Closing my eyes briefly, my hand still clutching the door handle, "C'mon Ma, that won't save you", Seth chuckles as he pries my fingers from the door, and leads us straight to the front counter. "You never know", I mutter but further discussion is temporarily thwarted by the ever smiling young Stacey and Seth moving across to the ticket window.

"Hi Mrs Clearwater, what can I get you?" Several suggestions including "Please hide me", flit across my mind but I smile and order a large popcorn and sodas. "So, what are you seeing ton..." "Hey Stacey", chimes Seth as he joins us grinning like a cheshire cat! "We're all set" he beams holding up the tickets. All I can do is grimace and shrug as Stacey's mouth drops open... "But you don't watch scary movies Mrs Clearwater.... Oh Seth", chides Stacey, shaking her head, "Your mom is going to kill you if she survives this" "She'd have to catch me first", Seth starts to joke... but I interrupt quickly with, "It's ok Stacey, we have a deal.... After this we're going home to watch any girl movie I want! Lets see, we have Lakehouse, Sabrina, Pride & Prejudice...." "Yeah, yeah I know" Seth starts to tug on my arm.... "Quite stalling Ma", he laughs before winking at Stacey. "See you in class Stace" Leaving Stacey with a departing smile & wave, I resign myself to my fate and follow my son. Why on earth do I feel like I'm walking towards the gallows?

We find our seats and moments later the lights dim and the curtains open. My stomach is in knots and the trailers have begun... "This is it Ma", Seth whispers. "No turning back now", he winks. "Please don't remind me, I can't believe I'm doing this", I grumble back. All I can hear is his chuckling and from my peripheral vision his hand reaching for a handful of popcorn. So stay tuned good friends and hopefully I survive this torture, to tell you the rest of my hideous tale.

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