New Years in Toronto Ontario Canada is a big deal. In Toronto we have the familiar Canadian National Tower or CN Tower. It's home to MuchMusic Canada. Is home to the Hockey Hall of Fame. The Royal Winter Fair Grounds. And the giant (and fairly new) Skydome where the Toronto Blue Jays tend to play.
When New Years hits however, the city comes to life more so than usual. Parties erupt everywhere and store fronts stay open much later than their usual working hours. MuchMusic then plays host to a wide range of music singers and everyone in general has a damn good time.
And then, as the ball is dropping in Times Square New York, our CN Tower flares to life with well over 2,500+ fireworks to ring in the new year.

You've not partied unless you've partied like us Canuks do! We go all out and we make sure, wither you're a born n bred Canadian, a visitor or a person coming to start a new life here, that our New Years Eve bashes are something you'll always remember.
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