After weeks of uncertainty the day finally came, we saw our baby one more time and we are sure he is growing strong and healthy, listening to his heart is the most wonderful sound in the world for a parent to be, I remember the first time I heard Shay’s heartbeat, I could not stop crying of pure joy and the same feeling came back when I listen to my munchkin’s heartbeat and it was extra special because Shay came with us this time and she saw the baby with her own eyes.

We thought it would be a good idea to take Shay with us so she could be as much involved as possible with the baby, we consulted with Dr. Cullen and he also thought it would be a good idea, at first she was scared she was the one that was going in for a consult but as Dr. Cullen explained to her the reason for our visit, she enjoyed it.

Shay was the first to see the image of the baby as Dr. Cullen held the screen to her, the look on her face was priceless and it really overwhelmed us, she understood what she was seeing since Sam and I had already explained to her about the baby but this time we had Dr. Cullen explaining it to her as well and since my little girl is very smart  hopefully this will help her understand the change that our lives will take in just a few months.

Another face that I will not forget it’s Sam’s when he asked the doctor the gender of our baby, it was really priceless but even more so when he told us we are having a boy, I knew all along it would be a boy, I just had the feeling and having the confirmation it made me the most happiest women on the planet, now I had my baby girl Shay and soon our baby boy Sammy will come into our lives and I truly cannot wait to hold him in my arms.

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Comment by Emily Uley on April 29, 2013 at 10:57am

Thank you Ness, we are so happy, Sam is bouncing off the walls ;)

Comment by Renesmee Black-Cullen on April 29, 2013 at 12:25am

I am so happy for you Emily. A boy just like his amazing Daddy :) Congratulations

Comment by Emily Uley on April 24, 2013 at 1:00pm

Thank you so much Lisa, you are so sweet, I wish all the best for you and your family as well



Comment by Blair Mell on April 24, 2013 at 12:45pm

A boy wow that is amazing Emily I am so happy for you you deserve all the best so does Sam and Shay I hope all the best happens for you and Sam enjoy



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