Claire Young
  • Vicky
  • Jasper Whitlock Hale
  • Megan Clarke
  • Ashlee DeWinters
  • Vanessa Pretorius
  • Ashlee DeWinters
  • Katrina Denali

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Chelsea Volturi left a comment for Emmett Cullen
"Greetings Emmett, Congratulations on being featured  Regards Chelsea"
Sep 9, 2020
Kim Cameron left a comment for Emmett Cullen
"Hey Emmett, Congratulations on being featured. Have a wonderful week. Love, Kim"
Sep 9, 2020
Emmett Cullen was featured
Sep 8, 2020
Emmett Cullen is now friends with Ashlee DeWinters and Renata Volturi
May 2, 2020
Emmett Cullen is now friends with Ashlee DeWinters and Lizzi Salamanca Rodriguez
Aug 25, 2019


I'm Emmett Dale McCarty Cullen. I was born in 1915 in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. In 1935 at the age of 20 I was attacked by a bear while out hunting in the mountains and was badly injured. Rosalie found me and carried my back to Carlisle and he changed me into a vampire. Ever since then Rose and I are rarely seen apart. Carlisle and Esme adopted me as their son, and Rose and I married. I'm known as the prankster and jokester of the family and I'm damn good at it. *grins* I love sports, video games and most of all my gorgeous wife Rosalie. 

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Comment Wall (32 comments)

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At 6:14am on September 9, 2020, Chelsea Volturi said…

Greetings Emmett,

Congratulations on being featured 

Regards Chelsea

At 5:19am on September 9, 2020, Kim Cameron said…

Hey Emmett,

Congratulations on being featured. Have a wonderful week.

Love, Kim

At 3:54am on December 9, 2018, Kim Cameron said…

At 4:04am on November 15, 2018, Kim Cameron said…

At 12:43pm on October 21, 2018, Kim Cameron said…

At 10:06am on September 18, 2018, Chrystal Marie Cullen said…

she smiled " Thank you Emmett " she said looking at him and then she bites her lip looking at I am new here and I am glad I have people like you talking to me Emmett she smiled

At 5:51pm on April 21, 2018, Chrystal Marie Cullen said…

Hey Emmett *smiles* I am Chrystal so nice to meet you  

At 1:17pm on December 3, 2017, Bryahna Aliya Christy said…
Hi Emmett! How are you today?
At 2:55pm on June 29, 2016, Carlisle Cullen MD said…

At 6:37am on April 12, 2016, Carlisle Cullen MD said…

Emmett Cullen's Blog

Home made Christmas gifts

This year, Esme suggested that the family make home made gifts. It sounds like a grand idea, well, maybe for the rest of the family, it will be easy. For me, I gotta admit, it scares me a little. I mean what could I possibly make? I'm much better at breaking and wrecking stuff. I remember attempting to make a gift for Rose one year. I ended up with what I'm sure was the worlds largest ball of glue, and a big mess.  Long story short, it didn't work out. Rose tried to make me feel better by…


Posted on November 26, 2016 at 7:09pm

A little bit about me

 Most people who don't know me, may think that I'm nothing but a big dude with nothing between my ears and alot of muscle. Those who really know me, know I'm actually pretty caring and protective of those I love. Again like a big teddy bear, but don't piss me off or threaten any of my family members unless you want to become a smudge on the pavement. I do actually think, it's just sometimes I do things then think about it later.. which almost always gets me in trouble. Anyway, I'm good at…


Posted on May 6, 2013 at 9:41pm — 1 Comment

My transformation

  From what I can remember of my human life I drank as hard as I worked, and gambled all my money away as fast as I could earn it. I was quick to anger, and sure as hell never backed down from a fight. I was a little reckless I suppose you could say. However, though I didn't know it, my life was about to be changed.

One day in 1935,  I was out hunting in the woods, and was caught off guard when a bear came out of no where and attacked me. I tried to dodge the powerful hits of it's…


Posted on May 6, 2013 at 9:02pm



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Carmen Denali

- Esme Cullen

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