When the party started at Carlisle & Esme's I was uber hyper. I had coffee and was SO happy! Jane was there and Linds and I were talking about my piercing I got. Jane makes me laugh because she was talking about why humans get piercings or as she put it 'holes in our body' *giggles*

Carmen came in.. Well she walked in and sneaked behind me and covered my eyes and asked me how I was. I Said great and showed her I got the piercing. She ended up braiding my hair and of course in the middle everyone came. Carlisle made quite an enterance! *giggles* Sarah came in and others. Carmen put a ribbon in my hair then I ran to Sarah and tackled her.

After a while, Esme asked if I was still there..  I stepped forward and looked at both Esme and Carlisle confused. Esme came out with a ink 3 layer cake that said 'Happy Birthday, Erin' It made me smile so much! Then carlisle gave me http://twitpic.com/5nryle saying Happy Birthday. He kissed me on the forehead and I smiled so bright and started crying happy tears in real life. After a lot of happy birthdays, carlisle gave me a call box with http://twitpic.com/5nrzii inside. He said Happy Birthday, Hockey Princess. It made me so happy that he called me Hockey Princess infront of everyone. I love that name. That and Snugglebutt, but Hockey Princess I cherish so much because he came up with it. *smiles beaming*

Cake ended up getting thrown by Emmett first, of course. I got Charly pretty bad.. and Jasper once.

We started to play the game and I got the first one right and Carlisle said very appropiate way of starting the game since I was the Birthday Girl. *smiles* I was kinda out of it after that. After the game I did a spit take at Carlisle and it was pretty funny but then  I ended up having to go to dinner. We went to my favorite steak place where I got a filet, but before that I was on the phone with Sarah while she was in chat and she TOTALLY twisted my words in chat to Esme and Carlisle. *glares at her* She is so getting it!


So, that was my fantastic 15th birthday! Everyone made it the perfect day!

Thank you all!

Especially Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, Katie, and Sarah!!!

Love you all!!


~Hockey Princess

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Comment by Carmen Denali on July 12, 2011 at 5:34am
I'm so happy you enjoyed your Birthday sweetheart and that I was able to share in your special day.

Love Carmen xx


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