Wow, well the other day me and my friend went for a photoshoot. We spent an hour driving around trying to find the place *laughs* it was actually on the first floor of a two storey building and it only had a little sign, so I guess thats why it took us so long.
When we arrived we signed at reception, when we sat down we were offered food and drink, which I thought was very nice of them. There were a few other people there too. About half an hour later er got called to go and have our make-up done. I sat done in this massive chair and discussed with the stylist the kind of make-up I wanted and what would suit me. We also discussed how I would like my hair. I sat back in the chair and let her work her magic *giggles* I had a hand masage and a face pack done first. The face pack smelt abit funny though.
My make-up looked really nice, I had smokey eyes and curly hair. I was really shocked, I looked great. I thought the eye make-up was a bit heavy but it grew on me *laughs*
A little while later the stylist had finished but my friend was already done and having her photos taken. I went and met my photographer and we discussed which outfits would be good for me to wear out of the ones I had taken with me. I changed into each one and had photos taken in different studios with different colours and props.
*Frowns* I felt a bit uncomfortable at first but soon started to enjoy it. Before I knew it we had finished. I had some photos taken on my own and some taken with my friend.
We then went to view our photos after the graphics had been done. They were amazing, we couldn't believe our eyes, we looked like models. We didn't even think it was really us *giggles* We had such an amazing time and it was a great experience. I would love to do it again.
The photos are on my page if you would like to have a look. They might be abit blurry but hopefully you will like them. You can comment on them if you would like or tell me your favourite one.

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