Emily Uley
  • Female
  • La Push, WA
  • United States
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Emily Uley's Friends

  • Renata Volturi
  • Kim Cameron
  • Claire Young
  • Vicky
  • Vanessa Pretorius
  • Katrina Denali
  • Stacey
  • William Ephraim Black
  • Edward Cullen
  • Kat J.
  • Lizzi Salamanca Rodriguez
  • Shay Uley
  • Dean Ficco
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Kim Cameron left a comment for Emily Uley
Sep 30, 2020
Chelsea Volturi left a comment for Emily Uley
"Greetings Emily, Congratulations on being featured Regards Chelsea"
Sep 9, 2020
Kim Cameron left a comment for Emily Uley
"Hello Emily, Congratulations on being featured. Love Kim"
Sep 9, 2020
Emily Uley was featured
Sep 8, 2020

In love with Sam and our little munchkins Shay, Sammy and Emma ♥


My Name is Emily Uley, I now live on La Push with my husband Sam and our beautiful daughter Ayasha. I was born on September 30,1986 in the Makah reservation but I am also Quileute from my mothers side.

I lived all my childhood on the Makah reservation but was always very close to my cousin Leah that lived on La Push, we grew up loving each other like sisters and we would always trust and helped each other in everything, specially when she started having problems with her high school boyfriend Sam.

One day while visiting my cousins in La Push ,I was determined to have Sam tell me that truth of his stranger behavior towards Leah ,but as soon as he started walking towards me, he acted even more strange and as he saw me and left. I knew he would be back so I waited but when he came back he broke up with Leah.I was beyond furious with him and the next day I knew I had to talk to him so I searched for him but when we found each other he told me he was in love with me and he had left Leah to be with me, I could not believe his words so I send him away.

The next time Sam and I me met I demanded him to tell me the truth , to tell me everything , all the secrets he had kept from Leah, and that's when he told me what he was,since I did not believe he he offered to prove it to me and he did phasing to show me he was telling the truth, I could not believe what I was seeing knowing this things where supposed to be only legends, and that's when he told me about how he had imprinted on me.

Still with all of this on my mind I knew he belonged with Leah so every time I saw him I tried to convince him to go back to her,because I knew how much she was hurting and I felt like I was betraying her.I tried so many times even if it was hurting me to.But I knew I had to try one last time and it didn't turn out as expected because there were some awful things said from my part,and then there was an accident, even in the pain I was in I knew that what had happened was not his fault and then I knew that he was the only person I wanted to see, the only one I wanted to be with me in those moments, since that day I knew I could not be away from him any longer so as soon as I was back home I moved to La Push to be close to my Sam.

And now I am married to him and on December 2nd, 2009, Ayasha was born and now my life is complete, I love to cook and bake for them and the pack, I love to take care of my family. Sam and Shay are my world I love them with all my heart and I cannot imagine a day without them.

On August, 28th 2013, new member arrived to our family my little man Sammy he completes our perfect family, I am more in love with my husband than I have ever been and I love him more each day and what can I say about my children they are my world my whole universe and I would give anything for them or Sam.

Our little miracle Emma came into this world on May 2nd 2015, we were surprised when we found out I was pregnant, but everything happens for a reason and my little princess is the perfect reason, now we can truly say our lives are complete. 

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At 5:26am on September 30, 2020, Kim Cameron said…

At 6:13am on September 9, 2020, Chelsea Volturi said…
Greetings Emily,
Congratulations on being featured
Regards Chelsea
At 6:10am on September 9, 2020, Kim Cameron said…

Hello Emily,

Congratulations on being featured.

Love Kim

At 10:40am on March 29, 2020, Kim Cameron said…

At 3:57am on December 9, 2018, Kim Cameron said…

At 12:45pm on October 21, 2018, Kim Cameron said…

At 4:47am on October 12, 2018, Kim Cameron said…

Hello Emily,

Hope you have a lovely week this week.


Kim Cameron

At 4:27am on September 30, 2018, Kim Cameron said…

At 10:08am on September 29, 2018, Alice Cullen said…

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday Weekend! 


Alice xoxo 

At 7:50am on February 25, 2017, Claire Young said…

Hi Aunt Emily can I come over sometime and play with my cousins? I have this cool slime recipe I wanna show them! 

Emily Uley's Blog

Time flies by

Sitting here planning Shay’s birthday makes me think just how time passes by us it just seemed as yesterday I was still pregnant with her and now I have not only her but my Little man Sammy, unbelievable yes I know my little girl is turning 4 years old tomorrow and my baby is already 3 months.

Yes my baby girl has turned out to be the most amazing little girl in the world she is kind, noble and loving and I know she would do anything to make her baby brother happy she amazes me every…


Posted on December 1, 2013 at 1:02pm — 3 Comments

Samuel Levi Uley

After waiting what seemed like forever and about 11 hrs in labor finally at 8:15 pm on August 28th, our baby boy arrived, weighing 6 pounds 8 oz 21 inches, it was an easier delivery than when Shay was born but I was still scared, Sam and Dr. Cullen gave me the confidence that it would all be okay and with my husband’s love and Dr. Cullen’s guidance Samuel Levi Uley arrived to enhance our lives.

The pain you go through labor is forgotten if the reward you get is a little…


Posted on September 3, 2013 at 4:46pm — 4 Comments

Our 4th Wedding Anniversary

This past June 13th was our 4th wedding anniversary, another year to celebrate the day we said “I do”, the day our lives became one and was just not “you” and “I” anymore, we became “Us”, so many happy memories that we have shared this past 4 years, now when I see our little girl product of our love I cannot help but smile and look around at our wonderful life we have, I could not ask for anything else, I have everything, a wonderful amazing loving husband a perfect and…


Posted on June 14, 2013 at 10:31am — 3 Comments

It's a boy!!!

After weeks of uncertainty the day finally came, we saw our baby one more time and we are sure he is growing strong and healthy, listening to his heart is the most wonderful sound in the world for a parent to be, I remember the first time I heard Shay’s heartbeat, I could not stop crying of pure joy and the same feeling came back when I listen to my munchkin’s heartbeat and it was extra special because Shay came with us this time and she saw the baby with her own eyes.

We thought it…


Posted on April 24, 2013 at 9:19am — 4 Comments



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