Concern and Panic Set in as they realize Billy is Missing - 16 December, 2010

Jacob:  *picks up the phone with concern, dialing Rachel's house, hopin they have seen my Dad,leans against the counter as the phone rings*

Rachel: *picks up the phone with concern, dialing Rachel's house, hopin they have seen my Dad,leans against the counter as the phone rings*

Jacob:  *talks into the receiver* Hey Dad there?

Rebecca: *holds somak and watches as rachel answer the phone*

Rachel: -I frown- No. Isn't he our fishing?

Rebecca: *frowns as I can hear Jakes voice on the other side , taking he is asking about dad*

Jacob: *scratches my head* uh..I wasnt sure so i wanted to see if he was over there...

Rebecca:  *gets up and walks over to rach still holding somak*

Rachel:  -I pop the speaker phone button, knowing my sister will want to hear- He didn't say anything to you about going out?

Jacob:  Uh No...he...So he's not there...*furrows my brow* Im sure he just went into town..*my mind starts to race*

Rebecca:  *looks at rach and then speak into the mic* Jake whats wrong, did dad not go fishing.*hears the concern in your voice* Jake is everything okay you sound worried

Jacob: *sits up from the counter* uh Hey Becs, nothins wrong..just wonderin *not wanting to alarm you*

Rebecca:  *looks at Rach knowing she can hear the worry in his voice as well* I will be right there jake just wait for me

Jacob:  NO! Its fine...*exhales*

Rebecca:  Jake I was not asking i am telling you to wait for me okay *looks at rach* I am going to see whats up *gives you somak* I will call you soon

Jacob:  *hangs up the phone,tryin to stay calm as my mind floods with thoughts*

Rachel:  -I sigh, taking Mak from her, still balancing the phone and trying to keep him asleep. Jake hangs up on me and I frown.- Well thanks guys... -I say to myself, setting the phone back on it's cradle.-

Rebecca:  *walks out and sighs making my over to the house*

Rebecca:  *walks in the house and see you in the kitchen* Jake what is going on why are you so concerned about dad

*sees Becs come in* Im not..i was just wonderin..*looks down* cuz i saw the food and note sittin here...

Rebecca: *looks at you* come on jake I leave dad lunch everyday with a note. it never bothers you then. something is up what is going on did something happen we should know about

Jacob:  No!..Geez...*leans against the counter,looking at the floor* Ok...we had a fight this mornin...*looks up at you with a grimace*

Rebecca: *looks at you and decide to try and stay calm* what do you mean you had a fight this morning. What was it about jake

Jacob:  *looks up* he wouldnt freakin talk to me...I needed some answers...he is bein stubborn as hell...

Rebecca:  *takes a deep breath* talk to you about what jake. what answers do you need. he is not the only stubborn one here

Jacob:  I needed to hear about Mom, I jsut wanted to talk about it, i thought it would help us both...*looks back at the floor* I didnt mean for it to go there..

Rebecca:  *shakes my head* and you needed to do this today. you could see how he has been this week. This year is alot harder on him jake and what do you mean go there where did the argument go jake

Jacob:  *raises my voice* We Yelled OKAY?! What the HELL Do you want me to say Becs? Huh? And I didnt wanna do it today, ive tried for 3 effing days!

Rebecca: *shakes my head* JAKE ARE YOU MENTAL !!!!  how can you have an argument with him now today of all the days. could you not just wait for him to work it out first. why do you need to push the subject, geez you could have asked me i could have told you

Jacob:  You DONT know as much as he does! and i THOUGHT it would Help! We are ALL Hurtin here Becs...*shakes my head*



Rebecca:  *looks at you and tries to maintain some composure* I dont care if he yelled at you, you should have known better. he has hardly slept or eaten. I dont even know if he paid attention to his meds jake so no i am not cutting you some slack.

Jacob:  *shakes my head,speaking thru a clenched jaw* Thats why I wanted to come home and TALK TO HIM! DAMNIT!*punches at the wall*

Rebecca:  *sees the hole in the wall* great jake do you think you can leave some of the house standing as we still need to stay here. well just use your head and leave dad alone. he is probably at moms grave or the fishing waters. he will call if he need us

Jacob:  *looks over at you with anger* FINE.

*grab my keys and look at you* and get a grip of yourself. you can talk to me and rachel we also part of this you know * i walk out and slam the door needing to just get away as the tears run down my cheeck*

Jacob:  *runs my fingers angrily through my hair,groaning* WHAT THE HELL DID I DO? GEEZ...*still concerned about my Dad, walks to the couch and sits with my head in my hands*

Sue:  *smiles at Quil Snr & Sam* Ok I'm calling the house, it's not like Billy to be this late for our council lunch *dials Billy's no. on my cell, turning away slightly from the table as it rings*

Jacob:  *hears the phone ring, hopin its my dad, answers quickly as i jump over the couch to answer it* Dad??

Sue:  *laughs softly as I hear Jake answer* Hey Jake, no it's me Sue

Jacob:  *places my palm against the wall as i talk,dropiing my head* oh..hey Sue, thought you mightve been my Dad...

Sue:  No sorry Jake, I'm actually looking for him *glances back to Quil snr & Sam before continuiing* He's supposed to be here now, at our council lunch and *pauses, checking my watch again* Well its getting rather late

Jacob: Hold up! He didnt show?! *an avalanche of concern washes over me*

Sue:  *hears the panic in your voice, instantly worrying me* Well *looks towards the door again* no he didn't, Jake is everything ok?

Jacob:  Uh..*rubs my neck* I gotta run sue, I'll let you know...

Sue:  *frowning into the phone* Ok Jake, listen if he turns up, I'll let you know too ok.

Jacob:  *nods* okay..later Sue..*hangs up the phone, immediately dialing Charlie*

Charlie: *hears the phone ring, picks up*  Forks PD, Chief Swan.

Jacob:  Charlie..its Jake *breaths deeply* Have you seen my dad at all?

Charlie:  *rubs his mustache, thinking for a moment*  Not in a couple days - we talked about the horrible Texans game, but other than that, we haven't spoken.

Jacob:  He didnt show up to his council meeting...and he hasnt been home...

Charlie:  Huh.  He isn't out fishing?  Or hanging out with Sue?

Jacob:  *shakes my head* No...Im concerned...*feels my heart beat pick up,anxious*

Charlie:  Well, when was the last time you saw him?

Jacob:  *grimaces* uh..this mornin...he left the house..I didnt see where he went Charlie...

Charlie:  Well...*sigh*  I'll be out later this evening.  If I see him while I'm driving the town, I'll make sure he calls you as soon as possible.  *frown*  If you see him, give me a call at the house.

Jacob:  *nods* Alright...will do...thanks Charlie...

Charlie:  Keep in touch, Jake.  *hangs up the phone, rubbing his mustache*

Jacob: *hangs up the phone and begins to pace, tryin to think of where he might be*  *picks up the phone one more time in desperation and calls Liseli*

Leseli:  *Leans across the table to get the phone* Hello?

Jacob:  *speaks with urgency* Liseli? hey..its ..uh, Jacob...

Liseli:  *Feels a sudden wash of cold come over me as I hear the tone to your voice* What's wrong?

Jacob:  Have you um...seen my all??*hopin you have an answer*

Liseli:  Your.. da- .. Billy?  *Takes a deep breath, worry filling me for some reason* I havnen't.. *looks at the calendar*  he should be at the tribal council meeting.

Jacob: uh...okay...*exhales sharply,my mind racing*

Liseli:  jacob.. is something wrong?  I mean I know what today is.. *trails off*

Jacob:  *nods* yeah..uh...its fine...I gotta run..

Liseli:  *Inhales sharply, wanting to speak more but hearing the phone go dead*  Jake...

Jacob:  *takes off quickly through the front door, jumping back on my bike to go search for my Dad*

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did u find him? x



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