Thinking on the up coming elections and all that transpired this last year here in Egypt. So many changes and so many things have remained the same.

Last year Mr. Mubarak was asked by the people to vacate his position as president of Egypt. On February 11, 2011 Mr. Suleiman (the Vice President) announced that Mr. Mubarak stepped down leaving in his wake the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (or SCAF).

SCAF has created a martial law state in Egypt. It has been that way for about 30 years. This is also an unwanted situation for the people of Egypt. Why? Because the SCAF and the President were/are corrupt.

People are still protesting in the streets. The people's will is not being heard. Rubber bullets, real bullets flying into the crowds. Rocks being thrown at the military personnel arriving on the scene to keep the peace but they have other orders.

On August 3, 2011, while changing the channels on the local television station and seeing the headline. Mr. Mubarak and his sons on trial for corruption, abuse of power and possibly for premeditated murder of the peaceful protesters during the revolution. The prosecutors also mention that they had investigated Mr. Mubarak's role in the assassination of his predecessor Mr. Anwar Sadat. Shaking my head thinking that that won't stick at all. However, hoping that it would and that we would finally have peace.

As I flip to the news channel and hear the proclamation from the court Mr. Mubarak was sentenced to life in prison. Standing there in the room motionless, almost statue-like, I fall to my knees and if I could cry I would have. Justice was served to the people. No one is above or below the law, this is proof.

My hope is that once the new president has been chosen for the people and by the people, we will not return to this dark time ever again.

"No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man's permission when we require him to obey it.""Obedience to the law is demanded as a right; not asked as a favor." - Theodore Roosevelt , Third Annual Message to the United States Congress, December 7, 1903

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