A bright and distant future, drawing close and burning out.

The words I speak forgotten, before the even leave my mouth.

I used to be so bloody brilliant, evolved beyond my years.

There's no reason left to listen, no words of wisdom left to hear.

My mouth is numb, my thoughts are scattered.

Nothing I ever say seems to matter.

Falling further from the prize, gaze into my crying eyes.

I'm everything you hate me to be.

I can't help it, it's just me.

I could cry a pretty river and taint it red with blood.

I could paint a pretty picture and splatter it with mudd.

I do my best to forget, the painful thoughts that just wont leave.

There's nothing hidden up my sleve, nothing of any value to take.

I wish for something I could give you, a pretty little heart to break.

Mine is worthless, long since broken.

The remnants just a bloody token, to prove I still know how to cry.

Yet I have forgotten how to die.

So I live on, cold and lonely waiting for the next love to dissown me.

I could cry a pretty river, and taint it red with blood.

I could paint a pretty picture, and splatter it with mudd.

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