Featured Blog Posts (500)

Memories Of My Human Family

Lately, memories of my human life seem to be plaguing my mind.  There is no reason for it.  It is not as if I can have a dream and have those images engrained into my memory.  These images have been hidden deeper and as of late have made themselves known.  Often times, when I am in my chambers, I have been receiving quick clips of what was once my human life.  The life I lived before I was turned into what I am today.  Most of my images have been of my mother and father.  Their appearances…


Added by Jane Volturi on August 9, 2011 at 7:18pm — 2 Comments


Tonight I got jailed on Twitter for the very first time.

@AmyRanker stepped in and created a protest poster to get me freed from behind the bars!Thank you, Amy! I think it worked as I'm 'free' once again!

~ CC…


Added by Carlisle Cullen MD on July 25, 2011 at 7:01pm — 4 Comments

Her Pain, my suffering


Some thoughts after my conversation with Esme

I sit here writing this feeling completely helpless as Esme slips out the back door in search of her own answers under the guise of needing a hunt. She hunted a day or…


Added by Carlisle Cullen MD on July 16, 2011 at 8:29pm — No Comments

Innocence Lost - Part 3

Innocence Lost - Part 3

As I reached the top of the ladder I saw him. I jumped with a thud, my feet hit the ground running, he was behind me, catching up with great speed. My mind raced. I knew he was one of them, his eyes and feral expression was obvious. I ran like I had never run before, dodging trees, jumping over fallen limbs and rocks until I hit the clearing out behind the church. I didn't dare look behind me, that would just slow me down. I felt myself being lifted as if I…


Added by Carlisle Cullen MD on July 15, 2011 at 8:30am — No Comments

Our Family....What we had, and How we came to be.

I can't remember a time when I didn't know Harry, we grew up together, but we certainly didn't always like each other, a typical boy he would throw rocks at me, then turn around pretending it wasn't him, I remember he even pulled my hair once in the 3rd grade, I shook my little fist at him and I told him if he ever touched my hair again, I'd break his nose, and with a firm nod of my head I walked away, it must of worked to a degree, he sort of left me alone after that.

Of course all… Continue

Added by Sue Clearwater on July 8, 2011 at 4:10am — No Comments

Quiet Time to Reflect...

The castle has been rather quiet as of late.  Demetri and Santiago are off in Switzerland trying to find the truth about what is causing the deaths of humans out there.  There was a hunch that it could be vampires, but they are not certain yet.  I've been in constant contact with Santiago the most over the progress of their mission.  So far, nothing looks promising.  Not much is being found.  With these two guys gone, the castle has been considerably a lot calmer.  Although I am admitting…


Added by Jane Volturi on July 9, 2011 at 12:12am — No Comments

Rosalie Hale


At first glance you see the well groomed beauty before you. You think that she is self centered and extremely self confident. If you take a moment and look a little deeper you see a woman that was hurt by persons or things of her past. These things have molded her fiery personality.


Her regrets and choices have created a fierce companion for Emmett. Who…


Added by Benjamin Naifeh Atiyeh on July 6, 2011 at 11:14pm — No Comments

Today's Excursion...

This morning, I was graced with having the company of Lady Sulpicia on a horse ride out of the city so I could feed.  However, it wasn't a routine feeding excursion that we'd usually take.  I stumbled upon an e-mail a mortal had sent my way and some of the accusations enraged me.  So, I felt like taking my anger out on a handful of mortals, feeling that if I could torture them and drain them completely while satiating my hunger, I would feel better and at ease.  Wouldn't you know, it did…


Added by Jane Volturi on July 6, 2011 at 1:30am — 2 Comments

What Real Family Is

The Cullens call themselves a real family.  I laugh at that.  It amuses me because, if you look at their "family," it's quite dysfunctional and weird.  How is it that you can all have your mates under one roof and not one of them even has any kind of blood relation?  How can you call that a family?  It's a coven and that's it.

Real family is related by blood. Born of the same mother (not "reborn" from the same maker). I do not call Aro my father. He is my maker. I had a mother…


Added by Jane Volturi on July 2, 2011 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Accepting and Embracing

I never thought that one day I’d end up really liking being what I am. When I first phased, I was in shock… not only because of what I became but also because no one thought I could ever become a shape shifter among the tribe, not even me. It took me a while before accepting who I am and really start enjoying it to the fullest. The acceptance became real when I found out about my father. The time I spent away from the reservation after that made me realise how much it’s become a part of me now… Continue

Added by Embry Call on June 25, 2011 at 8:08am — No Comments

My Angel

I had never been so happy, I was engaged to be married and I could not stop smiling. We were living a very happy and quiet life in Vienna, we had just celebrated our first christmas alone together. And as I walked back through the quiet streets to our home I found myself humming as I admired my engagement ring. "You sound like a young woman in love" chimed the voice of my audience. Smiling to her I paused in my travels and responded, "Am I really that transparent?" Returning my smile the older… Continue

Added by Carmen Denali on June 22, 2011 at 5:39am — No Comments

In the blink of an eye.

Anna Morgan... A name I do not utter outloud, a name I can put a face to.  A name I will not forget so long as I exist.

I am not without guilt, I have fed on humans in my past and while it didn't feel right, I consoled myself with the fact that my victims were the trash of our society. I never knew any of their names nor anything more about them other than the evidence of their vile intentions towards me.  As they slumped to the ground, their life ended... I was quite often relieved… Continue

Added by Carmen Denali on June 15, 2011 at 3:52am — No Comments

Above all else.... I will miss my friend.

Over the years I have witnessed the miracle of life and the sadness of death. Never once though did I stop and imagine myself in that situation. The thought of anything happening to Harry or the children was inconceivable and therefore never thought of. Call it what you will denial, avoidance but the simple truth of the matter is I just couldn't see my life without them, whether your talking of three years away or three days away... when I thought of my life it was always centred around my… Continue

Added by Sue Clearwater on June 15, 2011 at 4:05am — No Comments

Aesop's "Boy who Cried Wolf"The Boy Who Cried Wolf

The Boy who Cried Wolf

Aesop's Fables 

letter B

There once was a shepherd boy who was bored as he sat on the hillside watching the village sheep. To amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out, "Wolf! Wolf! The Wolf is chasing the sheep!"

The villagers came running up the hill to help the boy drive the wolf away. But when they arrived at the top of the hill, they found no wolf. The boy…


Added by Carlisle Cullen MD on June 6, 2011 at 6:00pm — 2 Comments

The One Who Is Powerful


I am certainly not powerful by any means.  Have I been blessed yes, I would say that I have been.  Sekhmet has blessed me beyond my dreams.


My uncle raised me to be a street performer in Cairo, Egypt.   He was a superstitious man and would pray or make offerings to the old gods.  My favorite of the gods was Sekhmet.  Her name means the one who is powerful. 


My uncle would show me how to do some magic tricks…


Added by Benjamin Naifeh Atiyeh on June 3, 2011 at 10:40pm — No Comments

The City Of Love.

Whilst standing back from the crowd admiriing one beautiful painting in particular, I couldn't help but overhear snippets of conversations no matter how hard I tried not to.. of course how could I not.

"Ughh, what was the artist thinking?" The gentleman's wife shook her head and moved toward the next painting, followed closely behind by her husband still muttering under his breath. Over in the corner two women were admiring a rather striking painting of the Eiffel Tower and a lovely… Continue

Added by Carmen Denali on May 31, 2011 at 7:56pm — 2 Comments

April 9, 1945

April, 9 1945


Dearest Esme:  


Two weeks have now passed so I am free to tell you of certain personal experiences and incidents that have happened on a recent combat mission.

There was tension in the air for days before. It was like a calm that precedes the storm.  I could feel that there was a big job coming and coming soon.  I wished it would come in a hurry, for the suspense of anticipation was…


Added by Carlisle Cullen MD on May 29, 2011 at 1:15pm — No Comments

Be In It.....

Child of My Heart.... Author Unknown

Not flesh of my flesh

Not bone of my bone

Yet still very much my own

Never forget

for one single minute

that you grew not under my heart

but in it.

Be in it Carmy, be in it.. laughing I had replied, "Oh you mean...Be in, so I can chase you". Her sweet little voice comes back to me as though it was just yesterday & not months ago. Every curl that framed her angelic face, perfectly preserved… Continue

Added by Carmen Denali on May 24, 2011 at 5:29pm — No Comments

No One will Ever Know....

No one will ever know

the pain within my heart,

the tears that I still shed for you

since we were torn apart.

Your memory still lives on each day

in the many hearts of friends,

but three lost souls will miss you

until their journeys end.

This year will be our fifth one now

without you by our side,

the tears will fall and our hearts will break

as sure as the ever flowing tide.

Your fishing pole and tackle… Continue

Added by Sue Clearwater on May 24, 2011 at 5:17pm — No Comments

Kebi’s Letter


I come back to the hotel to catch up on some work and take Tia & Kebi out for an evening of fun.  I notice that Tia is not in the hotel room.   She must be at the spa.  I walk over to the desk and notice a note on the laptop.


It is in Kebi’s handwriting.  I start to read. Kebi says she can no longer just sit idly by waiting for Amun to come home.  She has asked that we do not go and look for her and to take care of each other.


After reading the…


Added by Benjamin Naifeh Atiyeh on May 17, 2011 at 8:23pm — No Comments

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