Tiffany’s Diary

December 19, 2000


We buried my best friend today.


I am empty and lost. The one person I could go to with anything is now gone. I sit here, in the quiet of my home, wondering what I should do next. For today, there is no more to do.


All of La Push turned out to honor this amazing spirit, who graced the world so briefly. She was the granddaughter of an elder and the wife of the chief. She was a mother, lover, friend, talented artist wit the watercolor palette. She could take and tell a joke, cook like a crazy woman and baked the best snickerdoodle cookies I have ever had.


She was one of the first to welcome me to La Push, never judging, never pitying. She held my hand through my difficult delivery of Embry and we shared the joy of our sons growing up together. We shared each others clothes, shoes, recipes, and secrets.


I envied her the family she had. She was close with her parents and had their love and support. She had a handsome, doting husband, beautiful twin daughters and a handsome heir to the chief as a son. She was on the school council, the community council, ran the bake sales and helped with the tribal councils and events.


She was the first woman I loved. I never knew what friendship was and she took me under her wing and helped me to overcome the years of cold abuse from my parents, taught me it was okay to love and trust and share.


Now, she is gone. All I can do is cry for my friend, so beautiful and young, so much she had yet to experience, taken from her children and her husband. Sue and I will come together and try to keep her in our hearts and minds. I know I can’t ever forget her.  We will be there for Billy, Rachel, Rebecca and Jacob, we will look after them until they are steady. And beyond.


Because that is what Sarah would do.


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