Benjamin Naifeh Atiyeh
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  • Egypt
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Wa 'alaykum as-salaam. 'ismii Benjamin. (Hello, my name is Benjamin)

My name is Benjamin Naifeh Atiyeh. I am a vampire and member of the Egyptian Coven.


In my human life I was born December 5, 1790. My parents names were Amunet and Bomani Naifeh Atiyeh. My father disappeared early in my life and have no memory of him. I was with my mother until she died. I was taken in by my uncle Asim at the age of 10. Asim was a street performer and took in other family members children from time to time. He would teach them to be performers or pickpockets and make money for him. Sometimes he would sell them to the highest bidder.


While I was with him he taught me to pick pockets and sell trinkets to passersby. I became very good at it.


It was while living with him that I met Tia. Her mother had given her up because she couldn't care for her. Tia was beautiful, shy, and had the voice of an angel. She and I became the best of friends. We would talk for hours or just sit in each others company when we weren't working.


One day while I was not working, which didn't happen very often. I was looking at a torch of fire and started to play with it. Juggling it and realized that I had more control over it than maybe a human should. I showed Tia my tricks and she encouraged me to share this with Asim. My uncle was amazed at my devotion to the flame. He decided to step up my training to be a street performer like him. My performances usually included spinning and fire breathing. This would gather a huge crowd to which helped the other performers, trinket sellers and pickpockets.


One night after I had finished performing for a larger then normal audience. Asim and I were on our way home. We were attacked by a stranger. I learned later that Asim had died trying to protect me from this stranger and I was taken away.


That fateful night I was transformed into a vampire. I do not remember much about my transformation except that I was with the stranger that took me, another vampire and a burning in my throat that seemed like it would never be satisfied. My captors would take turns bringing food back to me. I was never allowed to go out from where I was being held.


As time went on I learned that the stranger's name was Amun and the other vampire's name was Kebi. Amun had taken me to an abandoned temple. It was there he transformed me into a vampire.


After my thirst had subsided, Amun told me of The Volturi, the fact that he thought I had a special talent with fire and that they, The Volturi might try to steal me from him and take me away from my beloved Egypt.


Amun was frustrated with me at first because I could not immediately control fire. After a few tries I was able to gain control over it again but this time with added benefits. I could control water, air and earth. Amun was extremely satisfied with himself once he found out that I had added to my abilities. He reminded me to keep my knowledge and my self hidden because The Volturi were probably watching and may be looking for me.


All the while living in seclusion with Amun and Kebi, I never forgot Tia. I would read the hieroglyphs and gaze at the statues of Bastet, Anubis, Isis and Osiris. I learned to be at peace with them and myself. I would pray to them and ask them to protect and guide Tia and to guide me to do what ever my highest sense of right called for.


After five years of being away from Cairo... I went searching for Tia. We were reunited and she became a vampire to remain with me.


In the years since my change Amun started treating me like a son and I treat him as a father. We do have our disagreements now and then but who doesn't. I am content to be with them in Egypt and with Tia at my side I can do anything.

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Want to hike or camp in the Forks/LaPush region? Come here to see what's going on.Know your hiking/camping plan BEFORE you head out. Let other's know where you're intending to be and always be prepared.Olympic National ParkSee More
May 31, 2020
Benjamin Naifeh Atiyeh is now friends with Larissa Câmara, Vicky, Claire Young and 5 more
May 31, 2020

Benjamin Naifeh Atiyeh's Photos

  • Tia


    Added March 12, 2011 at 7:01am

  • My homeland

    My homeland

    Added March 11, 2011 at 5:41pm 1 Comment

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Benjamin Naifeh Atiyeh's Blog

Continuing Education

Grabbing my bags off the conveyor belt at the airport and heading to the hotel shuttle. I greet the lady driver and toss my bags on to the shelf and take a seat. I send a text message to Tia to let her know that I arrived in Los Angeles just fine. A few more passengers hop on to the shuttle and we pull away and head toward the hotel.

As I am checking in I ask the desk clerk to send up some extra towels and verify that there is a refrigerator. She assures me that I have a suite…


Posted on March 31, 2013 at 5:42pm


I am Horus, the great Falcon upon the ramparts of the house of him of the hidden name. My flight has reached the horizon. I have passed by the gods of Nut. I have gone further than the gods of old. Even the most ancient bird could not equal my very…


Posted on January 5, 2013 at 2:00pm


Running through the desert as fast as I could trying to stay behind the lines of the Egyptian troops. Looking for victims of the war not dead ones... but ones that lay dying or might look like they died from their wounds. It was something that I learned while I was away from Amun for a time. It was easier before the computer age. A long time a go paperwork could easily have been misplaced or was inaccurate.

They were…


Posted on November 28, 2012 at 7:21pm

Camping with the Egyptians

After deciding to purchase that exquisite vehicle, I picked up Tia and we decided to camp across the US.

We wanted to look like normal people out camping so we stopped at the local camping store. There we got some great camping tips:

Pack light and pack smart

Make a list of items you will need and cross about 50% of it off your…


Posted on September 30, 2012 at 11:22am

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