We finally got the call we had been waiting for, we could take Aerie home. I could barely contain my excitement as we drove. Our baby was finally coming home with us and we could start this next chapter in our life.  For more than three weeks, really, since we found out we were pregnant, it has felt as if life was on hold, waiting for this tiny human being to join us, as if it cemented the dream come true.


I knew the kids had already fallen in love with her. The had been so helpful throughout it all, even tough Jacob and Rachel had misgivings. Rebecca and Leo, while only just arriving, had been supportive as well. That was another blessing to us, that they had returned to LaPush to rejoin the family. While I was still unsure of myself with Rebecca, I had hopes that our relationship would be at the very least as friends. I knew it was asking a lot for her to welcome me as a mother like Rachel had.


Embry was so proud, he showed every single person who looked his direction about is baby sister. I think for him, it was also a completion of a dream. He has never said anything, but I am sure he longed for a “normal” family growing up. It couldn’t have been easy for him, growing up with no father at home, although he looked to Billy as he got older. I also think that he was relieved for me, because I know as he matured, he worried about me being alone.


So now, as we bring our little Angelbird home, the next chapter begins for all of us. No one knows what each day will bring, but with my family around me, a complete unit, I know I can face and handle whatever life decides to give us.

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