*Thursday, June 5, 2014. Tiffany and Billy go for their scheduled 24th week appointment with Carlisle at the LaPush clinic.*


~Gets home from work, happy that the long day is almost over. Sees Billy's truck and calls out to him as I walk inside.~ Billy? Babe are you in here?

Billy Black

Hey sweetheart, I'm Here *calls out from the bedroom, folding towels*

Tiffany ~Finds you folding the laundry and smiles a tired smile.~ You didn't have to do that, but thank you. ~Bends down to kiss you.~

Billy Black

*leans up and kisses her, sliding my hand gently down her face* You look a little peaked...are you alright?

Tiffany ~Considers my answer, knowing you can see through me.~ It was a rough day. I am happy to be done there. ~Stands up feeling a twinge, rubbing my side.~ Did you eat?

Billy Black

*frowns and raises a brow* yeah..

Tiffany What did you have? ~Moves to my dresser pulling out a change of clothes.~

Billy Black

Leftovers *finishes the towels keeping an eye on your noticing your obvious discomfort* Tiff.. let me do that, why don't you lie down?

Tiffany I want to get out of these scrubs and into something more comfortable before our appointment. I need a quick shower too. ~Smiles and pats your arm.~

Billy Black

Alright *nods, smiling* Hop to it *chuckles*

Tiffany ~Gathers my clothes, making my way to the shower. Gets undressed and waits for the water to adjust, the twinge in my side returning. Frowning, I wait for it to pass, then step in to get washed up.~

Billy Black

*closes the drawer, and gets my boots on. Wheels to the living room and watches the evening news while waiting for her*

Tiffany ~Turns off the water as I finish, grabbing my towel, drying off and getting dressed. Finding myself a little short of breath, I go sit on the bed to rest for a moment before braiding my hair.~

Billy Black

*hears her getting ready in the bedroom, clicks off the TV and glances at the Rez newspaper*

Tiffany ~Takes a deep breath and gets up, slipping on my mocs and a sweater, joining Billy in the living room.~ Anything new on the shooting in Seattle at the Uni?

Billy Black

*shakes my head* tragedy.. gives me goosebumps *sighs heavily, kisses her belly and squeezes her hand* Let's think happy thoughts, ok?

Tiffany ~Strokes your head.~ You give me nothing but. I am ready if you are. Carlisle is at the clinic waiting for us.




Billy Black

*smiles & wheels to the car* Yes, sweetheart if we go now we'll be right on time *opens the door for her, stashes my chair in the back and gets in the driver's side*

Tiffany ~Gets in beside you, struggling to get the seatbelt hooked. Finally hearing the click I let out a sigh.~ I am glad he agrees to see us in the evenings like this.

Billy Black

It's nice that they have late hours at the clinic on Thursdays *turns from the driveway and onto the main road, pulling into the clinic parking lot a few moment later*

Tiffany ~Looks at the lot, noticing there are a few cars.~ Seems we aren't the only ones here tonight. ~Frowns.~ I hope no one is serious. ~Wondering if there is enough staff on for the patients tonight.~

Billy Black

It's their normal late night, sweetheart *gets out, grabs my chair and wheels over to help her out of the car*

Tiffany ~Takes your hand and lifts myself out of the car, chewing on my lip in thought.~ Yes, probably. ~Walks to the door holding your hand, gripping it tighter and stopping for a moment as the pain comes back.~

Billy Black

Tiff? *holds her arm bracing her as she stops* Are you ok? What's happening?

Tiffany ~Catches my breath as the pain wanes.~ I'm not sure. I've been getting these odd pains all day. It isn't like the stretching ligament pain. It's likely nothing but early Braxton-Hicks contractions. ~Tries to give you a reassuring smile as we go in and head to the registration desk.~

Billy Black

Did you have them with Embry? *follows close behind her, worry creasing my brow*

Tiffany ~Signs in and goes to a seat.~ Yes. I had some issues carrying Embry. But I don't remember when they started with him.

Billy Black

Issues? *feels the blood drain from my face* What kind of issues *thinks about Embry now, healthy and strong & sighs*

Tiffany ~Squeezes your hand.~ High blood pressure, gestational diabetes. I spent the last two months on bed rest because they were afraid I may go to labor early. But he turned out perfect.

Billy Black

*nods* Good, good *pinches the bridge of my nose* Oh.. We're up *hears her name called* Are you alright to get up? Do you want me to have them get you a wheel chair?

Tiffany No I think I can walk. ~Leads the way back and follows the nurse to the exam room chatting with her along the way. Gets settled on the table while you pull up beside me.~ See. We're good.

Billy Black

Barely *sits beside her takes her hand and kisses her palm* I can feel you, you know.. don't even try to act like nothing's up

Tiffany I just don't want you to be too worried. At least not until we know if it is serious.


Billy Black

I know, I know... I just don't handle this medical sorta stuff so well *clears my throat*

Tiffany I know. Remember, I was the one taking care of you for a while. ~Leans in to plant a kiss on your nose.~

Tiffany Billy Black

*chuckles* You were, and I appreciate that more than you know

Carlisle Cullen MD

*knocks on the door and enters slowly* Hello Mr. and Mrs. Black *extends my hand to shake Billy's and smiles at Tiffany*

Tiffany ~Smiles at Dr. Cullen.~ Hello. How are you tonight?

Billy Black

*shakes his hand and thanks him* I appreciate you overseeing her pregnancy, means more than you know

Carlisle Cullen MD

*smiles* I'm well thank you *nods at Billy* It's my pleasure *flips thru her chart then places it on the counter* Are you feeling alright, Tiffany?

Tiffany ~Gives a small startled laugh.~ Well, truthfully, I have felt better. Is it that obvious?

Carlisle Cullen MD

*wrinkles my nose, closes one eye and pinches my fingers together* Maybe just a little *laughs*

Tiffany Mmm hmm. ~Starts to answer and has my breath taken away by a pain. Holds my breath as the cramp works itself out.~

Carlisle Cullen MD

*puts on my stethoscope and asks her to lie back as I listen to her abdomen, feeling the tightness knowing it's a contraction* Mrs. Black? How many pains like this have you had in, let's say.. the past hour?

Billy Black

*Hears the seriousness in Dr. Cullen's voice, my heart rate speeds up a bit*


Um...three or four. They don't last long. But I know they aren't the ligaments stretching. It feels different. Lower.

Billy Black

*nods* She had a couple when we were folding laundry earlier

Carlisle Cullen MD

Alright *picks up her chart noting the past medical history with Embry* You had blood work drawn earlier. Let me get those results *sits at the computer and pulls up the blood work* Tiffany, You've got sugar in your urine, your blood sugar is higher than I'd like to see it and I'm not liking the contractions. I'm going to put you on medical leave effective immediately and want you on bed rest for the duration of the pregnancy. NO exerting. *looks at her knowing her quite well* I mean it

Tiffany ~Feels my heart start to pound, fear coming in a wave.~ Is the baby okay though? Is it in danger?



Carlisle Cullen MD

Not at this point, no.. everything's alright. The heartbeat is strong and your ultrasound shows no distress, the baby is fine. You need to rest to assure that remains the case *glances at Billy* And you need to make sure she does

Billy Black

*nods in agreement knowing the fate of my child is in a delicate balance* Yes, I will *takes her hand feeling her stress* Between Rachel, Becca, Jake and Ness and the others, we will keep her calm and rested. Mark my word.

Tiffany ~Swallows hard.~ But they are short handed at the....~Sees the look on both of your faces and stops.~ Okay, right. Rest.

Carlisle Cullen MD

Short handed is not your concern at this time Mrs. Black *leans in talking sternly* Tiffany, please

Tiffany ~Closes my eyes and nods.~ You're right. I know. I promise.

Billy Black

She promises as do I *takes a deep breath and thanks him*

Tiffany What about house work and cooking, no?

Carlisle Cullen MD

No. It's time to let other's do for YOU for a change. If you have ANY concerns or questions... call me directly *hands them both a business card with my cell phone number on it. Remember. ANY concerns or questions, call me at any time. It doesn't matter.

Billy Black

Exactly what I've been trying to tell her but she's a stubborn one, Doc

Carlisle Cullen MD

*Chuckles* And you're one to talk, Billy *winks and lightens the mood*

Tiffany Thank you. Guess I need to find a hobby now. I'll call the hospital tomorrow. And let them know here. ~Frowns, hating the feeling of leaving my jobs hanging. Stands, feeling another cramp come on, holding the edge of the exam table for balance.~ I think we'd best get headed home now.

Carlisle Cullen MD

*Hands her a prescription for bed rest* This is all you need and I've already put it in the system. Just call Jeanette in the morning and let her know. I've covered the rest

Tiffany I will. Thank you again. For everything.

Billy Black

Tiff! *reaches for her hand* Bed rest. ASAP

Carlisle Cullen MD

You're welcome. Please call me tomorrow, let me know how you are

Billy Black

I will probably call you 200 times before tomorrow *looks up half joking half serious*


I will. And I will let you know if anything changes. ~Heads for the car.~




Carlisle Cullen MD

Call any time *pats his shoulder* I mean it. *watches them walk out, shaking my head with a tinge of worry* Bed rest, Tiffany.. *whispers to myself knowing the streak of stubborness that runs through her veins*

Tiffany ~Gets in the car and buckles in, staring out the window, feeling tears stinging my eyes, fear and worry running through my head.~

Billy Black

Hey *reaches over and pats her leg* Listen, he knows what he's talking about ok? Just try, please ... try to do as he says. Things will be ok

~Nods silently, wiping a tear from my cheek.~ I know. Let's get me home and in bed. ~Touches your face.~ Thank you.

Billy Black

It'll be ok, sweetheart

Tiffany ~Gets out of the car at home and goes straight to the bedroom, changes into a nightgown and crawls in bed.~

Billy Black

*gets in beside her and rubs her back until she falls asleep* I love you, Tiffany Black *falls asleep beside her*


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