My daughter just bought the book, "New Moon", and is reading it. She says it is really good and I will read it after she is done. I loved the movie "Twilight" and absolutely cannot wait to see it's sequel. Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart and just great in the movie. I loved them as Edward and Bella. Makes one want to be a teenager in love with her first boyfriend!!!! Lol!!!!

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Comment by cecilia a carson on June 2, 2009 at 3:00pm
At the end, the vampire with the long dreads, red eyes, he started to attack Bella and in jumped Jacob to save her by turning into a wolf!
Comment by cecilia a carson on June 1, 2009 at 3:47pm
Watched the trailer for New Moon and I just can't wait to see the whole movie. Could not believe that Jasper attacked Bella, but, it is in a vampire's nature to do that when fresh blood is drawn. Edward's decision to leave Bella saddened me but he was probably doing it for her good. Loved the way Jacob came to Bella's defense in wolf version against the volturi vampire. It's going to be GOOD!!!!!
Comment by cecilia a carson on May 31, 2009 at 9:08pm
I can't wait to see "New Moon" it is going to be explosive!


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