Third full day without my cat. My husband made me get rid of him, then just took off with him, to who knows where. He's not yet 2, and hasn't been outside since he was a kitten, too little to leave his mama when he appeared on our doorstep. The sweetest and baddest cat ever.. I saved his life, twice. We had a special bond, that my husband just didn't see. He didn't like the cat either. He would not let me take him to the vet, to get fixed or anything.. So to an extent his badness and spraying everything is hubby's fault. I am missing my Ritz.. he's a tuxedo, I named him Ritz, like the song, Puttin on he Ritz. I have been crying, non stop since. I want him to come home, but hubby won't have it. He doesn't see the real pain I am going through, I've tried looking for him, about where I figure he dropped the cat off at. But no luck.. I want my little Ritzy home. Bad or not, he had his good points. He was cuddlesome when he wanted to be too. I have never had a cat, that wanted that much attention. He gave me kisses all the time. He also would claw and scratch too, but.. his sweet side always won out over that. I don't want another cat, I want Ritz home.. with me, where he belongs. I know, it's just a cat, but to me, he was more.. he was my friend, like my child. My heart is broken without him.

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Comment by Paula Arvin on May 13, 2011 at 1:38pm
And now, the hubby is trying to suck up.. He got me a movie I've been wanting, and looking into female kittens for me. Same coloring as Ritz was.. How messed up is that?
Comment by Paula Arvin on May 13, 2011 at 9:13am

Thank you Carlisle.. It's much appreciated. He just has to realize, there is more to a bond, then just taking care of the cat. It's the little things. After those two days of 5 mile walks to go look for him, then helping mow lawn yesterday, I needed a soak. The cat was always there, near the tub. Keeping me company. We had little games we played. So he was a wild cat at times, that was a part of his character. That's what made him, who he was. We have the dogs, and I love them too, but the cat, he was different. I've never had such an effectionate cat before.

I was talking about just the little things, that I was missing. Him attacking my feet, stuff like that. And my husband yelled at me, telling me to get over it. He doesn't see, that I can't... not right now. The neighbors I spoke with yesterday, and my son that I called, last night are not happy wih my husband. He appologized about an hour after, but  I really don't think he is. My son called him a not nice word. He though the world of his Step-father, untill he moved in with us, and saw the different things that man does. He's lost his respect. It takes a lot, for that boy to get angry..

Comment by Carlisle Cullen MD on May 12, 2011 at 10:25am

I'm so sorry about your cat, Paula. I hope that your husband will see the bond that you share with Ritz and will return him to you. This is truly sad. I am here if you need to vent



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