This past June 13th was our 4th wedding anniversary, another year to celebrate the day we said “I do”, the day our lives became one and was just not “you” and “I” anymore, we became “Us”, so many happy memories that we have shared this past 4 years, now when I see our little girl product of our love I cannot help but smile and look around at our wonderful life we have, I could not ask for anything else, I have everything, a wonderful amazing loving husband a perfect and healthy baby girl and a bouncing baby boy on its way.

I have said it before and I will say it again Sam is my life, without him I’m lost and our life would not be the same without out little Ayasha, she is a bright star that shines with so much force it binds us to her we love her dearly, and now our little munchkin is soon to be born, we just know that our little perfect family will now be complete.


I love you Sam with all my heart now and forever.



My Blessing in Life

Every morning I wake up and see,
The most handsome man lying next to me.
He's the one I cherish and love,
A blessing sent from Heaven above.
I will love him as a faithful wife should,
And do everything for him I could.
I would let him know every day,
That I love him more than words can say.
For the two children we have together,
And the love for God in each other.
It will keep our love for each other strong,
And the Lord will guide us away from all wrong.

                                                              © Jessica L. Newsome

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Comment by Blair Mell on June 17, 2013 at 1:46pm

Your Welcome Emily 

And you are an amazing person to do such good things


Comment by Emily Uley on June 17, 2013 at 1:40pm

Thank you Lisa, you are such a sweet person.

Comment by Blair Mell on June 16, 2013 at 12:49pm

Emily Sam

Congratulations I am so happy for you guys.



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