Alice: *Stepping lightly from the car as my mind focuses in on visions of my family and the job we must do in order to protect our identities* This way... *Pointing to the large double doors*

Carlisle: *straightens my tie grasping a manila folder*

Edward: *Climbing out of the car, looking to the building as I keep track of the visions in Alice's mind*

Alice: *Nodding to Carlisle with understanding, already seeing a clear path that his disguise will work on the sheriff, following beside Jasper into the jail*

Carlisle: *rehearses silently in my head that I am a medical examiner from Morgan County*

Alice: *Placing my hands on the counter, my visions showing that Carlisle will need to be the one to speak to the humans, looking once over my shoulder to signal it's time*

Carlisle: *nods slightly to Alice & steps forward exchanging remarks with the Sheriff explaining that I am a medical examiner from Morgan county, showing him my credentials hands the manila folder to the Sheriff surveying the area for other officers*

Alice: *Whispering to Carlisle* We have only moments.

Carlisle: *thinks to myself that Alice has time now, nodding to Edward* This is my colleague Edward Donovan

Edward: *Scanning through the thoughts of the officers in the room, trying to see if there was anything lingering on their thoughts about Rosalie and Emmett*

Carlisle: Is there somewhere a little more private? *follows as the sheriff nods and ushers us towards the back office*

Alice: *Sending a silent plea to Edward to listen in on their thoughts as we move to make Emmett and Rosalie disappear from the county records* It's now or never, Jazzy. *Taking his hand and blurring over towards the files*

Carlise: *nods to the other 2 officers who follow us and close the door behind us Presents my paperwork to the Sheriff, taking ample time to explain the case*

Alice: *Concentrating on my visions, allowing my fingers to easily navigate the stacks of paper records while Jasper erases any evidence from the computer*

Edward: *Following Carlisle's lead, sighing a little in relief as I don't see any thoughts directed towards Emmett and Rosalie*

Carlisle: *shoots a hopeful glance at Edward*

Alice: Three minutes... *Whispering under my breath as I take the folder, including one awfully bitter mugshot of Rosalie, from the drawer, closing it with a simple flick of my wrist and rushing to Jasper's side*

Edward: *Giving Carlisle a reassuring smile and nod as he looks to me*

Carlisle: *nods and answers the questions the Sheriff tosses my way closes the folder & waits as the sheriff prints out the paperwork I've requested, hoping I have secured Alice and Jasper enough time to take care of things*

Alice: *Leaning down to examine jasper's handywork with the computer files* I have something in my hands for a little future blackmail. *Kissing his cheek with a giggle as he erases everything in the sheriff’s possession*

Carlisle: *shakes the Sheriff's hand thanks the 2 deputies for their time and cooperation with the case and exits the back office with Edward*

Alice: *Taking Jasper's hand and walking out into the lobby, securing the folder under my blue coat while I concentrate on the visions of Emmett and Rosalie*

Carlisle: *nods at Alice and Jasper as Edward and I walk past, once again thanking the Sheriff for his full cooperation*

Edward: *Trying not to grin as I see Alice's blackmail plan in her mind.*

Alice: *Locking eyes with Carlisle and Edward, nodding ever so slightly in understanding that we have done all that we can do, turning to the sheriff with a bright smile* Thank you for your assitance, gentleman. *Quickly flashing a wink at Edward*

Carlisle: *holds the door as Alice walks by, smiling smug with our plan*

Edward: *Winking back to Alice as we head out of the jail. Speaking once we are alone* Not a single thought on Emmett and Rosalie... Except Alice's *Chuckles*

Carlisle: *Gets in the SUV and drives off heading back to the Hotel*

Alice: Now, Edward... *Pulling the photo of Rosalie from the contents of the folder* How can I pass up an opportunity like this! It just screams beauty! *winking*

Carlisle: *chuckles, afraid to even look, keeping my eyes on the road*

Alice: *Giggling over the sounds of the engine and tucking the photo away* She will thank me for it later.

Carlisle: I'm sure she will *clears my throat*

Edward: *Chuckling* I need a copy of that I think... Scare Ness when she’s misbehaving

Alice: Oh, I don't think so! And there are more important matters at the moment. *Focusing in on my visions as I look to the hopeful eyes of my family* The Sherriff will not go looking for them again. That path is clear. The human's future, however, is not.

Carlisle: *puts my fist to my lips* I don't like the sound of that

Alice: *Leaning back into the seat as I continue to concentrate with purpose and necessity* I see two futures for Emmett and Rosalie, both are dependant on the human. Either Rosalie is going to take care of things her way, or Emmett will expose us. We may have to take care of things ourselves. *Frowning slightly*

Carlisle: *sighs audibly*

Edward: *Sighing slightly as I run my hand over my hair*

Alice: There are too many variables, Carlisle. *Inching forward to speak to you and Edward* I can't see how this will end without a firm decision from Emmett. All I see is death, but it's wavering.

Carlisle: Something has to be done *shakes my head*

Alice: Everything depends on Rosalie and Emmett. The only thing that we can do is remain in the area until they have made a firm decision and I can see better. If they are close, we can help.

Edward: *Looking to Carlisle* This isn't our choice to make Carlisle... This all hinges on what Emmett decides, theres not a lot we can do.

Carlisle: Edward's right, all we can do is stay near by and hope that we can help if necessary

Alice: *Nodding along with Edward* We have cleared their names from the records, the rest is up to them. *Searching my visions once more, growing frustrated at the lack of definition* We must stay here for our family. They need us.

Carlisle: I need to call Esme

Edward: *Nodding as I agree with Alice* Lets just hope this all ends well

Alice: I agree, and mother will be so happy to hear from you. *Resting back against the seat, my visions still flowing effortlessly through my mind* She misses us all terribly.

Carlisle: *feels a deep pang as Alice's words hit me* I miss her too *whispers to myself*

Edward: *Letting my thoughts wander to Bella and Ness, hoping they weren't too worried*

Alice: Then lets get back to the hotel and I will do my best to find a solution. *Glancing to the window as jasper takes my hand, my family's safety foremost in my mind*

Views: 83

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got to say i would love to see the picture of rose that sounds like it could be sceary



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