Looking into the mirror, my new reflection gazing back at me with eyes of bright ruby red.


It had spent the majority of my life with golden eyes that were warm and welcoming, always seeing my place with the Cullens and our pact to protect human life from our thirst. I had never questioned this way of life, it felt almost natural for me.


I remember the effort of guiding Jasper through this new way of life and watching his conflict between his biological instincts to hunt versus his respect for human life. It was a constant struggle for him and he managed to overcome most of his confliction because he knew who he wanted to be for himself and for our family.


Now, looking into the mirror through my electric red eyes, I am finding that I am challenged as he has been in the past. Looking from the mirror to the cape I am adorned in, each passing day finding a deeper connection with the Volturi. Ever since Chelsea and Renata began to spend time with me, my bond, to no control of my own seems to be strengthening and the ties to my family, weakening.


I find myself desperate to fit in with the Volturi, desperate to spend every moment with them.


I can tell that Jasper is concerned; I feel a sense of guilt and obligation of course, especially now that the tables have turned and my eyes show my true intentions now that I can no longer hide.


My visions flash before me, seeing what will happen next for my path but there is nothing concrete. I don’t believe I am ready to fully make a decision.


Am I ready to leave behind the life I have created for myself in search for a life that I have always been against? Do I lean into this powerful bond that draws me in to the Volturi or do I fight it and try to recreate a bond that feels so distant to Jasper and my family?


Looking back at my reflection, taking in how different I look and feel. Perhaps fate will bring me to where I am meant to be, who I am meant to be rather than controlling it as I always have.


What will become of me?

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