Featured Blog Posts (500)

Just a dream...

I still remember the day my girlfriend accepted for us to get married. It took me all I had to gather the courage to announce it to mom, my brothers and the people I care about. We’ve been together for four and a half years now and time just seems to fly by so fast. I still remember the day we met. I was handling the store and taking some classes online when this girl I met in college a long time ago came in asking for some suggestions of things she could give to her brother. We talked for some… Continue

Added by Embry Call on December 12, 2010 at 4:06pm — No Comments

A Girl Amongst Wolves.

I had just arrived home from cooking dinner for Charlie, as I pulled my car into the driveway, I looked over to see Jacob sitting on our porch steps. "Hey Sue" a sunny smile as always graced his face, but for once it didn't quite touch his eyes. "Hey there Jake, how are you?" "Good, Good" was the instant reply, straight away I knew Jake was a tad nervous about something. "Ok Jacob Black" I smiled, raising an eyebrow, "Out with it, I can tell your nervous about something, or better still, lets… Continue

Added by Sue Clearwater on December 2, 2010 at 1:32pm — No Comments


Pausing as the wind swirls the leaves around me, bringing with it her scent. I place my hand gently against the big fir tree and smile, knowing I will see her in a few short moments.

My mind wanders back to the very first time I saw her, her little sobs broke my heart and her tiny tear stained cheeks awoke in me something that had been slowly coming since the very first time I met baby Renesme. In the years since meeting Nessie, Sam and Emily Uley had welcomed a child into their home… Continue

Added by Carmen Denali on November 30, 2010 at 10:11am — No Comments

My Fear

My heart is broken,

Internally I am brought to my knees,

from the burden and pain of the secret I keep,

the secret I keep from him

I am haunted,

haunted in my every waking hour as well as in my dreams,

the horrors I imagine, the consequences should he discover .....

his world is not as it seems, how much does he know?

Would our friendship survive this deceipt?

Would he ever forgive me?

In this I have no choice, I must wait!

For… Continue

Added by Sue Clearwater on November 26, 2010 at 10:06am — No Comments

What if I found her?

I remember back in March when I was living in Port Angeles, Mark and I used to talk for hours at a time. We spent lots of time getting to know each other. One day, he was in one of his thoughtful moods. When he’s that way, he tends to ask deep thought questions. We were sitting in the living room that night talking about girls when he asked me “have you ever wondered how the right kind of girl would be for you?”

I have to admit, he caught me off guard on that one… It’s a subject I… Continue

Added by Embry Call on November 22, 2010 at 8:08am — 1 Comment

They are not dead, who live in the hearts they leave behind - Tuscarora

All I had ever wanted was a family of my own, a husband and children and I consider myself blessed that both of those dreams cam true. Along with my wedding day, the biryh of my children were the happiest moments of my life.

We are a small but close community, friends who are more like family, we have all watched out for each others children and so it was with great sadness that I watched many friends move away, none more so than John and Alice Lune or Julia Uley, leaving Sam and… Continue

Added by Sue Clearwater on November 20, 2010 at 8:44am — 1 Comment

The Monster Within!

I have never embraced the monster within me, well not really.

My first 200 years were a constant battle, surviving and yet trying to hold onto some humanity. I only ever fed on those who would have meant me harm, if I had indeed been the helpless young woman they thought me to be. I fed on those who were cruel and sadistic, ugly by nature. I have lived the last 165 years in complete happiness and I have never regretted my choices, but a turn of events, an innocent slip up and my world… Continue

Added by Carmen Denali on November 16, 2010 at 10:21am — No Comments

Fear of Losing Familial Bonds

I have contemplated this topic for quite some time now and have finally rested on the one that I feel is my biggest hang-up.

Fear of Losing Familial Bonds

Simply put, life is relational. It is impossible to exist without relationships and close ones involve people we see and talk to almost every day. We work with and depend on these people. These close connections help us to learn, grow and move forward. Every of us move through many different relationships during the… Continue

Added by Carlisle Cullen MD on November 8, 2010 at 8:21am — 1 Comment

"My patience is eternal and my will is absolute"

"My patience is eternal and my will is absolute"

It stands out to me because it's the best way to describe myself in one sentence.

W/A. It's about the last few moments I resided with the Volturi.

"My patience is eternal and my will is absolute." I said facing Aro as he, once again asked me to join the Volturi

"Come now, Carlisle why do you repeatedly resist that which you know you want?" Aro said, walking slowly around the chair on which I was seated.

I… Continue

Added by Carlisle Cullen MD on October 15, 2010 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment

When Fiction Meets Reality

I was out on patrol after visiting Mark and Caroline one day, thinking over what we did that night. Mark insisted on us watching Star Wars: Return of the Jedi together. He said the three of us haven’t watched a movie in a long time. I could just laugh at his choice of movies, but after we settled down, and he started to really get in the movie, things got interesting. What I have to add is that Mark may be in his own way a Star Wars fan, he knows his stuff, but he has this way… Continue

Added by Embry Call on October 11, 2010 at 7:30am — No Comments


Seth. What a twit. Right now I’d love to throw him right in front of an ongoing train. Of course, I’d regret it later if he didn’t manage to get away in time. But still, he damn right deserved it. He had – no, has – no idea what he put mom through. I’d get back from patrol, or head out on patrol and there would be mom, zombified and watching the front door. I was always late for patrol on those nights because I’d have to pretty much drag her to bed, those stress-lines and heavy eyes…


Added by Leah Clearwater on September 12, 2010 at 4:36am — 2 Comments

A friend in Need

The recent events happening lately with Becs have been overwhelming. When she came to me last Monday, she was beyond devastated. She was in a state of mind unlike what I’ve seen before. I was just finishing cleaning up after dinner when she came knocking on the door, tears filling her eyes. When I saw her then, I knew something was definitely wrong between her and Leo. She’s been telling me these past few weeks about how she was torn between her dreams for the future of founding a family and… Continue

Added by Embry Call on October 1, 2010 at 4:14am — No Comments

Being There for Each Other

Rebecca and I have known each other for as long as I can remember. Since Jake and I were practically inseparable when we were young, I spent lots of time over at their house. Everyone was getting used to having me around, I felt as if I was a part of the family. As we all grew up, things changed.

At first, our relationship was more of the kind of relationships a brother and sister have when they’re kids. We played with each other, sometimes arguing on playing with dolls or action… Continue

Added by Embry Call on September 27, 2010 at 1:45pm — No Comments

Nahuel's diary #5: Swimming, visiting the animals and shopping with my aunt Huilen

Since auntie Huilen got back home, my life has completely changed. None of the days are spent useless. Every day we do something new and special... something funny and awesome.

For the last three days we did so many incredible things that I even can't grasp how have they passed so quickly!

After a few days that she was here, we decided to spend the day swimming in the beautiful river a few miles away from our house. I got up in the morning, auntie made a breakfast for me… Continue

Added by Nahuel on September 24, 2010 at 1:30pm — No Comments

"Life is never easy for those who dream" - Robert James Waller

Life is a very complicated word that has a lot of definitions. But then again...there is not one single definition.

We all understand it in different ways... we all live it in a different ways... our ways... easy ways. How we like it!

We all love to dream... and so do I. But a man once said, "Life is never easy for those who dream!" His name was Robert James Waller and it turned out that he was right. It is not bad to dream. After all, it is good to have your own dreams.… Continue

Added by Nahuel on September 23, 2010 at 10:36am — 7 Comments

Nahuel's diary #3: Hunting

Today was our first hunt together since aunt Huilen is back. I missed hunting with her so so much!

She is fast and a great hunter!

Hunting with her is the only time I hunt humans. I usually eat human food, and also, I hunt from time to time, but only animals. Human blood gives me a special strength and feeling. It's healthy for my body, but when I hunt alone I'm not in the mood for fighting outside the wood.

Considering the fact that I haven't tasted human blood… Continue

Added by Nahuel on September 19, 2010 at 5:30am — No Comments

Nahuel's diary #4: Cleaning

Having my Aunt Huilen back is a real blessing.

Well... almost everything is a blessing... besides some things. Like, mopping, for example.

While my Aunt Huilen was gone, I didn't do much cleaning. Usually, when she goes from home, at least 10 years pass before she comes back. And, plus, I was so depressed that I didn't have any will to clean.

There are a lot of reasons why I didn't clean, but lazines and not expecting my aunt's return were probably the most… Continue

Added by Nahuel on September 19, 2010 at 5:30am — 79 Comments

Nahuel's diary #2: Aunt Huilen is back!

Yeah, you read it good! Aunt Huilen is back! It's very hard for me to believe it, but yes, she came back home... she came back yesterday evening. I was already asleep when I heard someone in our backyard. I wasn't in the mood for getting out of bed, but when someone slapped me right into my face, I knew she is back!

I missed her hugs and kisses! I missed her being here! And I'm finally happy now!

What was the real reason for her return home? I still don't know. I didn't… Continue

Added by Nahuel on September 17, 2010 at 8:45am — 3 Comments

Nickelback - This afternoon

This is my favourite song at the moment. It cheers me up and gives me the strength to go on...

Nickelback - This afternoon

Oh, looking like another Bob Marley day

Hitting from the bong like a diesel train

And now we're hanging out this afternoon

We got weeds in the backyard, four feet tall

Cheech and Chong probably…

Added by Nahuel on September 14, 2010 at 10:49am — 2 Comments

Friend or Foe?

He and I have never been the best of buddies. Quite the opposite, we pretty much hated being around each other. I could be talking about any of the members of my current or past pack – they all disliked being around me, I’m not going to hide that fact. Making those around suffer along with me, I didn’t really enjoy doing, though I made the impression that I did. I couldn’t help those thoughts come to me whenever I was around Sam. The first to snap at me was surprisingly not Paul – who I had… Continue

Added by Leah Clearwater on September 10, 2010 at 7:58pm — 1 Comment

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