It has been 2 years since Sam and I got married and they have been the most wonderful years of my life, Him and Shay are everything to me. I still remember like it was yesterday the day Ayasha was born ,I was in our living room watching a movie when the contractions started and my water broke, I remember how Sam was so nervous when I told him it was time,he ran all around the house not knowing what to do first and when we got to the forks hospital he could not even remember my name to get me registered , he was so worried that I was in pain and he could not do anyting to help me,even when I kept telling him I was ok he well just did not listen, so Dr. Cullen came out and calmed Sam and helped us get registered and I must say even if he is a vampire I trust him with my life.
After we got settled and 45 minutes of labor on December 2nd 2009, Ayasha was born with 6 pounds 2oz and 20 inches ,she was the most beautiful baby girl I had ever seen Sam and I were so happy to finally have her in our arms,when we first carried her in the delivery room we could not stop crying.Later that day I had Ayasha in my arms when Sam came into the room carrying a huge bear and a bouquet of roses he had a huge smile on his face and when he carried our baby I swear she open her eyes and smiled at him.

After we got home the next day everyone came to visit and brought gifts for Shay, Sam and I were so happy that our daughter has a lot of uncles that will always be there for her and also babysit. Now almost 2 years later that bear Sam brought to the hospital room is now in Shay's room and she just loves it ,and of course she does it was the first gift she received from her daddy, she just loves Sam so much everytime she see's him she raises her little arms so he can carry her and play with her, because she loves to spend as much time as possible with her daddy, I just love to see them play and I love the way she giggles and laughs ,he is her world. When she is not playing with Sam she is my little helper, she loves to get her little hands in the flour when I'm baking and  giggles so much her face turns red when she puts her hands on her cheeks and then does the same to me and Sam if he is home, because she just knows we look silly.

My girl is very smart her first word as "Daddy",Sam was so proud of her little girl when he heard her saying it for the first time a few months ago, we were having dinner and she wanted a piece of bread from the table and she just pointed and said Daddy, Sam and I just looked at each other stunned to hear that we started laughing and Sam picked her up and spinned her around she laughed and once again said it that was a great night we'll never forget it, soon after that she said Mommy.

Since Shay was born our lives are so full,I love every minute I spend with my daughter and husband and I treasure it so much , Sam is an amazing father and husband I could not ask for more, they complete my life in so many ways I don't think I could ever be able to explain with words.

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Comment by Emily Uley on April 6, 2012 at 11:10am

Thank you Paul and yes it has been that long, time passes by so fast right and my little girl is perfect I cannot imagine life without her now and you are right our lives will never be the same.


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